Polskojęzyczna strona poświęcona życiu i twórczości pastora Charlesa Taze Russella
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
<< Back Chosen no: R-4815 a,   from: 1911 Year.
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The Westward Convention Tour

THE WATCH TOWER of May 1 is ready for the press as we arrive home from our European campaign. We are quite well and send greetings to all of our dear readers, promising further details later respecting our European experiences.

We take this opportunity to express our regret that so considerable an announcement of our Western Tour during June and July was inserted in these columns during our absence. We are finding no fault, however; those responsible for the insertion used their best judgment and supposed they had the Editor's mind on the subject. We would have preferred the bare announcement of the stopping-places and dates, rather than what might to some appear an advertisement and a solicitation for a large party.

We appreciate very much the interest in this Tour displayed by some of the friends, particularly by Brother Dr. Jones, the prime mover in the excursion feature. We wish, however, to have it distinctly understood that neither the Bible and Tract Society, nor the Editor has anything whatever to do with the arrangements for the excursion party. Brother Jones inquired months ago whether or not the Editor would object to company on this Convention Tour. He was assured that we would greatly enjoy the fellowship of friends accompanying, although we would not expect to be with them much, because necessities require that our work through a stenographer shall continue at every available opportunity during the two months of our absence from Brooklyn. We specified this, so that whoever would be of Brother Jones' company would know in advance not to expect very much of the Editor's time in conversation, etc.

We are stating matters thus very plainly, in order that none may join Brother Jones' excursion under any misapprehension, nor with the supposition that the Society has urged them to do so; nor should we be considered as a party in any sense of the word to any appeals for aid in connection with the excursion. We urge each one contemplating the matter to consider the subject on its own merits and to decide in respect to these matters according as his own conscience shall dictate to him the Lord's will.

W.T. R-4815 a : page 143 – 1911 r.

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