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Chosen no: R-924 , from: 1887 Year. |
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"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ...
for [i.e. because] therein is the righteousness [justice]
of God revealed to [our] faith, for [our further]
faith."--Rom. 1:16,17.
While the gospel which Paul preached
was "good tidings" to men, it was tidings
which did not dishonor God, but on the
contrary showed forth and magnified his
justice and his law. Suppose Paul had
preached, saying--"Ho sinners! God
sends you a message of joy, that he has
concluded, that the original sentence upon
mankind--death--was too severe, and
he now sends you a word of promise, that
he will release you and restore you to life
by a resurrection, shortly. So many of
you as believe, rejoice and enter his service."
Such a message would have been
good tidings to men, but therein would
be revealed not the justice [righteousness]
of God, but injustice, unrighteousness.
Such a message would be an admission of
error and injustice on God's part in the
original sentence.
Or secondly, suppose Paul's message
had been, "Give ear, O sinners, God now
sends you a message of pardon. You are
guilty, and under condemnation of death
justly; not one feature of the death sentence
was unjust or unmerited, but God
has changed his plans, and proposes to set aside his own just verdict and allow his
love to rule him now, as he at first allowed
his justice to rule him. He therefore offers
pardon to all who will accept of it, and full
restoration to all he once took from us."
Such a message might seem to men to
be good tidings, but therein would be revealed
unrighteousness, or lack of justice on God's part; for while claiming, that
his original sentence was just, he would
thus be undoing his own just work, which
would be rank injustice. According to
Justice it would be as wrong, as unjust
[unrighteous], to let a guilty one go free
from the just penalty of his guilt, as to
punish one not guilty. Justice would be
equally violated in either case. So if this
had been God's plan, Paul would have
been ashamed of it; for therein would
have been revealed injustice on God's part.
Besides, if God was sincere and honest
and just in his original sentence upon the
sinner--death--were he afterward to as
sincerely and honestly reverse his own decree and pardon the guilty, it would show
change on his part: that he like fallen imperfect
[R924 : page 5] human beings is ruled by impulse,
whiles just and whiles unjustly loving. If
such were our view of our Creator, what
dependence could we place upon his promises
more than on his threats? If he
should change and clear the guilty, whose
life he once declared forfeited, might he
not change again and rescind and recall
the unjust pardon and inflict the just penalty?
If he changes his plans even once
in six thousand years, we have no security
for eternity. Such a plan would leave us
as uncertain of God's promises and threatenings,
as many earthly children are uncertain
of the promises and threatenings
of their parents. Such a message, when
thus examined, would not really be very good tidings, and Paul would be ashamed
of it, for therein would be revealed the unrighteousness
and changeableness of God.
Or thirdly, suppose Paul's message had
run thus: "Beloved, I have a glorious
message for you from God; it is this: God
wishes you now to know, that he is about
to restore and bless you, and wishes you
to come into harmony with him and his
arrangements. God in the past has only
deceived us, but thus did evil that good
might come; but now he will deceive us
no more. Adam's trial and fall, and
through his fall from divine favor, the fall
of all, was a farce, and the sentence of
death, dust to dust, pronounced in Eden,
was a mere deception. God never meant [R925 : page 5] such a penalty, though he pronounced it.
And for thousands of years God has simply
been pretending wrath and death against
sinners, and has brought pain, and trouble,
and death on the world, to carry out his
great deception. Really, God never meant what he said, that death should be the wages
of sin; and he never will inflict such a penalty--it was all a deception. Now God is telling us the truth, telling us of
his love and favor; he is no longer trifling
with us; and presently he will remove present
evils, which he put upon our race not
as a penalty, for we never really and justly
deserved it, but he put them upon us as
a blessing, which shall be for our good."
What kind of "good tidings" to men
would this be? It might be considered
good news in that it would hold out a
hope of escape from the pretended but unmerited
chastisement for sin, never imputed
to them by God; but such a message
would proclaim God a liar; and any
message from so unscrupulous a being
would be unworthy of the slightest acceptance
or credence. And such a message
should not be heeded at all.
So, then, none of these is the gospel of
Christ which Paul preached, and of which
he was not ashamed; for Paul's message
revealed the righteousness, the justice of
God, which these do not. Besides, in
none of the above is Christ a necessity, though some of our day who preach one
or other of the above gospels of the unrighteousness of God, drag into their message
the name of Christ and his example. But Paul's message was not good tidings,
with which Christ's name and example merely were connected, but good tidings
of Christ, making him and his sacrifice
the basis or foundation of the good tidings.
And fourthly, let us suppose Paul's message
to drag in the name and example of
Christ, as so many now preach it and believe
it, thus: "Oh! sinners, I come to
you with the message of reconciliation!
God is pining for your love and favor.
He has been trying to draw you to himself
for thousands of years, and finally sent his
Son to tell you that he loves you and
wants you to love him. Do not believe
those parts of the Scripture which teach
that 'God is angry with the wicked;' ignore
those also which speak of the wrath
of God now revealed against sin and sinners, in death and misery, as we see
them all about us; endeavor to bury your
senses and believe that God is not, and
never was angry with the wicked; and believe
also that death never was and never
will be the wages of sin. Cast such Scriptures
and facts from your minds, if you
find no way of twisting them to fit this
message. Then, accept of this as God's
message: God wants you to look at Jesus
and his perfect, sinless life and to follow
his example perfectly. Do this and you
shall have life and every favor of God.
But you had best, when talking of this
matter, use the words Ransom and Sacrifice for sins, often, so as to draw attention
away from the fact that this gospel contains
no thought of a ransom from guilt,
condemnation and death, and no thought
of a sacrifice, except it be that each sinner
would thus sacrifice his own sins. This
thought we could not admit unless by supposing
that Christ Jesus was a sinner and
sacrificed his sins, and that thus sinners are
to follow his example and sacrifice each
his own sins. Should this point be noticed
by any who do their own thinking,
pass it over by saying that the philosophy of the plan of salvation cannot be understood;
and thus smother the objections."
Of all the foregoing this is the most deceptive,
in that it furnishes greater opportunities
for misapplying those scriptures
which applied and were given to the Jew
under Law, and not under favor in Christ,
and those also which mention the privilege
of saints, already justified from sin by
faith in Christ's blood, to join with Him
in sacrifice, becoming so far as possible
imitators of him, not in putting away their
sins, (He had none and theirs are already
reckoned as blotted out), but in sacrificing
pleasures and interests not sinful, for
the good of others.
This is the weakest of all these four false
messages for it embraces all the defects of
the others and adds to them. This message
ignores the Scriptural penalty for sin,
as well as the fact of death, offering no
solution for the same. It thus implies,
either that no sentence was pronounced
and that man has been unjustly punished
thus far, or else that God will unjustly ignore,
and set aside, and cancel that sentence,
having changed his plan. And lastly,
after all this, it has no "good tidings"
in it; for it lays down conditions which
no sinner can comply with: namely, following Christ's example perfectly. No
saint (justified from sin and restored to
divine favor through faith in the sacrifice for his sin which Christ gave, and supported
and helped in every time of need), can
hope to follow his Master's example perfectly, and how useless would it be for a
sinner to attempt it (unjustified by faith in
the ransom, unreconciled, still under condemnation,
the merits of Christ not imputed to him, to cover as a robe of righteousness
his filthy rags;) and how absurd
to tell such to go to God and be reconciled by following the example of Christ.
No, there is no good tidings in this to any
who can and do use their reasoning powers.
They see how the whole Jewish nation
for hundreds of years tried to commend
themselves to God by good works,
yet all failed; and by works and sacrifices
none were reconciled or justified. Faith
--faith in Christ's finished work on our
behalf--a ransom, corresponding price,
given for all, is the only ground of reconciliation,
on which the sinner can come
to God. All his works and sacrifices are
blemished, dead and unacceptable, until
he is reconciled to God through the death
of Christ, the just one who died for the
unjust, to bring us to God. Thus we who
were as sinners afar off, under condemnation,
are brought nigh to God--within
reach of divine favors, blessings, and promises,
by the blood of Christ.--Eph. 2:13.
The Gospel, the good tidings of great
joy which Paul preached, not only did not
reveal God as changeable, unreliable, and
unrighteous, but on the contrary it did reveal
a plan, by which the justice, as well
as the love of God came to our rescue, for
having so loved us as to provide our ransom,
He is just to forgive us our sins once
atoned for "by the death of his Son."
This gospel admits of our guilt. It admits
the death-penalty to be the just wages of
sin. It acknowledges the facts of dying
and death all about us, as effects of that
penalty pronounced upon our perfect representative,
of whose condemnation to
death we partake by inheritance. It acknowledges
that this penalty, being a just one, can never justly be set aside. Paul's
gospel shows how the Son of God became
a man, perfect and sinless like our representative,
and then gave himself a ransom or corresponding price for Adam, and
hence for all who were condemned with
him, through his failure. This was the
foundation fact of Paul's gospel. The second
part was, that Christ having thus
paid our ransom price, by meeting the
full demands of justice, against Adam and
all whom Adam represented in his failure
--a man for a man--his resurrection in
another and higher nature proved that
God had accepted and rewarded his sacrifice
of himself, by thus creating him again
and highly exalting him even to the divine
nature; and this not by taking back
our ransom price--his sacrificed humanity
--but allowing it to remain dead to all
eternity, that we might go free. He now
lives, the divine Christ, to accomplish for
all in due time the blessings which as a
ransom for all he secured by his death as
"the man Christ Jesus." God can and will
now justly, JUSTIFY freely all who call upon
him for it, through him who is the
"way and the life," who redeemed us with
his own blood and now lives, exalted and
powerful, in due time to release, restore,
and bring back to harmony with God all
the redeemed ones who will accept of his
favor, when brought to a full knowledge of it. This basis of all that Paul preached,
he declares in few words, saying: "I delivered
unto you first of all [as the foundation of the gospel] that which I also received
[first of all], How that Christ died
FOR OUR SINS according to the Scriptures,"
and rose again the third day for our justification.
--1 Cor. 15:3,4; Rom. 4:25.
Another feature of the Apostle's message
built upon this, was, that as the ransom
had been given for all, and as believing
thereon was the only way by which
any could receive the benefits of that ransom
(a second chance or trial for life)
THEREFORE it must sooner or later be testified
to all.--1 Tim. 2:6.
Another feature of his message was concerning
further favor, open to justified believers
during the Gospel age, namely,
"access into this grace (favor) wherein ye
stand," rejoicing "in hope of the glory of
God" (Rom. 5:2). Access to justification,
divine favor, harmony and peace,
came first through faith in the ransom. But next came access to the glory of God,
the privilege of becoming heirs of glory,
joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, their Lord,
on a specified condition: namely, If they
would suffer with him. Access to this
high calling, this invitation to suffer with
Christ now, and afterward to reign with
him, and be made like him partaker of
the divine nature, was offered not to sinners,
but only to those justified from sin
through faith in his blood. Faith in his
blood changed them from being children
of wrath under condemnation, and made
them children of God through faith, under
his love and favor. And it was not until
we ceased to be condemned sinners and
became justified human sons of God, that
we were invited to sacrifice our human
rights and privileges, and reckon ourselves
thus followers in Jesus' footsteps, and
heirs with him of future glories.
[R926 : page 5]
We praise God, then, not only that the
time is coming, when the good tidings of
great joy, of redemption and forgiveness
of sins through him that loved us and
bought us with his own precious blood,
shall be made known unto ALL PEOPLE,
but we praise him also, that the plan he
has chosen is wise and just, as well as loving.
We thank him that we can see how
he can be just while justifying the guilty
ones whom he once justly condemned,
through him whom he set forth to be the
propitiation (satisfaction) for our sins, and
not for ours only, but also for the sins of
the whole world. Thanks be to God!
Paul was not ashamed of this gospel, and
we are not ashamed of this gospel of which
we also are made ministers and ambassadors;
for therein is revealed the righteousness
of God, appealing to our faith as reasonable,
and furnishing us a firm foundation
for faith and trust in all his future
dealings--those revealed to faith and those
unseen as yet. Truly it is written, that
all who have the harp of God in tune
and have gotten the victory over the doctrines
of the beast and his image, etc., can
sing heartily of this gospel, saying, "Great
and marvelous are thy works [plans], Lord
WAYS."--Rev. 15:2,3.