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Chosen no: R-1096 b, from: 1889 Year. |
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Since a large proportion of those called
to be saints are already charged with the
care of families; and since God does in
no sense release them from those cares
and responsibilities, it behooves such to
carefully study how they may best fulfill
them according to the divine directions.
In searching the Scriptures we do not
find full and complete directions as to
methods and plans for the training of
children, but we do find principles laid
down which we are expected to study and
work out with care, and which we are
assured will in due time develop the desired
results. Solomon said, "Train up
a child in the way he should go, and when
he is old he will not depart from it."
(Prov. 22:6.) Parents are exhorted not
to provoke their children to anger, but to
rebuke and punish when necessary, and
to train them up in the nurture and admonition
of the Lord, etc. And then
we have the example of our heavenly
Father set forth for our study and imitation.
[R1097 : page 6] A little reflection upon these simple
rules, together with a close observation
of God's methods of training and discipline,
will supply all the needed instruction
on the subject.
In the first place, if we would govern
others properly, we must, God-like, govern
ourselves: We must be just, benevolent,
kind, thankful, patient and loving,
remembering always that our most effective lessons are given by personal example.
If you teach only by word, you are constantly
condemning yourself and pointing
out your weaknesses, and the ready perception
of childhood will quickly draw
the inference that you should first practice
what you preach; and all your preaching
will be in vain, unless you do so. Here,
then, is the first rule for Christian parents
--So far as possible, be what you would have your children be; Never for
a moment forget that you are a teacher,
and that from morning till night you are
being studied and copied. If you are
peevish, fretful, and complaining, disliking
to do this duty, and despising that,
wishing the lines had fallen to you in
pleasanter places, coveting your neighbor's
wealth, or health, or ease, etc., etc.,
do not be surprised, if you find the same
dispositions cropping out in your children.
And if it does, its constant friction and
interference with the home duties, will
necessitate force and pulling and driving
and punishing, and thus greatly increase
your burdens and cares.
If, on the other hand, you are cheerful
and happy, regarding the duties of life as
your greatest pleasure, yes, even what
many are pleased to style the menial offices
of home service; if you are thankful for
such things as you have in the present
life, and anxious and helpful in relieving
the cares and lightening the burdens of
your less favored neighbors, the little ones
around your feet will quickly discern and
catch your happy, thankful, energetic and
helpful spirit; and thus half the victory
in the matter of home training will be
Dear mothers, never let the little ones
hear you say, "I dislike to wash dishes,"
or "I dislike to cook," or that you
dislike to perform any other duty that
devolves upon you now; and never
allow such an expression from them
to pass unreproved. Rather say, "My
dear children, if you will think again,
you will see that you are very unthankful
when God has so generously filled your
plates, to be too indolent to wash them,
that he may fill them again." Perhaps if
we continue such ingratitude he may some
time refuse to fill them, to bring us to our
senses and show us, how mean we have
been. Never give them the idea, by
word or look of yours, that pleasure is to
be sought for elsewhere than in the line
of duty. Then you will be preparing
them to find happiness all day long in
the kindly offices of love and duty, instead
of stolidly toiling all day at irksome
tasks, and impatiently waiting for a little
diversion or frolic at the end of the day
or week as compensations. In the cheerful
performance of duty is the highest
form of happiness, with which an evening's
diversion, a picnic, etc., are not
worthy to be compared. And yet such
innocent pleasures, when they come without
special seeking--i.e., when they are
not looked for, and longed for, and sought
after, as the chief end of existence--are
pleasant, healthful and happy episodes
which may add greatly to the happiness
especially of young life, particularly when
they come not too frequently, and as
pleasant surprises from loving parents or
friends. The habit of some, of paying
children for what they do, detracts from
their sense of duty in the matter of home
service and substitutes a selfish and independent
spirit. Better far let any gift be
understood as entirely independent of
remunerative considerations.
Our second rule should be, never by
word or example to encourage idleness.
Idleness is the mother of vice and a fruitful
source of every evil; for Satan finds
some mischief still for idle hands to do.
Nature itself teaches plainly that idleness
is not the normal condition of any healthy
human being. You cannot punish a child
more severely than to require perfect
idleness. The human mind is never idle
except when asleep, and sometimes not
then. And it is almost an impossibility
for the human body to be inactive, unless
disabled by disease.
To release a child, therefore, from all
the restraints of duty, is not always to
rest him. If no duties or responsibilities
are placed upon him, he will spend the
time and effort in doing as he pleases and
in learning from other willful and untrained
children what you may afterward
find it impossible to eradicate or fully
counteract. Children are better for having
some responsibility and some care,
though, if possible, they should not be
overburdened. They will also develop
more perfectly, if they have some time
and opportunity to work out their own
original ideas. Boys will be well and
happily employed with carpenter's tools
and other constructive implements; and
girls with dolls and needles and pins, etc.
But do not give them too many or too
complete a set of toys, or you will leave
no room for ingenuity. A rag doll of
Katie's own make and on which Johnny
has displayed his art in penciling features
will often be more precious than one you
might purchase. And economy and carefulness
can be taught by very special care
of the finer Christmas doll. And as they
acquire skill, let it be applied to things
useful, and let them see that you appreciate
their skill by giving them this liberty
to utilize it. Play should always be secondary
to real service. Nellie must drop
the doll quickly to heed the cry of the
[R1097 : page 7] real baby; and Johnny must leave the interesting
hammer and nails to run the
necessary errands. If taught to do so
from infancy these habits will grow, and
they will be both useful and happy in so
Prompt, cheerful, loving obedience
should be expected and enforced--not by
repeated urging to duty, but by a simple
showing of duty, and a penalty of some
kind for its non-performance. Do not
lower your dignity, work yourself into a
nervous excitement, and disturb the peace
of the rest of the family, by continually
upbraiding and urging a refractory one.
Rather give some one else the privilege (for so they should be taught to regard
it) of doing that duty, and let that one
feel that he missed both the privilege and
the approval that comes with it.
And this gives another suggestion,
namely, to train children to be sensitive
to the approval of parents, of God, and
of their own consciences. If conscience
is unheeded, if God is unknown or unloved,
and if parents are only regarded
as servants, nothing but brute force will
compel submission to authority; and that
submission will be an ignoble one, and at
best only temporary. How can this be
done? Well, it cannot be done in a day;
and listless, heedless parents cannot do it
at all. This is one of the fine points that
will require skill and ingenuity. You
will need to study the disposition of your
child, to watch for the opportunities to
instruct and impress him, and to let none
of them slip. You will need to watch
the little things in his deportment, to express
your affectionate approval of his
good points (when expedient, but not always,
lest it cultivate vanity) and your
pain and displeasure at his errors and
failures. Let him feel that your eye and
God's is ever upon him, just as we feel
that God's eye is upon us. (2 Chron. 16:9;
Psa. 34:15; 1 Pet. 3:12; Prov. 15:3.)
Do not let him sit by your side
at the table and eat like a savage who
does not know the use of a knife and
fork; do not let him be mean enough to
grab the best of everything for himself
and pay no attention to the wants of
others. Teach them to be generous, to
prefer one-another, and to be watchful
for one-another's interests; and the table,
however plain be the meal, is one of the
best opportunities for inculcating such
lessons. Let good manners and good
principles be the frequent subjects of conversation
at such times. In fact no other
opportunity so favorable and so frequent
presents itself. Make good use of them
all, and study to do so. Remember, too,
that your children come into the world
ignorant of everything, and even the
commonest civilities must be taught them
by both word and example. Therefore
be patient, careful, watchful and wise
both in teaching them good and in counteracting
Cultivate the acquaintance of your
children; enjoy their society and let them
enjoy yours. Be young with them, but
give them the advantage of your years of
experience; and to this end never let
your dignity descend to the level of frivolity
or foolishness. Hold your own
standpoint, but sympathize with theirs,
and do not forget your feelings and experiences
at their age. Invite their confidence
and never make light of their
troubles, but comfort and advise them as
your love and experience enables you to
do. Never speak slightingly of one to
another, nor allow them to do so without
Watch for the first outcroppings of
wrong principles and talk to them seriously
about them. Show them the mean
principles in some very small actions and
what their miserable fruits are when a
little more matured. Talk freely, not
always to them, but before them of the
wants and sufferings and trials of others,
and let them see you planning and active
in efforts to relieve as much of it as possible.
Send them or take them with you
on errands of love and mercy; and let
them see that you prefer to go to the
house of sorrow and mourning to comfort
those that weep, rather than to the house
of mirth.
Be cheerful, do not wear a long dejected
face, even if you have trouble, or if
you are sympathizing with others in
trouble. Let the sunshine of Christian
peace and joy illuminate your countenance
at all times, and you can carry that
[R1098 : page 7] sunshine not only into your own home,
but into all the homes you enter.
Be generous, no matter how poor you
are, and teach and talk of generosity and
show by word and action, how it needs
to be balanced by frugality, and what extremes
both run to, when not rightly
Let your children have access to good
books and encourage them to read for information,
and to report what they read.
Endeavor to give them broad ideas; do
not let them think that the little home
circle and their immediate friends and
relatives are the largest and most important
part of the world. Show them that
the human race is one great family, children
of one father and mother, and that
as brothers and sisters they should love
one another; that the dead as well as the
living were part of this one family, and
that history shows how they lived and
what they accomplished, how good and
great some were, and how wicked others
were. This will serve to awaken interest
in a very instructive line of reading and
prepare the way for further instruction of
prophecy which reveals the future destiny
of the race. Instructive reading of various
kinds will crowd out bad company
and its attendant evils.
To these suggestions we might append
the following useful hints which some one
1. When you consent, consent cheerfully.
2. When you refuse, refuse finally.
3. Often commend.
4. Never scold.
5. Beware of making an issue with
your child, but when an issue is forced
carry it out. It is with children as with
men, few of whom, says Goethe, are open
to conviction, but the majority of whom
are open to persuasion.
In other words--Rule yourself before
attempting to rule your child.
All of these points good and wise
worldly parents have observed and profited
by; and even without the restraints
and power of a religious training, they
have raised sons and daughters to honor
and to comfort them in their declining
years. And yet, in addition to all the
nice points and the fine points of wise
and careful training, there is a mightier
power than all else in a decided religious
training. If the little ones are taught
from infancy to know and love God as
the wise and loving provider of every
blessing they enjoy, as the rewarder of
righteousness and the punisher of evil
doers (not always now, but in his own
due time); if they are early taught to
bring their little troubles to him for sympathy
and help, and their little joys and
blessings to him in thankfulness and
praise; and if they are taught the plan
and purposes of God as they are able to
comprehend it, the instruction thus received
in the plastic period of childhood
will never be effaced. "Train up a child
in the way he should go and when he is
old he will not depart from it." He may
stray from it in youth, but by and by under
the chastening hand of God, (for God
will not forsake them, but will watch over
them for your sake), a mother's prayers
and counsel and love will be freshly recalled
and heeded,--perhaps long after
she has been laid to rest.
Since such carefulness and watchfulness
and constant attention to the physical,
mental and moral wants of children demand
almost all of a mother's time and
strength, and sometimes more than she
has to give, but little can be expected of
her beyond the family circle in the earlier
years of motherhood. Her faithfulness
here, therefore, will show the measure of
her desire and willingness to be faithful
in the greater work; and verily, she shall
not lose her reward, either in the Master's
approval, or in the love and respect and
reverence of her family. Even if for a
time wayward and thoughtless as some
children seem to be naturally, they also
will by and by rise up and call her blessed.
The work of Christian parents for their
children now should be regarded as part
of the great restitution work of the now
dawning restitution age. And if the
children of the saints are carefully trained
and instructed in the plan of God, and
the great work he is about to accomplish
in the great time of trouble and after it,
doubtless God will be pleased to make
special use of them as the world's instructors,
to point men to the real and only
remedy for all their woes.
Work, dear Christian mothers, with
this end in view, and God will in due
time show that your labor has not been
in vain, in the Lord. Humble and obscure
though you may seem, you have a
blessed mission to fulfill. God bless you
all and give you wisdom, and patience,
and constancy, and prudence, and faith,
and hope, and love, and grace in every
way sufficient to act nobly your part,
while you walk humbly with God casting
your care upon him knowing that he
careth for you and yours specially, for
your sake. MRS. C. T. R.