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LESSON IV., ISA. 37:14-21,33-38, JANUARY 24.
Golden Text.--"The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth
and delivereth them."--Psa. 34:17.
This lesson is a scrap of history incidentally
interwoven with Isaiah's prophecy. In reading
it we should bear in mind that Israel was
God's peculiar people and under his special protection
and care, as it is written, "Ye are the
children of the Lord your God....Thou art
a holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the
Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people
unto himself, above all the nations that are upon
the earth." "The Lord hath chosen Jacob
unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure."
--Deut. 14:2; Psa. 135:4.
We should remember also that God himself
was King of Israel, and that Hezekiah and
others were his representatives on the throne,
as it is written, "Then Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord as king, instead of David his
father." (1 Chron. 29:23.) While God thus
ruled in Israel he permitted all the other nations
to pursue their own course and follow their own
inclinations except when they interfered with
his plans for the government of Israel. When
Israel became refractory and disobedient he often
chastised them by permitting the other nations
to annoy them and take them into captivity,
but as long as they were obedient to the
Lord they had prosperity.
All the promises made to Israel were promises
of temporal good; no mention was made to them
of the heavenly hopes set before the Gospel
Church. These are peculiar to the gospel dispensation
which had its beginning in our Lord's
ministry and at Pentecost, and which closes
with the dawn of the Millennium. The promises
made to Israel were that they should have
the land of Canaan "for an everlasting possession"
(Gen. 17:8), and that, if they were
willing and obedient subjects of God, their
King, they should "eat the good of the land."--
Isa. 1:19.
But they were also told that if they were disobedient
and walked contrary to the Lord, he
also would walk contrary to them, and bring
upon them distress and trouble. See Lev. 26,
and observe in their history how God dealt
with them as he said he would do. So long as
Israel was under the divine rulership and care
no evil could befall them except by divine permission
for their correction and discipline, as
it is written, "Shall there be evil in a city [a
city of Israel], and the Lord hath not done it
[or brought it upon them]?" And they were
generally forewarned of such impending evils
or calamities and given the alternative of repentance;
for, said the Prophet (Amos 3:7),
"Surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets."
In reading Hezekiah's prayer for the deliverance
of Israel from the Assyrian invaders, and
the Lord's answer to that prayer in the destruction
of the enemy, we are not to consider that
a precedent is thus established, whereby other
nations may claim God's help in overcoming
their national enemies; for none of the other
nations has ever been recognized as God's
[R1358 : page 30] kingdom, nor has Israel, since the rejection of
the Messiah. Since that time, God has had no
kingdom set up in the world, but has permitted
the Gentile kingdoms to have full sway until
the time appointed for the establishment of his
own glorious kingdom in the hands of his
Anointed--our Lord Jesus and his Church.
And when that time arrives, which now is not
far distant, all these Gentile kingdoms must be
The only sense in which the kingdom of God
now is or has been in the world since the beginning
of the Gospel age is in its embryo or
incipient stage, and it is composed of the
prospective heirs of that kingdom. In this
sense all through the Gospel age the kingdom
of heaven has suffered violence and the violent
have taken it by force (Matt. 11:12). Suffering
and ignominy, and often martyrdom, have
been its lot; but the glory is to follow in due time.
This scrap of Israel's history which the Prophet
here narrates was given, not merely to point
a moral lesson, but to show, in connection with
other similar items recorded by other prophets
and historians, how God actually did deal with
them as a people according to his promises and
his threatenings. However, we may take all
the good suggestions we can draw out of the
narrative. Thus, for instance, we may admire
Hezekiah's sterling character, particularly in
view of the wicked example of his father who
reigned before him; for instead of heedlessly
following in his unrighteous ways, as most sons
of unrighteous parents incline to do, Hezekiah
resolved to do differently, and became a great
reformer in his day; and the narrative of this
lesson shows his reliance upon God's promises
in time of trouble, and how God honored his
prayer and fulfilled those promises in the deliverance
of Israel from a great impending
The golden text--"The righteous cry, and
the Lord heareth and delivereth them," is applicable
to all who fulfill its conditions.
[R1358 : page 30]