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Chosen no: R-1442 , from: 1892 Year. |
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(NO. II.)
There is another sense in which some are
said to be in Christ. While, as we have just
shown, all believers are represented in Christ
for justification, just as they were formerly represented
in Adam for condemnation, some come
into Christ as members of the Christ body, of
which Christ Jesus is the head. The term
"Christ" signifies the Anointed, and the ceremony
of anointing in olden times, from which
this term is borrowed, signified the consecrating
or setting apart of some one for the office of
king, etc. So the Son of God, our Lord Jesus,
was anointed, consecrated or set apart by God
for the offices of prophet, priest and king. He
is, therefore, the Anointed, the Christ; and since
it is the purpose of God to select from among
[R1442 : page 264] men some to be joint-heirs with him in this inheritance
--"a royal priesthood," of which
Christ Jesus shall be the head or high priest--
all who are of this anointed company are said
to be in Christ. Such are said to be baptized
into Christ: they come into this anointed company,
into the body of Christ, by baptism;
not by baptism in water merely, but by baptism
into the spirit, the disposition, the mind and
will of the head, Christ Jesus, which proves
eventually to be a baptism even unto death.
"Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized
into Jesus Christ were baptized into his
death." But those who are thus planted in
the likeness of his death shall be also in the
likeness of his resurrection--the first order of
resurrection, which is to the spiritual, divine
nature.--Rom. 6:5; Rev. 20:6; 2 Pet. 1:4.
But this high calling is not the special salvation
referred to in the above text. (1 Tim. 4:10.)
True, that special salvation of justification
must be obtained (reckonedly, by faith) by
every one of this class, before he is even
called with this high calling to come into Christ
as a member of his body and a fellow-heir with
him of the coming kingdom. This high calling
is not salvation at all, but a gracious favor
of God beyond the favor of salvation; or, as
John expresses it (John 1:16.--See Emphatic
Diaglott), it is grace upon grace, favor upon
favor. The special salvation referred to by the
Apostle is one which will be bestowed upon all
who believe: not only of this age and of past
ages, but also of the Millennial age; while the
favor of the high calling is proffered only to
believers during the Gospel age.
Thus we have seen that the Lord clearly
points out the conditions upon which his special
or actual salvation, which is provided for
all men, may be realized by all men. And
none can realize it in any other way; for our
"God is a consuming fire" to any who claim
or demand his salvation on any other terms
than through the redemption that is in Christ
Jesus. (Rom. 3:24.) Any who seek to climb
up to life in any other way he declares to be
thieves and robbers (John 10:1,8,9); and to
such the Apostle gives fair warning, saying,
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of
the living God" (Heb. 10:31)--a fearful thing
to stand trial before God in our own righteousness,
which is but "filthy rags," and without
the covering of the robe of imputed righteousness
secured for us by our Redeemer, who
according to our Father's gracious plan becomes
the representative and Mediator for all
who accept his grace. It is the folly of some,
nevertheless, to claim that none can lose or
miss this salvation--notwithstanding all that
the Scriptures say about the conditions of salvation,
and their warning against the possible
loss of it. In the face of the testimony of the
Scriptures to the contrary, such a suggestion is
a forcible reminder of the subtle tempter's
language to our mother Eve in Eden. Said
he, "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of
every tree of the garden? And the woman said,
We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the
garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in
the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye
shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest
ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman,
Ye shall not surely die." God says to all
men, "You may have salvation upon these
terms," while some men say, "There are no
conditions, there are no terms, but the everlasting
salvation all will have." But, beloved, we
are persuaded better things of you: let God be
true, though it prove every man a liar.
The theory of a universal, eternal salvation
is not a new one: it has had some adherents
for many centuries. Indeed, it is older than the
doctrine of redemption; for it was announced
by His Satanic Majesty to our mother Eve in
Eden, when, tempting her to despise the word
of the Lord, he boldly said, "Ye shall not
surely die." For those who have never been
enlightened with a clear knowledge of the plan
of God, and who have been confronted all their
lives with the horrible nightmare of eternal
torment for a large majority of the race, there
is some excuse for swinging to the extreme of
liberalism. In such cases, it may be regarded
more in the light of a benevolent and hopeful
reaction from old superstitions. But the case
is very different when one turns away from a
clear knowledge of the divine plan of redemption
and restitution through faith in Christ and
[R1442 : page 265] repentance and submission of heart and life to
God, to embrace a theory which is antagonistic
in its nature to the whole scheme of redemption
and restitution as set forth in the Scriptures.
Let those who have been once enlightened
take heed, "lest as the serpent beguiled
Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should
be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ"--the simplicity of Christ's doctrine.
--2 Cor. 11:3.
It is true that God has provided salvation for
all men, and that the fullest opportunity for
realizing it will be granted to each and all; but
the terms upon which the favor may be realized
are also distinctly stated, and that together with
the fact that there will be no compromise as to
terms; and, further, that those who reject the
terms reject the proffered salvation, and hence
die the second death, from which there will be
no redemption and no deliverance. (Heb. 10:26-31.)
The Scriptures also abound in warnings
as to the danger of coming under the penalty
of death the second time, after having been
released from the first death, either reckonedly
or actually.--Heb. 6:4-8.
But some, still anxious to maintain this delusive
hope, are willing to press every lame argument
into its service; and they do so until
by logical deduction, based upon this false
premise--that the eternal salvation of every
man is so secure that it cannot be forfeited--
they are driven to the denial of the whole plan
of God from its foundation in the vicarious sacrifice
of Christ to its glorious finish at the end
of his Millennial reign in the restitution of all
things to the perfect condition and happy estate
from which man fell through sin.
Those who determine to make this theory of
a universal, eternal salvation the rallying point
in their theology begin by asserting that it
must be so, because God is love; then they go
farther and say, it must be so, because God is
just. Thus they presume upon the love of God
and claim his salvation upon the score of justice;
and upon this hypothesis they do all
manner of turning and twisting to force the
Scriptures into harmony with their theory.
They make light of all the Bible warnings of a
second death, by claiming that they do not mean
actual physical death, but that the term is figurative
and signifies a death to sin; that it is
the opposite of the first death, which was a
death to righteousness; and that it was this figurative
death to which God referred when he
said, "In the day thou eatest thereof, dying
thou shalt die." Thus the actual death loses
its sting as a penalty for sin, and it is generally
regarded by them as a necessary step in a
process of evolution by which man is evolved
to a higher condition or nature--the spiritual.
To attain this spiritual nature it is therefore
necessary, in their estimation, for every man to
die the second death, which they regard as a
blessing and not a curse. And since physical
death is, presumably, merely a step in a process
of evolution to a higher condition, and not a penalty for sin, therefore there is no necessity for a
ransom from it. Hence the death of Christ is
regarded only as an extreme measure of self-sacrifice,
as an exhibition of the martyr spirit,
in his zeal to show men how to live; and the idea
of a vicarious or substitutionary sacrifice being
required for the satisfaction of divine justice, so
that God could still be just and yet be the justifier,
or savior, of him that believeth in Jesus
(Rom. 3:26), is indignantly scouted as a barbarous
view, and the "precious blood of Christ
wherewith we are sanctified is counted a common
thing" and of no more value to us than
the blood of any other martyr.
But while these would-be philosophers make
this preposterous claim, that the second death,
against which the Scriptures so faithfully warn
us, is only a death to sin and the dawn of a
new life to righteousness, and that it is therefore
nothing to be feared, but rather to be desired,
they seem at times to forget this hypothesis,
and, inconsistently enough with their own theory,
they tell us that if a man actually experiences
a second physical death, or even a third
or fourth, these like the first could only be regarded
as further necessary steps in the process
of evolution, and out of each the persistent
sinner will be recovered without a redemption,
as he was presumably out of the first death.
So they claim that the process of physical death
and resurrection may be repeated over and over
until the sinner is prevailed upon to submit to the
[R1442 : page 266] will of God. And since the Scriptures declare
that some will die at the end of Christ's Millennial
reign, they claim that the work of reform will
continue into the ages to follow--ignoring entirely
the positive statement of the Apostle to
the contrary.--1 Cor. 15:24,25; Rev. 20:6.
This theory would be served by changing
several passages in God's Word. Thus--
[R1443 : page 266]
"As by one man's disobedience
sin entered
into the world, and
death by sin,...even
so, by the righteousness
of one, justification to
life has passed upon
"As all in Adam die,
even so all in Christ
shall be made alive."
"As by a man [Adam]
came death, by a man
also [the man Christ
Jesus, by his sacrifice
for sin] came the resurrection
of the dead."
"He that hath the
Son hath life: he that
hath not the Son shall
not see life."
"He hath opened up
for us a new way of
"To those who seek
for glory, honor and
immortality, he will
render eternal life."
"I have set before
you life and death:
...Choose life that
ye may live."
As by one man's disobedience
sin entered
into the world, and
death by sin,...even
so, by the righteousness
of one, justification to
the second death has
passed upon all.
As in Adam all die,
even so in Christ shall
all die the second death.
As by man came
death, by a man also
came the certainty of
the second death.
All shall share the
second death, and thus
all shall see life.
He hath pointed out
to us the advantages
of the second death.
To all, whether they
seek it or not, he will
render the second death,
which means a death
to sin that will never
You have no choice
in this matter. I will
cast you all into the
second death, which
will be eternal death
to sin.
The revolutionary tendency of the doctrine
is thus very apparent; and when the mind is
fully set on establishing this theory and perverting
every scripture to its support, the false
doctrines that grow out of it are legion, and the
entire Word of God is made of no effect.
The Bible teaching is plain and simple to
those of simple mind, and admits of no such
fanciful and absurd interpretation. There,
death is declared to be "the wages of sin," and
not merely a departure from righteousness.
(Rom. 6:23.) Sin is the departure from righteousness;
and death, destruction of being, is
its just penalty. And since death was the just
penalty of sin, and was pronounced by God, who
cannot err, and who is unchangeable--the same
yesterday, to-day and forever--it could not be
revoked or set aside: no power in heaven or
earth could set aside the immutable claims of
justice until, by the grace of God, the man
Christ Jesus, our Lord, paid our penalty, died
for our sins, legally set us free, and thus made
provision for our recovery out of death in due
time by the process of resurrection. Thanks
be unto God and our Lord Jesus Christ for this
great salvation, purchased on our heavenly Father's
part by the sacrifice of his only begotten
and well beloved Son, and on our Lord's part
by the sacrifice of himself, and made efficacious
to us through faith on our part in his precious
blood shed for many for the remission of sins.
--Matt. 26:28.
And as the original difficulty was not death,
but sin, so the remedy is not second death,
but righteousness. The two principles are Sin
and Righteousness, and under God's arrangement
they each have certain results. Sin results
in DEATH, while righteousness results in LIFE.
The entire race became sinners by heredity in
Adam, weak and unable to fulfil all righteousness,
and hence all shared the penalty, death--
"death passed upon all men," because all are
imperfect, sinners.
But God, foreseeing that some would, after
experience, be willing to obey all righteousness
if provided the ability through Christ--through
the New Covenant sealed and ratified by his
death as our representative and substitute, bearing
our penalty--compensated for all sins past
and for present and future sins resulting from
the fall, to all who accept him as their Redeemer
[R1443 : page 267] and who become followers of his commands.
Thus such are made the righteousness
of God in him (Christ) and shall obtain the reward
of righteousness--everlasting life.
While we trust in the living God, who is the
Savior of all men, especially of them that believe,
let all "thieves and robbers," who are
attempting to teach men how to climb up to
life by some other than God's appointed way,
take warning; for while "God is love," let
them know that he loves that which is lovely,
that he has decreed that all that is unworthy
of love in his universe shall be destroyed,
and that when the Millennial reign of his
Anointed is complete not one blot shall remain
to reproach his fair creation; for Christ "must
reign till he hath put all enemies under his FEET." Then he will have brought forth judgment
unto victory. (Matt. 12:20.) And his
victory will be complete when all evil and all
wilful evil-doers--Satan and all those who follow
his leading (Heb. 2:14; Rev. 20:10,14,15),
shall have been cut off. His victory will
consist in the establishment of righteousness
and peace, no matter how many or how few
fall in the conflict.
Let all the faithful--the elect--take heed
that they be not deceived by those vain philosophers
who, "desiring to be teachers, understand
neither what they say, nor whereof they
affirm" (1 Tim. 1:7); for God hath declared
that wilful evil-doers "shall be punished with
everlasting destruction from the presence of the
Lord, and from the glory of his power, when
he shall come to be glorified in his saints and
to be admired in all those that believe in that
day." And from the mention of the character
of the class that shall be destroyed it is very
manifest that the second death into which they
are cast is not a death to sin, as Universalists
claim. Hear the Word of the Lord--"The
fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable,
and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers,
and idolaters, and all liars, shall have
their part in the lake which burneth with fire
and brimstone, which is THE SECOND DEATH.
And the devil that deceived them was cast into
the lake of fire:...this is the second
death." (Rev. 21:8; 20:10.) That is a bad
lot: we do not want to be in such company.
Before their destruction comes they will have
had fullest opportunity to repent; and the fact
that Satan will have had the opportunities of
seven thousand years and yet remain incorrigible
will be ample proof to every intelligent mind
that there is such a thing as becoming established
--fixed and immovable--in sin as well as
in righteousness. Let us remember the word
of the Lord--"For evil-doers shall be cut off;
but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall
inherit the earth. For yet a little while and
the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently
consider his place, and he shall not be
there. But the meek shall inherit the earth,
and shall delight themselves in the abundance
of peace."--Psa. 37:9-11.