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Chosen no: R-2153 , from: 1897 Year. |
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THE ANSWER to the following query may interest
others than the inquirer:--
"Since 'death passed upon all men,' because of
Adam's sin; and since all had to be redeemed before
they could escape from that death sentence, how came
it that Enoch and Elijah escaped from it before the redemption-price
was paid?"
We answer, that they did not escape, but were
still under the sentence of death until the ransom was
paid. The execution of the sentence was deferred in
their cases, and their lives prolonged; but they would
eventually have died had they not been redeemed.
After father Adam was sentenced he lived nearly a
thousand years, but under his particular sentence he
could not have lived more than a thousand years; because
the sentence read, "In the day that thou eatest
thereof, dying thou shalt die." And since "a day
with the Lord is as a thousand years" (2 Pet. 3:8),
his death was fixed to take place within that "day."
But God left the way open to make types of Enoch and
Elijah, and hence, so far as they and the remainder of
[R2153 : page 149] the human family were concerned, no limit of time for
the execution of the sentence was fixed. If, therefore,
it pleased God to have it so, they might have continued
to live for thousands of years, under the death
sentence, without dying. In Elijah's case, altho he
was translated, it is not said that he did not die afterward.
His translation made a type, as we have seen
(MILLENNIAL DAWN, VOL. II., Chapter viii.), and he
may have died and been buried afterward, unknown
to men, as was Moses.--Deut. 34:6.
But with Enoch the case was different, as we are
expressly told that he did not die. In his case, therefore,
it is evident that the execution of the sentence
was deferred, but there is no evidence that it was annulled.
He, therefore, remained under that sentence
of death until he was ransomed by our Lord's death.
As a member of the fallen race, he was an imperfect
man, and altho redeemed, and altho a restitution to
human perfection is provided for him in the divine plan,
we are not certain that he is yet a perfect man. For
the Apostle seems to teach that none of those whose
faithfulness was attested before the Gospel call was
made will be made perfect until after Christ and his
bride are made perfect. He says (Heb. 11:39,40),
after enumerating many of the ancient worthies, Enoch
included, verse 5, "These all, having obtained witness
through faith, received not the promise [everlasting
life, etc.], God having provided some better thing [priority
of time as well as of honor and position] for us
[the Gospel Church], that they [the ancient worthies]
without us [apart from us] should not be MADE PERFECT."
And since the Church, the body of Christ,
has not yet been perfected in glory, it is but a reasonable
inference that wherever Enoch is and however
happy and comfortable he may be, he is not yet made
a perfect man, and will not be until all the members of
the body of Christ have first been made perfect in the
divine nature.
As to where God took Enoch, we may not know,
since God has not revealed that. Should we speculate
as to whether God took him to some other world, and
for what purpose, it would be but an idle speculation.
We may not be wise above what is written. We may
be certain, however, that Enoch did not go to heaven
--the spiritual state or condition--for such is the record:
"No man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came
down from heaven--even the Son of Man." (John 3:13.)
Elijah is said to have ascended to heaven; but,
from our Lord's statement above quoted, that must be
understood to refer to the air--as, when it is said that
"the fowl fly in the midst of heaven:" it certainly cannot
refer to the heavenly condition, which flesh and
blood cannot enter nor even see without a change of
nature, which change has been promised only to the
Gospel Church.
Understanding, as above shown, that Enoch was
preserved from actual dissolution in death--altho, already
under that sentence, legally dead (Rom. 5:12;
Matt. 8:22) until the ransom-price for all was paid by
our Lord's death--we can see that there will now be
no necessity for his dissolution, but that when the due
time shall have come he may be fully and completely
restored from even the measure of human imperfection
he had inherited to full, perfect manhood.
So, too, it will be with those of the world who will
be living when the "times of restitution" are fully
ushered in: it will not be necessary for them to go into
the tomb. For altho they are already legally dead, in
that condemnation (or sentence) to "death passed upon
all men," yet their penalty has also been legally met
by another, Christ. He now holds the judgment against
all, but graciously offers to cancel it entirely for each
one who will accept restitution to life and perfection on
the conditions of the New Covenant.
As during this Gospel age the Church, altho once,
under sentence, they were dead in trespasses and sins,
are reckoned as freed from condemnation, as justified,
and as having passed from death unto life when they
accept Christ's merit under the New Covenant, so it
will be in the Millennial age with those of the world
who, upon learning it, accept God's offer of life. They
also will be reckoned as having passed from death unto
life--as tho they had been utterly dead and then been
awakened. So complete is the reckoning that those
who then sin wilfully, and forfeit their reckoned life,
die the second death, altho they all may not actually
have died before. And indeed so too it is now with
the Gospel Church--if after we, through faith in Christ,
are reckoned as no longer dead, but alive toward God
through Jesus Christ, we were to sin wilfully, intentionally,
we would thus bring upon ourselves again (a
second time) the full penalty of sin, death, and this
would be the second death.
But while there are such similarities between the
Lord's methods now and in the next age for justification
to life, or passing from death unto life reckonedly, there are very different arrangements for the two ages
or the actual passing out of death into life, when the
trial of each is finished. The Church of the Gospel
age walks by faith entirely, and not by sight. Her
trial occurs before the actual setting up of the Kingdom,
and hence each one, as he finishes his course,
must wait for the crown of life. They "all die like men," and the world recognizes no difference. But
while they actually die the same as other men, God
keeps up the reckoned difference between those who
have accepted his offer of life and become his children
and others who have not done so. Hence in Scripture
[R2153 : page 150] believers are not said to be dead, but to be sleeping
until the "morning," when, according to God's prearranged
plan, such shall have actually and in full measure
the life now reckoned as theirs under God's covenant
in Christ. Thus our Lord spoke of Lazarus and
others as sleeping, and the Apostle's writings refer to
"those who sleep in Jesus." And the Scriptures,
[R2154 : page 150] throughout, preserve the same sentiment, saying,--
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in
the morning;" "I shall be satisfied when I awake in
thy likeness," etc. The only exceptions to this "sleeping"
are particularly mentioned by the Apostle, when
he says, "We shall not all sleep, altho we must all be
changed." Those living in the time when our Lord
begins to take his great power and reign, altho they all
must die, because consecrated even unto death, yet they
will not "sleep," their "change" to spirit-being coming
in the moment of dying. And in this blessed time
(according to the evidences presented in MILLENNIAL
DAWN, VOL. II. and III.) we believe we have been living
since April, 1878 A.D. What a blessing this is we
find stated by our Lord,--"Blessed are the dead
who die in the Lord from henceforth--yea, saith the
spirit, they rest from their labors [from weariness, etc.],
but their works [not discontinued in a sleep of death]
follow with them."--Rev. 14:13.
But during the Millennial age it will be somewhat
different. Those who accept the New Covenant will
no more get the perfect life instantly than we do now.
They will get it at the end of the Millennial age, as
we get it at the end of the Gospel age. Yet not just
the same; for the Gospel Church, as we have seen, has
waited in the sleep of death for the close of the age and
the reward of the perfect life, while the faithful of the
Millennial age, instead of dying, will gradually improve
in health--mental, moral and physical--until perfection
will be reached by all such, at the close of the
Millennial age. Meantime, those who sin wilfully
against full light and full ability will be accounted to
have committed the sin unto death; and death to such,
even if born in the Millennium, will be the second death.