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Chosen no: R-1064 , from: 1888 Year. |
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As Josephus was disposed to apologize
for his countrymen the Jews, and to attempt
to show that their restlessness under the
government of Caesar was not the result
of their religious laws, etc., (as shown
in our August issue), so many Christians
are disposed to apologize for the
spread of a Revolutionary spirit, a spirit
of insubordination, wherever the gospel
goes; and they, like Josephus, disclaim
the responsibility of themselves and of
the Christian religion. But this is because
both they and Josephus are tinctured with
the philosophy of their times.
The liberty and equality which the gospel
inculcates is much akin to the more
shadowy typical teachings of the same,
given to the Jews; and the natural results
of this knowledge upon the unconsecrated
are much the same now as then,
leading to socialism, anarchism and various
impracticable ideas on the part of
some who are neither controlled by a well-balanced
intellect, nor by the spirit of
Christ, nor directed by a knowledge of
God's time and method of righting matters
now seriously at fault.
Josephus, writing for Grecians and Romans
in Rome, manifests his object to
have been, to show that the Jewish philosophies,
no less than the Grecian, tended
to peace, and submission to rulers; hence
after reporting the Jewish views as nearly
as possible to correspond to the Grecian,
he adds, "on account of which doctrines
they are able to greatly persuade the body
of the people."
The intelligent portion of the world
has always esteemed peace and good government
as of vital importance, hence
worldly-wise philosophers and statesmen
have often approved and even advocated
theories which they themselves at heart
rejected as absurdities, simply because
they realized the need of some "doctrines
by which the body of the people might
be greatly persuaded" to relinquish their
freedom and submit to the ruling of the
more able and crafty. Since fear is one
of the greatest incentives, fear has generally
been used; and since prejudice and
superstition are the ablest supports to fear,
these have been cultivated by all philosophies.
And by whatsoever name known,
or accompanied by whatsoever appearances
of learning--as colleges, learned
men, books, etc.,--such philosophies
(built upon superstition and prejudice)
are really but vain imaginings of imperfect
men, and reveal their ignorance of the truth.
Nevertheless, in some respects at least,
the world has profited by these systems
and their various errors, which have had
the effect aimed at by them all--namely
"to greatly persuade the body of the people"
--through fear. And it is for the
same reason (philosophical conservatism),
that wise statesmen and thinkers of later
times,--such as Webster, Clay, Lincoln,
Grant, Bismarck, and others, while not
able or willing to accept any of the modern
creeds of Christendom, nevertheless
have favored all, realizing the need of
"doctrines which would greatly persuade the body of the people."
Mankind in general, in the present fallen
state, is mentally unbalanced and incapable
of reasoning logically on any
question. Only the few, the exceptions,
are capable of drawing logical conclusions
on financial, scientific and social, i.e. political, problems. Hence the world had
its season of greatest contentment (which
in some respects should be sought by all)
when the masses were in utter ignorance,
and trusted and obeyed blindly the dictates
of the abler, more logical, and balanced
minds, which rose to the surface
and gained the power. But avarice, greed
for power and honor and wealth, continually
corrupted this abler class; and the
philosophies of oppression and superstition
overleaped their bounds; and the sleeping
world began to awaken; and the great
Reformation of the sixteenth century
By fits and starts the awakening of the
Reformation time has since progressed.
And it has brought with it revolutions--
political, ecclesiastical and scientific. This
results from the dissemination of Bible
truths among the people. The Bible is the
greatest of all levellers; the greatest of all
liberators; the greatest of all revolutionizers.
It sows its seeds deep and broad,
by showing that all men are of one blood; that all alike were condemned to death;
and that all alike, king and pope and peasant
and slave, were redeemed by the one sacrifice given "once for all;" and that there
is only one way for all to come to God,
and that as they come they must all stand
upon one level of acceptance, because
God is no respecter of persons.
Wherever these principles of the true
gospel are appreciated they are recognized
as a grant of liberty from God,
which inspires the people to a realization
of their common rights and privileges, and
causes them to feel restive under earthly
potentates both kingly and priestly.
Though the world possesses the blessing
of greater knowledge, and that more
widely distributed among the masses than
ever before; and though with it they possess
many more comforts and conveniences
than ever before--yes, even luxuries
formerly possessed scarcely by the
few, are now classed among the necessities
by the many; and though there never
has been a period of such general freedom,
--liberty of person, of thought,
and of conduct; yet for all this, it is
doubtful if there ever was a period of
more general discontent.
Let none misunderstand our meaning
when we assert, that the Bible is indirectly
the source of this discontent, as well as
of present enlightenment and progress.
Had the Bible been kept in the background,
hidden from the people under
cover of dead languages, as Papacy designed;
had the decretals and bulls of
[R1065 : page 3] the church of Rome continued to be the
standard and law of men's consciences;
the dark ages would still continue, and
ignorance, superstition and contentment would prevail now, as it did in the twelfth
Knowledge and liberty can only be profitably
used, and without danger of bad results,
either by perfect beings able and
willing to reason out fully the results, and
to voluntarily submit to such restraints
and regulations as would be for the general
good; or by imperfect beings, who
are conscious of the imperfections of their
minds and bodies, but whose hearts recognize
the divine law and voluntarily submit
every thought and act thereto; or by
fallen beings under a just, infallible, rigorous
government which could and would
enforce righteousness.
To-day we see the knowledge of human
rights spreading among the masses, and
the chains of ignorance and superstition
breaking, yet the people are unprepared
for such liberty; they are unbalanced in
judgment so as to be incapable of correctly
estimating causes and effects; they
are not consecrated to God, so as to be
willing to be under the control of his
will, expressed in the Scriptures; and we
have no just, infallible government, able
to enforce righteousness.
The result must be, that as superstitious
dread of everlasting torment and other
falsities depart, and the unwise, unbalanced
masses gain a knowledge of their power,
laws and governments, good, bad and indifferent,
will all be swept away, and confusion
and anarchy will obtain,--to the injury
of all. That this very condition of
things is rapidly approaching, all can see,
who see at all. It cannot be repressed; it
already has a great momentum and makes
greater progress daily. It is both an evil
and a blessing. Its first results will be
evil, but it will prove to all mankind the
absolute necessity of a just, strong government,
which can enforce the right
while men progress in knowledge--without
requiring the aids of ignorance and
superstition to maintain its control.
And while the people will be getting
ready to welcome such a government,
God is preparing just such a government
for them,--Christ's Millennial Kingdom.
Under its beneficent reign, knowledge
shall be greatly increased, and man
restored to God's image, which has been
almost effaced by the past six thousand
years of sin, so that he will be mentally
balanced again and able to reason correctly
on good and evil, right and wrong,
advantage and disadvantage.
So then, ignorance and superstition are
more favorable to contentment than a little
knowledge; and the worldly-wise of the
past saw this, and to the benefit of all
kept the masses under subjection to law
by these means. And God permitted it
so to be, until his due time should come,
in which, under control of the King of
kings knowledge shall be made so perfect
as to turn aside its present danger and to
make it the basis of a much greater and
more enjoyable contentment than ignorance
ever produced.
We are now in the transition period,
from the rule of superstition to the rule
of truth. Many seeing the trouble will
be inclined to shrink back, and to desire
ignorance and superstition to chain and
restrain the masses; and attempts to perpetuate
these restraints will doubtless be
made; but since God's due time has come
for knowledge to be increased none can
stay its progress. The consecrated church
occupies, as ever, a peculiar position, seeing
and appreciating without fear the
result which others will dread. We
have no fear, because we see the glorious
results to be wrought out thus. It
is in order that we should not be in darkness,
as the world, that our Father's plans
are thus unfolded to those of his children
who, led of his spirit, have an ear to hear.