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I am not giving any name or address, as I think it wiser
not to, and please do not notice this note if you do not think
it advisable, otherwise if you can spare a short paragraph
in THE TOWER I should appreciate it, and others also.
A Sister recently arrived from _____ tells us that the Class
there are teaching that the Church must not expect to be
glorified until 1925, and that this is your thought; consequently
it is producing a spirit of apathy, and many are
taking a greater interest in business and worldly things.
Whether or not it is so, to me it seems that I have to be
on my guard and "watch and wait," with loins girded and
Lamp burning, that I may be ready.
I have realized and accepted this glorious Message of
"Present Truth" for five years; and it grows more precious
all the time. I grew up in the Church of England, and living
at Oxford with the College Set, was extremely High
Church, so you know what I have had to unlearn.
I praise God for raising you up, dear Brother, as "that
Servant." May He bless you still more, that you may give
us the "meat in due season." I also thank the dear Lord
that He brought me to this country before this awful war;
and made me to realize "where are the dead," as all my
people are being shot and I should have been in despair.
There is another little matter I would like to mention.
At the Class I attend the presiding Elder never seems prepared.
He does not know where the MANNA Text for the
day is, and although it is a Prayer and Testimony Meeting,
he occupies most of the time with his views on the present
state of affairs and the war crisis. No one else can have
much time.
I hope you will not think I am too critical, but in the
little old Church I had been accustomed to reverence, and
for an Elder to be gaping, sleeping or picking his teeth and
nails--well it jars awfully! He also brings with him a child
of three years that disturbs the Class very much. No one
likes to say anything to him, as he says that he has been
in the Truth for fifteen years. But we do not feel spiritually
helped, especially as he is a business man. Before the meeting
he talks business; and the moment it is over, shop.
O dear Brother, I don't want to think evil, or speak
evil, but this does worry us! Many of us have prayed about
it. The children do bother us; but I dare not speak of that,
as I am told that I have too strict English ideas. I would
not wound his feelings in any way, so if I am in the wrong
please ignore what I have written. The dear Lord knows
that I am trying to follow in His footsteps, and to keep my
pride under and make myself of no reputation, as the dear
Master did.
Apologizing for encroaching on your valuable time, I
am, dear Pastor, YOUR SISTER BY HIS GRACE.
The Apostle declares that God gives His people the
spirit of a sound mind--His Spirit, His Mind. But we receive
this in proportion to our earnestness and heed to the
Lord's Word. The longer we have been in the School of
Christ, if apt pupils, the better we should know Him and
the better be able to exemplify His character and teachings.
As the letter is anonymous, we have not the slightest
idea who the Elder may be. We will assume that he
means well. We might also, however, assume that he has
not been sufficiently wide-awake to well exemplify the spirit
of a sound mind in the matter of the service of the Lord.
Otherwise, would he not be more careful of his actions and
words, in order that he might glorify the Lord and be
assistful to His people?
Lack of reverence is manifest everywhere, but it seems
especially out of place in assemblages of the Lord's consecrated
people. As we have said before, we may say again,
that no matter how limited our talents we can by our actions
[R5888 : page 127] and manner speak volumes in the praise of Him who called
us from darkness into marvelous light.
We cannot help it that many of the dear friends continue
to tell what THE WATCH TOWER believes, and to misrepresent
its teachings. Our kindest thought must be that they
are not giving much heed to its teachings. Otherwise they
would know from its columns that we are not looking forward
to 1925, nor to any other date. As expressly stated
in THE WATCH TOWER, we are simply going on, our last
date or appointment having been passed more than a year ago.
We believe that the dates have proven to be quite right.
We believe that Gentile Times have ended, and that God
is now allowing the Gentile Governments to destroy themselves,
in order to prepare the way for Messiah's Kingdom.
The Lord did not say that the Church would all be glorified
by 1914. We merely inferred it and, evidently, erred. We
see, however, that the different times and seasons which the
Lord's providence sent to His people in hope of resurrection
"change" correspond closely with the different places to
which Elijah, the Prophet, was sent before his translation.
The last place to which he was sent was Jordan, which, we
believe, corresponds to October, 1914. After that, Elijah
and Elisha went on without having any definite point in view.
Our thought is that something very important to us all
is implied in Elijah's use of his mantle in smiting the
waters of Jordan and dividing them. After so doing, Elijah
and Elisha continued to go on until the chariot of fire parted
them. It was after that that Elijah went up to Heaven in
the whirlwind. We may discuss these matters more at
length again, but now suggest that we have no different
time in mind from the Scriptures on the subject, and do
not expect to have any. However, the division of the waters
might require either years or months--who could say?
I do not know whether anybody at the Tabernacle can
read French or not; but I cannot resist the impulse to assure
you of my entire devotion to the cause of Truth.
You have helped me to so much joy, and been the means
of my accepting salvation. Through your labor I have been
brought to an appreciation of the love of our Heavenly
Father, to such an extent that I find my sentiments aptly expressed
by St. Paul to his brother Philemon. (Philemon 7.)
Being delighted at recognizing this fact, I find delight also in
expressing it to you.
In all my painful moments, when the cross is heavy to bear,
I think of you and say to myself, dear Brother Russell, too,
has suffered, and is suffering, and I must not wonder if my
share is to suffer also. Then my soul goes up to the Father
of Mercies in gratitude for His favors (the privilege of suffering
with Christ), and I earnestly beg of Him ever to
bless and guide you.
During the past year I have appreciated much, very much,
your excellent advice, and it has profited me greatly.
In my present trials, after having been compelled to leave
my wife and three children in the invaded territory of our
dear France, the daily partaking of the Vow and of the
Morning Resolve has helped me much. These helps alone
have developed in me much of the love of the Father--and
all this during the past year. Because of it I bless the Father
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, let me by this message assure you that my
petitions ascend to the Father in your behalf, that He may
bless you abundantly, to the end that His blessing upon you
may redound through your ministry upon every one of us.
Yours sincerely in Him, E. LARVENT.
P. S.--Have found here a refuge since December, 1914,
when I had to leave my home at Denain (Nord). Am here
with several brothers and sisters who also are refugees from
Lens, Lieven and Denain. We have each of us signed the
accompanying brotherly message:
The undersigned brethren and sisters, members of the
I.B.S.A. (French Ecclesia of Bruay-Auchel), in meeting
assembled this 1st day of January, 1916, send their most
brotherly greetings to the well-beloved of the Household of
Faith, fighting the same spiritual fight under the Captain of
our Salvation, Jesus Christ, at the Brooklyn Bethel and
After having studied Psalm 116(especially dwelling on
Verse 15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of
His saints," also the motto for this year, "Strong in
Faith"), we express the sincerest wish that each of you,
when tried, may be found faithful unto death and then present
at the approaching Rendezvous in eternal joy! SIGNED BY 25.
Greetings and much love to you, dear Brother, as we
come to the end of this wonderful year. What a glorious
year it has been for the development of the saints, particularly
along the lines of love and patient endurance! I am incapable
of expressing my love and appreciation of you and your service
to me personally. I am constantly praising my Heavenly
Father for allowing me to come in contact with your precious
Volumes, which God used to bring me out of the kingdom
of darkness and into the light of the glorious Gospel.
I thank you, dear Brother, for the suggestion that we each
pray that "God would bless us in the cultivation of love in
thought, word and deed." I immediately acted upon the suggestion,
and oh, joy, what grand results! I never knew that
there was so much in "loving in thought." Now, dear
Brother, you said we might report to you as to our success,
and that is why I am intruding upon your precious time.
The results with me have been away beyond my highest
We thought there might be some in the class who had not
yet taken the "Vow" nor sent in their names. So we opened
up a sheet and to our surprise, there were fifty-two who
wished their names sent in. Please find the same enclosed.
Loving Greetings from Sister Heard and
Your Brother by Divine favor,
C. E. HEARD.--Vancouver, B.C.
We the undersigned, members of the Vancouver Ecclesia,
take this opportunity of expressing our love and gratitude to
you for the inestimable service you have rendered to us, in
that through your ministrations we have been led into the
light of Present Truth. And now recognizing that we are in
"the evil day" and the danger of slipping is so great, we
desire to "make straight paths for our feet," and believing
[R5889 : page 127] that the special "Vow" is a great means to that end, we wish
to add our names to the many who have already taken it, and
thereby make it our own.
Praying our Heavenly Father's rich blessing upon you.
dear Brother, and asking a continued interest in your prayers,
We are: [Fifty-two signatures follow.]
I have in my possession a copy of the EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT,
and esteem it very highly. I have compared it with the works
of the great English commentator Clarke, and all of his
citations to the Greek are identical with the DIAGLOTT; I
have been comparing the Septuagint with it, and where the
DIAGLOTT makes reference to the Old Testament, I find the
text the same.
The good I have received from its study, plus the increased
value of it by comparison, has greatly endeared the
work to me.
I am engaged in the work of the ministry and in circulating
sacred literature, including Bibles and Testaments. I
would be glad to handle a few copies of the DIAGLOTT, if
you can give me a fair commission on them.
I have an order now for one copy. If you will
quote me agents' terms, I shall be glad to handle some for
you. Please include your pamphlet on ARMAGEDDON.
Respectfully yours, REV.__________
Just a line, dear Brother, to wish that our dear Lord and
Master continue to bless you, as He has so richly done in the
past. I remember you every morning at the Throne of Grace.
We in this country seem to be on the verge of Gethsemane
experiences, as the conscription bill has passed.
One of my sons has now reached the age of 19. He has so
far given a good witness for the Lord by refusing to enlist
in the army, and if it should come that it will mean being shot
for still refusing, I trust he will receive the Heavenly Grace to
stand firm to the principles of truth and righteousness.
Brother, we ask your prayers for us during this evil hour.
Yours in the one hope, W. O. WARDEN.--Scotland.