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Chosen no: R-4664 a, from: 1910 Year. |
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expression, "The wages of sin is death," is one which
refers to the Divine Law in its general application. These words are
not applied to angels, but to the children of men. To them, "The
wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through
Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom.
This sentence or penalty of death was not pronounced against the
angels, either before their sin or subsequently, so far as the
records show. They, therefore, are not under such a sentence. The
only sentence placed upon them was exclusion from God's favor and
from the company of the holy angels, and to be restricted in their
intercourse with humanity. They are now suffering the penalty put
upon them.
we should inquire the reason why God should deal differently with the
angels than with mankind, we might say that, evidently, he has been
making a great example or setting a lesson in his dealings with the
human race, showing what would constitute the extreme penalty of
wilful sin--a sin against light and the Divine command. No such
Divine command, so far as we know, was given to the angels. They
received a law in their nature; they perverted that law; they were
created on the heavenly plane and they used their power for another
purpose than that for which it was given. But in man's case matters
were different: Adam knew definitely what was the command of the
Lord--that he should not partake of the forbidden fruit; if he did
partake of it the penalty would be death. This was a fair proposition
and well understood.
God is not unkind or unjust toward men, and we may in some respects
say that the dealings of the Almighty with the human family have been
more gracious than with the fallen angels. Let us see: These angels,
condemned to exclusion from the righteous, have undoubtedly had a
terrible time for the past 4,000 years. At least, any of them who had
any love for righteousness or sympathy with righteousness and
preserved to any extent their proper standard of character, must have
had a fearful time in their intercourse and dealings with those more
depraved or fallen. We must assume that some of them, especially
since our Lord's death on the cross and his resurrection, have
striven to do God's will and have been opposed to everything that
would be contrary to his will, and that they would be subjected to
severe torment from the others, to all sorts of evil communications,
etc. We know that some of these wicked spirits take opportunity to
exercise themselves thus toward those of humanity who come under
their power, and so we must suppose that these same evil, fallen
spirits would be against those who would favor righteousness.
must suppose, therefore, that for several hundreds of years at least,
some of these angels have been suffering severely for their attempt
to obey God under the conditions in which they have been for so long.
Even though they are blameworthy, we think they are suffering a great
deal more than humanity, because in Father Adam's case it was a
matter of more or less suffering for 930 years, but at the close of
the 930 years his sufferings were at an end; neither did he have to
endure torment from demons during the 930 years. Now if we would
compare 930 years of the angels' experience with Adam's 930 years, we
would think that his experience was the more preferable. Adam was
given to understand, too, vaguely, that a Redeemer would be provided,
while the angels were kept in suspense and did not know what was
God's purpose respecting them, and for more than 4,000 years they
could but wonder what the outcome would be. During all this long
period they have suffered more than any human being could suffer. God
thus shows the variety of his wisdom and his knowledge and power
under various circumstances and conditions.
could have dealt with mankind in a somewhat similar way as with the
angels, and merely put certain restrictions upon them, but he chose
to make an illustration in mankind, for the benefit of angels and
men, to show what would ultimately be the character of his dealings
with all his creatures. And now since these repentant angels have had
a sufficiency of punishment for their disobedience, an opportunity
for release is to be granted to such as will stand their test
faithfully, in the "Judgment of the Great Day." We
understand that those angels who will not then desire to live
righteously, will be cut off in death, the Second Death, and those
who remain faithful will be restored to their former standing. Thus
God's wisdom is manifest in the whole transaction.
regarding the second part of the question, as to our Lord's death having any effect relative to these angels: We see no way in which
the redemption provided by God through Christ applies to the angels,
as Jesus died for the race of Adam only. Justice never pronounced a
sentence of death against the angels as far as any record shows, but
merely pronounced a certain penalty against them for the course they
took, and God will not restore them to his favor without a full,
complete test. They will never recover their former standing
otherwise, and those who do not stand the test will, in the end,
receive the death penalty.
So, then, our thought is
that the only way in which Christ's life had any effect upon them was
as an illustration [R4664 : page 263] of the principles of
Divine dealing. They have had the opportunity to see that God is just
and by no means clears the guilty; and they can see, too, that in the
case of the guilty race of man God has had mercy, has provided for
them a Redeemer, and that all who are under condemnation of death are
to be released from that sentence. This is all a provision of the
grace of God in that he sent his Son to be the Redeemer of the
world of mankind and to give them an opportunity of being restored to
his favor. [R4665 : page 263]
question is suggested, could it be said that any of those fallen
angels who have for a time, some perhaps for many centuries, lived
separate from sin and striven to do God's will and suffered
persecution from the wicked spirits, have a share in the sufferings
of Christ?
answer that they could not be said to be sharing the sufferings of
Christ, because only the Body of Christ can share in these
sufferings. It might, perhaps, be said that they have, in a way, been
suffering for the sake of righteousness, but that would not be the
proper expression, we think, but, rather they are suffering on
account of their sins. If they had been righteous they would not have
needed to suffer, but it was because they did wrong--because they
sinned--that these sufferings were brought upon them.
question might present itself in respect to this text. "For it
pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; and having
made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all
things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth,
or things in heaven." (Col.
We do not understand this passage to intimate, in any sense of the
word, that "the blood of the cross" had anything to do with
the salvation of the angels. It was the Father's good pleasure that
in Christ all fulness should dwell, in the sense that he should have
complete authority--not merely authority over man, but over all
things--both heavenly and earthly. It was the Father's pleasure,
originally, that through him he would reconcile all things unto
himself. Man was out of harmony with God. It was God's will that
Christ should harmonize man with God. And these fallen angels were
out of harmony with God and it was God's will that they also should
be brought into harmony. Everything out of order was to be placed in
order. Jehovah has entrusted it all to Christ to set right, just as a
King might say to his Minister of State or his General, "Now you
attend to this whole matter, putting down all insurrection wherever
it is; see that no rebellion is left; bring everything into
subjection, so that there will be peace and order throughout my
entire domain." So likewise the Father tells the Lord Jesus to
put everything in order as his representative, in respect to things
earthly and things heavenly.
work of reconciliation was made possible only "through the blood
of his cross"; not that the blood of his cross was necessary for
the effecting of all this reconciliation, but the blood of his cross
was necessary so far as he was concerned; only by his proving
faithful unto death, the death of the cross; only by such display of
faithfulness, could our Lord be determined to be the right one to
accomplish all these things. So, then, the blood of the cross had not
merely its effect upon mankind, but the primary effect was upon the
Lord Jesus himself, because he received the first blessing
from the blood of his cross.
blessing from the blood of the cross was its imputation to the
Church, the household of faith, to enable them to become
joint-sacrificers with him, by participating in his sufferings; and
the third blessing from this blood will be as respects the world of
mankind during the Millennial Age. And it is his own exaltation
through this that gives him rightful authority in God's Plan to be
the one to execute God's purposes during the Millennial Age. This is
the One who is to be the blesser of angels and men; he is to
have full control of things both heavenly and earthly.