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"And from the days of John the Baptist until
now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence
and the violent take it by force." Matt. 11:12.
There is to-day more of what is commonly
considered Gospel preaching
than at any previous time in the world's
history. From thousands of pulpits it is
heard twice every Lord's day, and again
at the mid-week meetings, while thousands
of printing presses are preaching
through weekly and monthly periodicals,
and millions of tracts, pamphlets, and
books. And added to all this, there are
the extra efforts of what are termed lay-evangelists,
Christian associations, salvation
armies, etc.
But as we listen to the many, many
voices, we hear sounds strangely out of
harmony with the commission of the
great Head of the church, whose leading
these all profess to follow. It would
seem that if the commission was ever
heard by this great army of preachers, it
must have been forgotten. What was it?
Hearken again to the Master's voice:
"Go...and as ye go, preach, saying,
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matt. 10:6,7.) And again "Let the
dead bury their dead; but go thou and
preach the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:60).
And the Lord's disciples are taught
also not only to preach--to publicly
proclaim the coming of the kingdom of
God, but to pray for it, saying: "Thy
kingdom come--thy will be done on
earth as it is done in heaven."
If that prayer is ever to be answered--
and it certainly will be, since he who
dictated it could not err, and would not
teach us to ask for anything out of harmony
with Jehovah's will--then there will
come a time, when the kingdom of God
will be actually SET UP in the earth, and
when as a consequence of the setting up
of that kingdom, His will shall be done ON EARTH, even as it is done in heaven. You who have so frequently declared
your firm belief in answer to prayer, do
you believe this? Shall not this united
prayer of all the saints for nearly nineteen
centuries past, dictated by the unerring
wisdom of our Lord, be answered?
Most assuredly it will.
The coming of the kingdom of God,
and the things pertaining to that kingdom
--the death of Christ as the necessary
preliminary work to its introduction, and
the resurrection of Christ, the assurance
and pledge of it, was the great theme of
the Apostles' preaching, and the inspiring
hope of the early church.
When John the Baptist came preaching
repentance, it was with the strong
incentive, never before offered, "The
kingdom of heaven is at hand." Jesus
preached the same truth, saying, "Repent,
for the kingdom of heaven is at
hand." And this was the spirit of the
teaching of all the Apostles. Men generally
desire to be in favor with the ruling
power, and the coming kingdom of
heaven meant a coming reign of righteousness,
wherein the righteous would
prosper and the wicked would be punished.
If the kingdom was at hand, then
how natural and proper to urge it as an
incentive to repentance and
Ever since the fall repentance had
been preached: but none before John
were commissioned to preach the kingdom
of God at hand, and other truths
relative to it. This is the Gospel, the
good news not made known in other
ages. As Jesus said, "The law and the
prophets were until John; since that
time the kingdom of God is preached"
[Sinaitic MS. omits with evident propriety
the words "and every man presseth into it."] But the law and the prophets
though shadowing forth and foretelling
the coming kingdom, could never be
clearly understood until the Gospel unraveled
their mysteries.
Was it in any sense a fact, that the
kingdom of heaven was at hand in John's
day? Nearly nineteen centuries have
passed since, and still the powers of
darkness reign and the kingdom of heaven
is not yet SET UP. Still the wicked
flourish and the righteous are oppressed.
If we consider the expression as referring
to the setting up of the kingdom in power
and glory, it was true, and Jesus' words
in John 16:16will help us to understand
the statement. To his disciples, when
about to leave them, he said, "A little while, and ye shall not see me: and
again, a little while and ye shall see me;"
and the little while has been the entire
Gospel age.
Ah yes, it is a little while from God's standpoint, with whom a thousand years
is but as one day. (2 Pet. 3:8). From
God's standpoint, and we are invited to
take the same position of observation, it
was but a "little while" to the second advent
of Christ and the establishment of
his kingdom. The kingdom was just at hand, and the king about to be anointed
for his glorious reign. And if this was
true in John's day, how emphatically true
is it at the present time to which the
prophecies point as the hour that just
precedes the dawn of the glorious day of
that reign! Jesus did not explain to the
early Church just how long God's "little
while" should be, as it would have seemed
a very long time to them.
But it would seem that in some sense,
the kingdom of heaven had an existence
in John's day; for Jesus said, "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the
kingdom of heaven suffereth violence
and the violent take it by force." Since
the kingdom when set up cannot suffer,
but must reign triumphantly, we conclude
that the text refers to those elements of
the kingdom in existence, and being developed
during this age.
In John's day, Jesus, the Lord's anointed,
was present, and he and the few
disciples who then received him as their
Lord, were then the only elements of the
kingdom; but during the Gospel age
others have become subject to him; and
his reign of righteousness has been over
them to mould and fashion them according
to the divine will. So far as the imperfections
of the flesh permit, God's will
is done by these as it is done in heaven.
It should be clearly manifest that none
but those who are entirely consecrated to God, are of this kingdom, though many
claim to be and think they are of it, who
do not claim entire consecration.
The subjects of Christ, the heavenly
king, hearken to, and obey his voice.
They do not turn every man to his own
way and plan regardless of the Commander's
instructions, though the command
is to march through danger, privations,
loss and suffering. But to those
who recognize Jesus as king and become
subject to him before his glory and power
are manifested, there are exceeding
great and precious promises, to be realized
when his kingdom is set up. They
shall be accounted worthy to reign with
him. It was to give to this class the privilege
of suffering and as a result, of
reigning with Christ, that the kingdom
began to be preached so long before it
was to be actually SET UP or established
in power.
Of this class only, are our Lord's
words first quoted true. These suffer
violence at the hands of the present
reigning power of this world--Satan,
and the subjects of his kingdom, and the
pages of history from the days of John
the Baptist until now, present the dark
record of the violence suffered by those
who are of the kingdom of heaven.
Violence persecuted and crucified our
King, stoned Stephen his faithful martyr,
beheaded Paul, crucified Peter, roasted
others by fire, tossed them on piercing
forks, and heaped upon them every indignity
that fiendish wickedness could
devise. And even in these days, when
the "salt of the earth" (See July issue)
has to some extent purified human society,
and counteracted the terrible influence
of Satan's reign, still the kingdom
of heaven suffers violence. Their names
are cast out as evil, they are despised
and rejected; their business interests
suffer, and they are counted as fools and
fanatics. The violent take the kingdom
by force--With overwhelming force of
numbers and wealth they subdue the
little handful of the saints, trample and
crush their influence, and hinder the
progress and spread of the heavenly
kingdom. Thus by the dominion of
evil, is made possible for the Church, a
baptism into suffering, even unto death.
[R703 : page 6]
But is this all so, because the Heavenly
King lacks the power, and is unable to
bring victory to his faithful followers?
This reminds us of the words of Jesus
when about to perform the symbol of his
death--"Suffer it to be so now, for thus
it becometh us [himself and his church]
to fulfill all righteousness"--the righteousness
of God's law which required this
God is able, and will bring victory to
the tried and faithful few who have been
loyal subjects of his kingdom in these
stormy times. These we are told are to
be kings, and priests, and joint-heirs of
the throne with Jesus Christ, when in due
time the kingdom of heaven is SET UP--
placed in control. Though the violent
prince of this world lays them all low in
death, the power of the Almighty will
bring them forth to certain victory.
We would call special attention to the
date Jesus mentions in the text. It dates
"from the days of John the Baptist."
Other children of God, preceding the
day of John the Baptist, suffered in like
manner as those who have suffered since.
But notice, Jesus does not say, From the
days of John the Baptist the children of God suffer violence, but the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence. Then
those children of God who lived before
that time were not of that kingdom to
which Jesus referred--the kingdom of
Christ. How could they be, when as
yet there was no king anointed?
The kingdom of heaven then began
to have an existence when Jesus was
anointed to be the King--at the time of
his Baptism--"in the days of John the
Baptist," after which time as John said,
he began to decrease (in influence) and
Christ to increase. Though ever since
then, his kingdom has been in existence,
yet this has been the time of its humiliation
and affliction; its littleness and poverty
have made it the subject of contempt
and ridicule, while its unwavering
opposition to the spirit of the world, has
incurred their hatred and persecution.
So it was also true in John's day that
the kingdom of heaven was then at hand --about to come in the sense mentioned.
But to-day it is true in a still more glorious
sense; for the time for the setting
up and exaltation of the kingdom is at
hand. The prayer of these loyal subjects
henceforth to be joint-heirs of the
throne with Jesus, the king, is about to
be answered. His kingdom is just about
to come, in its glory and power, and the
blessed outcome of the victory of that
kingdom, will be, that God's will shall
be done in earth as it is done in heaven.
If then, we would be faithful to him
who has called us to preach, let us see to
it that we preach the Gospel (good
news) of the kingdom, and that we be
not diverted from it by any side issues.
The kingdom, and things pertaining to
the kingdom--its character, its permanence,
its sure foundation, its blessed
influence, and the cheering and inspiring
fact that its setting up in glory and
power is just at hand, should be the
theme of every true servant of God.
And if we have been faithful disciples of
the Master we cannot be ignorant of
these things, and if we know them how
can we refrain from telling them. "Go
...and as ye go preach, saying, the KINGDOM
OF HEAVEN is at hand."
MRS. C. T. R.