Polskojęzyczna strona poświęcona życiu i twórczości pastora Charlesa Taze Russella
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
<< Back Chosen no: R-5575 a,   from: 1914 Year.
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A Word To Colporteurs

The European War is causing many people to think seriously. It so closely agrees with what they have from time to time seen in THE WATCH TOWER publications or have heard from WATCH TOWER subscribers, that they are now wondering if there is not some Truth connected with our presentation respecting the Millennium and the great Time of Trouble with which the Millennial Age will be inaugurated.

Pastor Russell's sermons on "Armageddon," "Distress of Nations," "The Financial Outlook," etc., have also stirred many thinking people. They are wanting to know more about these things. The present is a very opportune time for calling to their attention the true Gospel of the Bible, as it is presented in the six volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES.

Colporteurs who a short time ago had difficulty in getting the attention of the more well-to-do people, are finding matters different now. They are selling the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES in complete sets (six volumes, and a year's subscription to THE WATCH TOWER, for $2.65) where formerly they sold a single volume.

Poverty or, at least, lack of wealth, has generally been a stimulant to Bible study. Now the wealthy are feeling themselves poor, or in danger of becoming poor by the depreciation of their stocks and bonds. These, therefore, are in a more favorable condition to hear the Word than they have been for a long time.

The STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES are still going forth. The October average sales amounted to over thirty-six thousand volumes. We mention this by way of encouragement to those who are in the Colporteur work, as well as for the benefit of those who are contemplating engaging in this most profitable section of the Harvest work. We have the Message which the people need. We have the heart to give it to them. And have we not confidence in God and courage sufficient to enable us to do all reasonably within our power in the Divine service?

W.T. R-5575a : page 338 - 1914r

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