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Chosen no: R-5520 b, from: 1914 Year. |
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Saying, "Give Us Of Your Oil"
MILLIONS of people have had
their attention drawn to the teachings of THE WATCH TOWER and the STUDIES IN
THE SCRIPTURES respecting our thought that the Time of Trouble such as never
was since there was a nation is due some time about October, 1914. Eight
million volumes of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES are in the hands of the
public. Some who scoffed, railed, laughed and talked about the impossibility of
our expectations are startled by the suddenness with which the great European
war has started. All admit that there never has been such a war before, and
that there never again can be such a war. Ignoring the Bible, all admit that
the consequences of this war will be so terrible, the impoverishment of the
nations so great, that wiser counsels must prevail in the future. We see
from the Bible viewpoint that the result of this war will lead up to the wrecking
of our present civilization in a period of anarchy. Whatever way the war may
eventuate, it will surely be unsatisfactory. Discontent will more than ever
prevail amongst the masses. A reign of terror throughout the civilized world is
to be expected as a result.
All these things we have
presented in our publications, sermons, etc., also in the PHOTO-DRAMA OF
CREATION, which already has been shown to audiences totaling more than four
millions. This war is riveting conviction upon the minds of many respecting the
correctness of our expectations. Their question is, "What next?" And
they will not think of looking for an answer in the direction of the ministers
of the nominal Churches, who they now know have been keeping them in the dark
and trying to prevent their obtaining the true light from God's Word, as it is
now shining amongst the Bible Students. [R5521
: page 249]
Now is the time for our
moderation of thought, speech and manner. When our dear relatives, friends,
neighbors and the public begin to inquire of us respecting the horoscope of
God's Word, we should be very meek, gentle, patient in our replies. Any haughty
manner, any spirit of "I told you so," would be a rebuff to those who
are now inclined to look to us for assistance, guidance, instruction in the
teachings of God's Word. Sympathetically we should put ourselves in their
places and treat them most kindly, telling them that this war is probably
connected with the great anarchy which is to follow; that it will probably
weaken the nations as nothing else would have done, and thus give the
discontented element of society, not only an excuse, but an opportunity, for
overthrowing all governments and precipitating the world into the most terrible
calamity ever known.
We recommend that the
distresses of the Time of Trouble be not so much discussed as the grand
outcome, the
MESSIANIC KINGDOM, to follow. We should help our friends and neighbors to look
beyond the dark cloud to the silver lining, assuring them that God's Word
implies that this Time of Trouble is necessary as a preparation for Messiah's
Kingdom. The plowshare of trouble must first prepare human hearts for the
sowing of the good seed of the next Dispensation. As we read, "When Thy
judgments are abroad in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn
righteousness."--Isaiah 26:9.
Let us always remember our
ordination, or commission, or authority, to preach--as we read, "To bind
up [R5521 : page 250] the
broken-hearted, to declare the deliverance of the captives." Let the
world, the flesh and the Devil break men's
hearts, if they will. Let the great Time of Trouble break them, if it will. Our
commission is not to break hearts, but to heal them,
to bind
them up, to
pour in the gracious promises of God's Word, sympathetically. The promises are
represented symbolically as the oil. Thus shall we best show forth the praises
of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9.) Thus shall we best assist those who
sadly need our assistance. We must remember that we were equally in the dark
but a short time ago, and that our neighbors and friends are no more
responsible for being in the dark than we were. It should, therefore, be ours
to excuse rather than to berate or faultfind.
It is not for us to determine
who will be of the foolish virgin class and fail to get into the Marriage, and
thus as a result pass into the great tribulation and get a lesser reward.
Nevertheless, we must feel some interest and curiosity in respect to our
Master's parabolic prophecy. While it has been true that Christian brethren
charged with the cares of this life and therefore not filled with the Spirit,
the oil, and lacking the light of the Lamp, have repeatedly said to us, "I
wish that I could see that as you do," or, "Show me that in a few
words," nevertheless they have been unwilling to take the time necessary
for proper investigation and the filling of the Spirit. All this is, we
believe, still more abundantly true now.
Many of this overcharged
class, neglecters of their Covenant of Sacrifice, will be stimulated by the
outward signs of our time. Doubtless many of them will study and come clearly
into the light and to a fulness of consecration to the Lord's service. Some of
these may come in with such fervent zeal that they may be accounted of the Lord
worthy of a place in the Bride Class. Others may come along so slowly that they
will be of the Great Company Class, the foolish virgins of the parable.
The conclusion of the parable
shows us that by the time the foolish virgin class shall have become thoroughly
awake, thoroughly convinced of the Divine Plan, etc., and fully awake to the
privileges of their consecration vows-- by that time the Little Flock Class
will have passed into the wedding, and the door to that glorious privilege and
opportunity will be forever shut. The Master is to have but one Bride Class.
The others, therefore, will be rejected and must pass through great
tribulation, eventually to come to a glorious place on the spirit plane as the
antitypes of the Levites, while the faithful Little Flock will be glorified as
the Royal Priesthood, in association with their Master.
The point we would
particularly impress is that we should all be praying and striving for an
abundance of the fruits of the Holy Spirit--manifestations of patience,
gentleness, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness, love--that thus we may be
enabled to render any assistance to those who now will be inquiring. It is a
special privilege for us to be the representatives of the Lord and His Divine
Plan. But instead of making us haughty, proud, disdainful, it should make us
very humble, gentle and loving, remembering that such honors are not deserved
by any of us, but are of the Lord's grace.
W.T. R-5520b : page 249 -