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Chosen no: R-5502 b, from: 1914 Year. |
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Three Grand Conventions
THIS year's arrangement of having our
Conventions early and in three central locations at the same time seems to have
had the Lord's blessing. The Asbury
Park, N.J.,
Convention was a convenient one for the friends residing in the East. Columbus, Ohio, was best
of all as respects auditorium; but Clinton,
Iowa, excelled in several
respects. In each case our Association were the guests of the city by
invitation of the local government. In each case the PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION
was shown to appreciative thousands. In each case the attendance aggregated two
thousand, some coming at the beginning of the Convention and remaining a few
days, and others coming toward the close, and some remaining the entire time. We had many evidences of the Lord's favor and blessing. The total number
attending was thus six thousand; the total number of baptisms three hundred and
fifty-six; the total number of States represented thirty-six, besides four
Canadian Provinces and one from Fiji Islands, and British representatives. Best
of all, the Lord was with us by His Holy Spirit, which was manifested in the
faces, the words, the conduct--not only of the Convention, but also of the
audience. It was good to be there. As usual, the dear friends at the various
Conventions declared these the very best ever. No doubt personal growth in grace and in knowledge ::R5502 : page 218:: and the Spirit of the Lord has much to do with this greater appreciation of our
opportunities as they are coming to us year by year and day by day. To the
impure nothing is pure. To the discontented nothing is happifying. To those who
have come into personal relationship with the Lord and who are resting in His
promises there is a blessing, a refreshment, a strength, an encouragement,
every time the precious things are touched, handled, mentioned. We thank God as
we notice the various manifestations of growth in grace amongst His People.
"What manner of persons ought we to be," in view of our glorious
relationship, our grand hopes, our precious fellowship with the Lord and with
His brethren! Only one thing did the Editor fear in respect to the influences mentioned and
the able addresses of the speakers. He fears that the dear friends in several
instances were over-stimulated by too positive assurance that the present year
will witness the "change" of the Church, establishment of the
Kingdom, etc. With all due respect for the opinions of the brethren, we believe
that the present is a time for great soberness of mind, avoidance of
speculation and waiting for whatever the Lord may be pleased to bring to pass.
We greatly fear that some of the dear friends will experience sharp
disappointments, if some of the confident statements made on the Convention
platform miscarry. At no time has the Editor ever spoken or written as
positively as some of these dear brethren are speaking now. In the books,
set forth the chronology, not as infallible, but nevertheless declared our
confidence in it. However, we have always encouraged the friends to examine for
themselves, to use their own judgment. To assist them in this we have given in
detail the references, etc. In recent numbers of THE WATCH TOWER we have
plainly stated that fulfilments of the prophecies, although marked and
manifest, are not as far developed for the time as we had expected. The Editor at all three of these Conventions took occasion to reiterate the
views already presented in THE WATCH TOWER: (1) That the chronology and prophecies interwoven with it still seem as strong
as ever--still seem to teach that Gentile Times will end next October. (2) He pointed out, however, that the ending of the Gentile Times might not
usher in the great Time of Trouble so quickly as has been expected. He pointed
out that the lease expiring might not mean an instantaneous dispossession, but,
possibly, might mean a gradual dispossession, or perhaps a sharp notice to
quit, followed by eviction a little later on. (3) He reminded the Conventioners of his utterance in a recent number of THE
WATCH TOWER, to the effect that it is possible that the Gentile Times might
close without world-wide trouble immediately, and that the Church might be
completed with some of the members this side the veil participating for a
little season in the "judgments written." (4) He especially sought to impress upon all that our consecration was unto
death, and that if the Lord permits us to continue here awhile longer than we
expected, our love and loyalty should be manifest in our joyful submission to
His arrangements; and furthermore, that if the privileges and blessings of the
present year be continued, our cup of joy will run over every way. A beautiful spirit seemed to pervade the Conventions, reminding us of the
Scripture which declares, "By one Spirit we were all baptized into one
Body." That one Spirit is the Holy Spirit of God--the spirit of love and
loyalty to Him, to His Word, to our brethren--the spirit of sympathy, love,
helpfulness, which would do good unto all men as we have opportunity,
especially unto the Household of Faith. Invitations for a September Convention
were received from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mountain Lake Park, Md., and
Saratoga Springs, N.Y., but nothing has yet been determined in respect to any
of them.
W.T. R-5502b : page 217 - 1914r