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Chosen no: R-5456 a, from: 1914 Year. |
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Creation Photo-Drama
TOWER readers everywhere
are enthused by the PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION. In response to our recent
suggestion, we are flooded with applications from various Classes, giving the
names of those appointed for the DRAMA COMMITTEE. We have answered many of
these communications directly, but think it well to now give a general response
and explanation.
We started with the thought that the Association
should put the DRAMA on in different cities and trust to voluntary support; but
by the time we had gotten out twelve sets of the DRAMA, the expense was
enormous-- our express bills alone on printed matter, machines, etc., running
up to $2,000.00 in one month, besides post and freight charges. Then came the
realization that each one of those twelve sets could be serving four cities at
one time. This meant four times the cost. We perceived that unless the Lord
worked a miracle we would run out of funds, without accomplishing anything like
the work we see before us to do. At the same time propositions began to come in
from various cities and towns, assuring us that the I.B.S.A. Classes of these
places would be glad to finance the DRAMA locally, if they were provided with
operators, free literature, Pax Pins, etc.
We take this to be the leading of the Lord's
providence --an intimation that the Lord desires to give His people everywhere
an opportunity to participate in the DRAMA'S great testimony in their own
cities. We are following this plan now, and invite those classes of Bible
students who desire to have the DRAMA to canvass the subject amongst themselves
and then, through their Committee, to correspond at once with our office,
advising us what they desire to do and are able to do in the way of meeting the
expenses of presenting the DRAMA in their home cities.
Such information should be sent to the Society's
address, marked "DRAMA DEPARTMENT." Americans and Canadians should
address Brooklyn, New York, Office; British Classes should address the London
Office; Swedish Classes should address the Orebro Office; Danish Classes, the
Copenhagen Office; German Classes, the Barmen Office; French and Swiss Classes,
the Geneva Office. Act at once; and then, having done your part, wait
patiently, assured that we will do all in our power to co-operate with you.
On the same postal it will be well to state how
many Sisters of medium age and of good address and good appearance would
volunteer to serve as ushers, and whether or not one or two of them would learn
to operate the phonograph under the instructor whom the Society would send.
Advise also if there is a Brother in the Class of good address suitable to
serve the DRAMA presentation as Floor Manager and who could, without injury to
his interests, give the necessary time.
We usually operate the DRAMA one week to each
PART, afternoon and evening--four weeks to the FOUR PARTS. However, where very
large Auditoriums are used or where the city is small, we sometimes run the
FOUR PARTS in two weeks, beginning one PART with Sunday afternoon, another PART
with Wednesday afternoon.
Theatres are better places for the DRAMA than
Churches, because Catholics do not care to go to Protestant Churches, nor
Protestants to Catholic Churches, nor Jews to either--and all classes are
interested in the DRAMA and it is for all. The dull season of the theatres has
begun. Many of them are operating now at no profit; and, if run further, it
would be at a loss. Under such circumstances, whatever amount is paid to the[R5456 : page 143] theatre
people above the cost of light and janitorage is profit. Besides, many theatres
are interested in bringing their name and location prominently before the
public and would be benefited greatly by having the DRAMA.
Under such circumstances the theatre owners
often give us astonishingly low prices--five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five
dollars per day, according to size and quality of the theatre and the size of
the city. In no case should we use an inferior Auditorium, nor one in a poor location,
even if it were offered free. Have these things in mind when writing to us. If
you will, give us information respecting the best theatres, their seating
capacity, the price at which they would be obtainable, etc.
In any event, be sure to inform us very
definitely just what amount of assistance your Class would need for the local
presentation of the DRAMA. We must know this in every case hereafter, in order
to know how to use the DRAMA most widely and how to use the Lord's money in
connection with it most wisely. Give this immediate attention, if interested;
for whatever is to be accomplished this Summer should be under way now, or
Toward fall there will be numerous Fairs and
Expositions everywhere. The Fair and Exposition and Chautauqua Managers are
interested in the DRAMA, as they would be in anything else that would help to
attract to their enterprises. They frequently spend large sums for attractions.
We have circulars to the effect that our Society is willing to supply the
PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION free to those who proffer suitable Auditorium and other
conveniences. We make no objection to the [R5457
: page 143] usual
entrance fees charged by Expositions, etc., but merely require that the DRAMA
shall be free to all those inside the grounds. Any of you acquainted with such
Fairs may drop us a postal card giving us the date and the name and address of
the Treasurer or Business Manager. Brooklyn address No. 124 Columbia Heights.
In some places theatre managers are anxious for
the DRAMA and are willing to show it free, provided that they are permitted to
charge for one-third of their seating capacity as reserved seats. We have no
objection to this. Evidently there are some people who would prefer to pay
something, in order to have seats reserved.
W.T. R-5456a : page 142 - 1914r