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Views From The Watch Tower - "In Ugly Temper"
IN A LETTER of apology for absence from the
dinner of the Bletchley (Bedfordshire) Working Men's Unionist Association, the
Duke of Bedford says:
"The prospects with which 1914 opens are
nowhere encouraging. Unrest prevails in every quarter of the habitable globe--
from China to Peru. The
difficulties of Great
Britain are as great as, if not greater
than, those of her neighbors, and her means of defense are less, for her
Constitution has been deliberately destroyed to serve the cause of party.
"The House of Lords is only retained to
supply the Radical Party with money for electioneering purposes. The House of
Commons is muzzled and gagged, and the salaried representatives of the
constituencies serve the electorate or earn their salaries, not with their
brains or their judgment, but with their legs; they walk into the voting
lobbies whenever the Government Whips give them their orders. Legislation is a
mere question of shoe leather.
"When constitutional safeguards are swept
away and no guidance is forthcoming, the only method of expressing discontent
which remains is civil war. This is what we are now finding.
"Now a new danger looms before us. It looks
as if the problem of naval defense would be shirked, that a body of men led by
persons with ostentatiously German names may continue the support of the
Radical Party. And meanwhile by assiduous appeals to envy, hatred and greed,
Ministers have spoiled the temper of the nation. The nation is not only out of
temper, but in an ugly temper."--London Daily Mail.
* * *
The foregoing shows some of the troubles of
worldly princes and aristocracy. We cannot avoid a feeling of deep sympathy for
the aristocracy in their present conditions. Jesus long ago foretold the
conditions of our day, saying, especially of the rich and titled, "Men's
hearts failing them for fear and for looking forward to the things coming upon
the earth"--upon society. Special privileges have so long been enjoyed by
the aristocracy that it is only natural that they should feel that these privileges
are theirs by Divine right.
On the other hand, the world of mankind are
learning how the control of the earth came into the possession of so few people
in olden times. They are learning that in less civilized times the better
educated and more influential gradually gathered property and titles into their
own hands. These have been transferred to their children from generation to
generation, and laws have been framed which recognize their titles, until now
any other laws which in any measure abrogate the title, or limit the special
privileges, are felt to be unjust, ungodly --robbery.
Much could be said on both sides of the
question. It is ours to consider God's view of the situation and the
relationship of the whole to the Golden Rule--the Divine Law. Viewing matters
from this standpoint, the majority can agree that even if there was an excuse
in the past for the usurpation of titles, privileges and possessions of land,
those privileges would cease with changed conditions. In other words, if there
was in the past a time when the masses of the people were too ignorant or too
superstitious to appreciate self-government and to exercise it properly, and if
at that time it was in the interest of all that the land and the privileges
were seized by the more fit of the race for the general welfare, this did not
mean that matters must so continue forever. It did mean, rather, that with
general education and general fitness for self-government all such privileges
should be relinquished or abrogated.
To state the matter in different terms: If the
educated in times past believed that they followed the Golden Rule in seizing
land and authority, the same Golden Rule would demand that their power be used
in the public interest and welfare--that the public be educated and that, as
the masses became capable of self-control, power and authority should be
gradually delivered to them. The whole question, according to this standard of
the Golden Rule, would therefore be, Have the masses yet attained that degree
of development which would permit them to handle their own, or should the
aristocracy continue to handle it for them under the plea that the public is
not competent--not wise enough to manage its own estate?
Whenever the majority of the people reach the
conclusion that they are competent to manage their estate, and whenever they
learn that God gave the earth and its fulness not to the few, but to the
many--then the people will take up their own inheritance and exercise their own
control; and in that proportion the titles of lords, nobles, dukes, kings and
emperors will be merely empty reminders of a darker time. Thenceforth, either
by Parliaments or Congresses, the people will manage their own affairs, using
the ballot for that purpose.
This condition of things, which has been coming
upon the world gradually, is evidently quite right, quite in accord [R5448 : page 132] with
the Golden Rule. True, it would have appeared nobler had the titled aristocracy
voluntarily surrendered to the people their rights. But we must remember that
all mankind are innately selfish, and hence disposed to look upon matters from
the standpoint of their own personal interest and that of their families. It
has been fortunate for the world's peace that this turning of their rights over
to the people has been proceeding gradually, rather than by violent revolution.
Inch by inch the people have been taking back their rights, in proportion as
they became intelligent enough to appreciate them. Perhaps sometimes in their
zeal, they desired too much or sought to grasp too much, or at least sought to
grasp more than they were qualified to use wisely.
No wonder if many of the aristocracy feel deeply
grieved, as does the Duke of Bedford. No wonder if many of them have dark
forebodings respecting the future. No wonder if it seems to them as if justice
is being violated. They have lost the proper perspective of the situation. They
fail to see that as elder brothers to the remainder of the race, they should recognize
that the masses are no longer "like dumb, driven cattle." They should
recognize that a great awakening has come within the last century, and they
should be as anxious to turn over the inheritance to their brethren as the
latter are anxious to receive it.
The political battle which has been in progress
in Great Britain
in recent years, and especially within the past two years, is exciting the
astonishment of the world. Kings and princes and nobles are in alarm, fearful
of the results. The Bible alone makes the situation clear. It alone shows us
that the wonderful changes of our day are incidental to the transfer of the
kingdoms of this world to become the Kingdom
of God's dear Son.
We should not be misunderstood, however: We have
no thought that the change of parties or of party leaders or of party policies
in Great Britain, or in any
other nation, will make that nation a holy nation, a member of the Kingdom of God. Indeed, we have no reason to
believe that Socialists as a whole would or could give the world the blessing
of perfect earthly government, establish human rights, etc. On the contrary, we
are to remember that while kings and princes have ruled sometimes with a heavy
hand, nevertheless, in recent years at least, they have found it necessary to
give the people and their interests greater consideration than ever before; and
that their experience and their education doubtless qualify them above the
average of their fellows for the management of large questions of national
Besides, the sudden change would involve not
only great hardship to these lords of the land, but probably great distress and
hardship to the masses as well. Indeed, this is just what the Bible points out
to us. We are living in the time of Christ's presence. The selection of the Church of Christ to be the Bride-Consort in the
Kingdom is nearly completed. The Kingdom will, therefore, soon be established.
But those possessed of the power and authority, not realizing this, are holding
fast to all that was seized by their forefathers under different conditions.
To our understanding, the Bible teaches that
this conflict of interests is about to precipitate a great Time of Trouble, the
like of which never was before. (Daniel 12:1.)
Nobody wants the trouble, everybody will be injured by it, and yet everybody is
rushing toward it. Both the aristocracy and the masses are goaded on by fear.
The former fear the loss of their earthly all; the latter perceive that the
money of the world, and the land, the basis of all wealth, are in possession of
the aristocracy.
The masses realize that, with the bountiful
blessings which God has been pouring out upon the world during the past century
through increase of knowledge and invention, the world is becoming fabulously
rich; and that these riches are gravitating toward the same hands that control
the land. They are fearful that if they do not improve the opportunities now
passing, they or their children will in time again become slaves or serfs.
Hence the turmoil of speech and the conflict between classes, which are
hurrying us toward the vortex of the great Armageddon.--Revelation
Although we are powerless to hinder either
party, we are deeply interested in both, and sympathetic toward both; our own
best consolation and the best which we can [R5449
: page 132] offer
to either party of the strife is that which we get from the Bible. It tells us
that in the darkest hour, when human passion will have reached its climax in
anarchy, there still will be hope--the brightest of all hopes. Following
the dark hour of trouble will come the glorious sunrise of the Millennial Kingdom, scattering earth's ignorance
and superstition. Then the Kingdom, taking a firm hold upon the race, will
properly conduct humanity to the full heights of perfection lost in Eden, but redeemed for all at Calvary.
With such a hope we may well possess our souls in peace, awaiting so glorious
an outcome of the Divine Plan.
Although we are not to be active in the strife
on either side, we cannot be without deep interest in both sides; and we must,
to the extent of our opportunities and influence, tell the good tidings of the
coming Kingdom to as many of the warriors in that battle as may have the
hearing ear. To whatever extent they shall be able to hear, to believe, they
will have blessing, peace, comfort. It is the portion of the Church to be
faithful to the principles of the Divine character and to make known the Divine
Program, to bind up all the broken-hearted with the blessed Message of Divine
mercy and to teach all the lesson of patient endurance, loyalty and
faithfulness. It is ours, as the Apostle says, to "do good unto all men,
but especially unto them who are of the Household of Faith."
Whether or not the climax of this trouble should
be reached in 1915, is not for us to say. We should even have no wish on the
subject, except that God's will shall be done. As we note the rapid changes
which have taken place in the public sentiment in Great Britain within the past
year, we cannot doubt that if the Gentile Times expire with the close of this
year, 1914, a
very short period might accomplish the full inauguration of the Day of Wrath,
in which, as foreshown in Bible imagery, the ecclesiastical heavens and the
political earth will be consumed in a wild revolution of human passion, which
will thoroughly melt, or disintegrate, the elements composing the present order
of things--the social element, the political element, the financial element,
the ecclesiastical element. We know, however, that the great God of Love is so
wise that He has known long in advance every feature of the great conflict and
conflagration; and that His arrangements are ample for the arrest of the
trouble in due time, by the establishment of the Kingdom of His dear Son with
great and glorious power.
We had expected that if the Gentile Times should
end with the present year, this would surely mean that all the Bride class
would participate in the First Resurrection change from earthly conditions to
Heavenly conditions before the end of the present year. Although this was not
stated positively, it was pointed out to be the logical conclusion. [R5449 : page 133] Now
it does not look so. We see Scriptures which are not yet fulfilled and which,
we are convinced, could not find accomplishment before the end of this year.
Of course, our conviction along this line is no
stronger than it previously was in the opposite direction. Of course, with God
all things are possible. Of course, the Scriptures most distinctly tell us that
the catastrophe will come suddenly--"as travail upon a woman with
child"--at a moment as unexpected to the mother as to others. Hence it is
not impossible that all of our expectations may be realized before the end of this
year. We consider, however, that this is highly improbable. We desire all of
our readers to know this, whatever influence it may have upon their plans and
As for the Editor, he will be just as pleased to
have the Lord's will done in the one way as in the other. Indeed, if allowed to
have a voice in the deciding of the matter, we would feel afraid to exercise
such a privilege. The poet has expressed the thought, saying:
"We are
afraid to touch
Things which involve so much."
If the year shall pass without a special
manifestation of Divine favor toward the Church in the way of resurrection
change from earthly to spiritual nature, we shall know that we erred in judgment
in respect to the time when this glorious event might be expected. The great
fact would still remain, however, that the hope of the Church of God
is the resurrection change, "when this mortal shall put on
immortality"--"changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
If it be the Divine arrangement that we should remain longer this side the
veil, we doubt not that He will have some service for us to perform here. And
whether our service be on this side of the veil or on the other side, we should
be fully content, knowing that He is too wise to err; nor should we lament our
misunderstandings. Rather, we should be glad and rejoice, and continue active
in the Divine service, as glad to serve on one side of the veil as on the other,
with the assurance that God's will is being done in us.
There is still a possibility that we have made
no mistake in respect to the time, but
have erred in respect to the things expected.
For instance, it may be that the Times of the Gentiles do expire with the
present year, but that the Lord will not dispossess them nor take from them
their earthly dominion so quickly as we had anticipated. Considering that they
have been in power for 2,520 years, dispossession in one year might seem very
sudden--indeed, to accomplish it in five, or ten, or twenty years, might seem
not an unreasonable time.
Germany is being overwhelmed with a deluge of infidelity, unparalleled in its entire
history. The Monist Federation is endeavoring to draw together the cultured
strata of the people into a solid phalanx against Christianity. The Social
Democrats are pushing the general masses into a fanatical hatred of Church and
State, and in the pulpits a Liberalism is spreading, which is almost utterly
devoid of the Spirit of the Gospel.
While in believing circles earnest efforts are
being put forth for individual salvation, and Mission Work is being done
amongst the people, to stem the destructive tide, it becomes more evident every
day, that "the State
Church is doomed in her
struggle with Infidelity."
General strike against the Church is the latest
slogan. The "No-Creeders" (Monists) in league with the Socialists,
convened mass meetings in Berlin, Brunswick and Saxony, in which every means of incitation
was employed in an appeal toward a secession from the State Church.
At these meetings over 1,300 persons signed a declaration announcing their
intention to secede from the Church. Four thousand more followed, and according
to judicial court-records received towards the end of December, 17,000
secessions took place in December up to the 23d, and the day after Christmas
8,000 more announced their intention. These are alarming figures!
To the Socialists the Church Boycott is a
political campaign issue. They aim at depriving the Church of her revenues and
thus result in her overburdening the State.
The following press reports may serve as a
typical illustration of the mode of procedure in such meetings. Said Dr.
Liebknecht: "The Church (especially the Prussian State
Church) is not a
religious, but a purely political Institution. She constitutes a blasphemy
against the claims of early Christianity. She does not aim at the closer Union and Development of man with man, but is a conscious
instrument of the Ruling Class for the oppression of the Masses, and blandly
supports the Capitalistic Element under the protection of the State. As such
the Church is additionally a bulwark of militarism. On the other hand, the
so-called Christian
Prussian State
is merely a state of Classes, reared upon the canonization of those 'treasures
which moth and rust corrupt.' To belittle this Prussian State
is therefore our aim. One means to that end is a strike en masse, which is
"In the meantime, however, the 'Church
Boycott' is a still more convenient and none the less effective means as a
political onslaught. Thereby the Church can eventually be starved financially.
Whoever has severed with the Church at heart, and continues to remain in her,
is a hypocrite. Come out of the Prussian
Military Church!
Away from the Church and thus from the Prussian Feudal
State!" Thundering
applause followed this reasoning.
The second Socialist speaker of the day summed
up the matter thus: "Whoever does not secede from the Church, with which
he has nothing in common, is a scoundrel! Every Socialist must secede, for the
Church combats Socialism by every available means."
The Post writes:
"We attended one of the twelve Mass Meetings convened by the 'No
Creeders.' We looked forward beforehand to an uncomfortable evening. Nor shall
we say anything respecting the vitriolic remarks of the two speakers, who had
not a single commendatory word for the Church, and seemed to know only Clerics,
but no Ministers. The painful fact was more than apparent, that Socialism is
merely another name for Infidelity. But one thing really horrified us: Such a
degree of vulgarity, such degeneracy of mind, we had not deemed possible!
Without exception, every one who even by vague allusion, ventured to take a
stand for his Church was howled down, hissed from the rostrum and subjected to
filthy invectives. While appealing to the true, inner sentiments of man,
supposing that every man must at least hold a faith in something higher,
'Whew'! burst from a thousand throats, piercing whistles were given, and loud
hoots and guffaws greeted such an accession. It seemed as if one were in an
assembly of criminals, and not amongst men of feeling and sense.
"To illustrate: When a minister ascended
the platform, the following was heard, 'He looks it'! 'Old Sky-pilot'! And from
another part of the hall the same evening we heard the following words aimed at
the ministers: 'Damned Rags'! 'Pig-priests'! A gentleman who interrupted was
yelled at 'Rous mit the Parsonface'! At one time a vulgar interjection reached
our ears, one from the 'underworld,' wholly unfit for print. [R5450 : page 134]
"The ministers had been invited. A few
courageous men ran the gauntlet, and undertook the difficult task of obtaining
a hearing amidst these roaring waves. Then one of them ascended the rostrum, a
spirited character, whose mild facial expression alone invited reconciliation;
with quiet, well-weighed words (Pastor Le Seur from Gross Lichterfeld, Berlin),
attempted to make clear to the assembly the seriousness of the problem, with
which unscrupulous agitators were here playing football. He frankly admitted
that the State Church manifested serious faults. He
withdrew amidst a flood of derision, ridicule and insults. Then came a woman of
the working class. She yelled to the ministers, who stood close to the
speaker's chair: 'I can believe in ten thousand devils in this world, but not
in your God, Sir Pastor!' And the masses yelled applause."
In the Vossische Zeitung, Prof.
Oswald, President of the Monist Federation, expressed the aim which he pursues
in the Secessional Movement, as follows: "Thus far all attempts for
emancipation from Church Rule through Science have been confined to the
comparatively small 'Upper Strata' of the cultured. The present movement is
characterized, in that it takes hold, not only of the influential, but an
exceedingly large number of our people, amongst Organized Labor. If the present
movement assumes the proportion of an avalanche, which is very probable, in a
short time it will be no more a question of thousands or tens of thousands, but
of millions."
In an article, "Decay of the State Church," Die
Welt writes
in conclusion: "The rule of the 'Liberals' incites the 'Positives' to
leave the State Church. While on the other side,
'Indifferents' are leaving in ever-increasing numbers. As a result, we may
finally reach a state of things in Berlin,
when the State Church will collapse."--
Translation from Der Apologete, Cincinnati, Ohio.
W.T. R-5448a : page 131 - 1914r