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Chosen no: R-659 a, from: 1884 Year. |
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Justification Defined.
"Being justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."--Rom. 5:1.
The word justification has two meanings, which
are closely related; one is to prove that a thing is right, the other to
make a thing right which is wrong.
Webster defines the word justify thus: I. "To prove or show to be just or conformable to
law, right, justice or duty-- to vindicate as right." II. "To
pronounce free from guilt--to absolve."
These terms are used in these two senses in
Scripture. As illustrating the first definition, viz.: proving or showing to be
just and right, notice that our Heavenly Father is said to be justified and
Jesus also. When John preached repentance for sins, the people who
believed justified God; i.e., they acknowledged that God had been just
in condemning and punishing them as sinners; [R660 :
page 2] his dealings were vindicated as being right. Jesus
as a man was tried or tested in all points (the world, flesh, and devil) as we
are, "yet without sin"--"In him was no sin." He was
"holy, harmless, separate from sinners." Jehovah was his judge, and
he justified, i.e., declared him to have been proved right and
just. He was vindicated as being right, or, as we read, he was
"justified in spirit and received into glory." (1
Tim. 3:16.)
His unspotted humanity he gave up to death, to pay
for us, the penalty of Adamic sin. Thus his death was not for his own sins, but
for ours. "He bore our sins in his own body on the tree." "Jehovah
(in harmony with his own desire) laid on him the iniquity of us all." The man Christ Jesus gave himself (his manhood) a ransom for all. And
one of the best evidences that in God's sight he was free from all sin, is
found in the fact that though he gave his humanity as a ransom, yet God, while
accepting the human sacrifice for our sins, raised Jesus to life on a
plane far above the human. Had he been a sinner, this would have been
impossible, for God's law condemns every sinner to death.
Now notice the second meaning of
justification--the making right of something which is wrong. This is the
sense in which the term is applicable to us, who by "the fall" are
wrong and sinful.
God cannot say arbitrarily, though you are
sinful, a violator of my just laws, I will declare you to be right. No, he must
be just--justice is the foundation of his throne; everything rests upon it. If
you are imperfect and sinful he cannot say that you are righteous. If you were
righteous he could not declare you a sinner, nor treat you as such.
Do you remind us that there is none of the
Adamic race righteous--no, not one--and urge that, therefore, God cannot
justify any of us? We reply that he cannot justify us in the first sense of the
word, as seen above, but there is a way which God's love and wisdom have
devised by which he can be just and the justifier of those sinners who believe
in or accept Jesus. (Rom. 3:26.) Thus our
justification is in the second sense explained above; that is, we who are
wrong, sinful and condemned before God, are made right by having our
sins and shortcomings settled by another-- by having the perfections of another
set to our account.
But, some one may raise the question as to what
is the cause or basis of justification. One claims that is by Jehovah's grace, and not because our ransom has been paid, and quotes Titus
3:7, "Being justified by his grace." Another claims
that we are justified, not by grace, nor by a ransom, but by faith, and quotes Rom. 5:1, "Being justified by faith." Another claims the ransom as the basis of all justification, and refers to Rom.
5:9, "Being now justified by his blood" (death). Are there
three ways to be justified? No, answers Jesus, "I am the way....No man
cometh to the Father but by me."
What can there be about believing in Jesus? Why not believe in Peter or Moses or Samson or Isaiah or Jeremiah? Why could
not God justify those who believe in these as well as those "who believe
in Jesus?" There must be something special and peculiar about Jesus,
something different from all other teachers and prophets that we may be justified
through faith in him, and not by faith in them.
Again, what is it to believe in Jesus? Is it
merely to recognize the fact that such a person once lived in Judea
and died on a cross? Surely not; many prophets perished in Judea;
many persons died on crosses.
In explanation, we suggest that if the context
be studied, these texts will be found harmonious. It is by Jehovah's grace or favor that we are justified, for
first contrived the plan
To save rebellious man."
We are justified by faith, too; that is, we must
by faith grasp the agency of God's grace--the ransom--before we can
realize its full value. But down under all is the ransom--Jesus'
death--the basis of all justifying faith and the channel of God's grace. These three things: the value of the ransom as the power of justification, the
grace which provided it, and the faith which appropriates it are all
beautifully joined by Paul in Rom. 3:24,25. "Justified
freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus
Christ, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in
his blood."
The secret is, that Jesus died for our sins. But, does some one suggest, that as sin is the cause of all death,
therefore Isaiah, Jeremiah, Peter and others died because of sin as well as
Jesus. We answer, yes; they all died because of sin; all except Jesus died
because of their share in the sin, because they were descendants of the
condemned Adam, whose life was forfeited by sin. Thus all but Jesus die because
of the inherited taint. Jesus died because of sin, too, but not because
of inherited taint or personal guilt. His life came direct from God and
was unforfeited; but he died for our sins. "Jehovah laid upon him
the iniquity of us all." "Him who knew no sin [either personal
or inherited] he made a sin offering [treated as a sinner] on our behalf, that
we might become God's righteousness in him." (2
Cor. 5:21, Diaglott).
Thus we see why God justifies believers through Jesus and not through themselves, nor through apostles or prophets. Now, we see why
there is no other name given under heaven or among men whereby we can be saved
from the penalty of the fall. It is because he gave his sinless, perfect
humanity a RANSOM--substitute for ours.
Did God unjustly lay upon the willing
substitute the iniquity of us all? Ah, no; for the joy set before him he
endured the cross, despising the shame. Therefore his present exaltation and
glory. Wondrous wisdom of the infinite Jehovah! Who can find a flaw in his
glorious plan or charge him with injustice?
Now we see what it is to believe in Jesus. Not
merely believing that such a man lived and died, but that he lived and died
free from all condemnation and sin--attested and approved of God--and that his
death was for our sins. And thus we see how God can justly justify those who believe in and accept of that sacrificial offering of the
humanity of Christ Jesus. Now we can see that the sins and the frailties of the
Adamic family were cancelled by the ransom price which the second Adam
gave. The first Adam's sins were imputed to the second, and the second
Adam's human purity is imputed to the first and his children--when they
believe, and thus they are justified to live again.
It is blessed to realize, too, that the spotless
one who bought us by the sacrifice of his humanity is now highly exalted to the
spiritual condition and power, and thus as a new creature--partaker of the
divine nature--he will continue to carry forward the Father's plan. Soon he
will bring from the prison-house of death those whom he bought, that they all
might be (thus) saved (from the penalty of Adam's sin) and come to a knowledge
of the truth, viz.: that they, by faith in Christ, are justified freely from
all things and may come to perfection and harmony with God as before sin.
How Paul brings out this doctrine of
justification in Rom. 5:18,19, showing the
condemnation to death on all through Adam, and the justification out of death
to life through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory throughout all ages. Amen.
Justified freely by his grace, through the redemption
that is in Christ Jesus, whom God hath sent forth to be a propitiation
(satisfaction) through faith in his blood; to declare his righteousness
(right doing) in the remission of sins that are past....To declare, I say, at
this time his (God's righteousness: that he might be just and the
justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. (Rom.
3:24,25.) Those who will study the chart in "Food," page 105,
will be helped in the understanding of this subject, and also the important
subject of Sanctification, which should follow it, but cannot precede it.
W.T. R-659a : page 2 - 1884r