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Chosen no: R-670 e, from: 1884 Year. |
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View From The Tower.
Every member of the Church (whose names were
"written in heaven") in the early times was a preacher. We know this
not only because it is recorded that they "went every where preaching the
Word" (Acts 8:4), but because we know
that no one then or now led of the Spirit of Christ could help being a
preacher of the glad tidings. If the anointing of the spirit led Jesus to
preach; if the same spirit in Paul led him to feel "woe is unto me if I
preach not the gospel" (1 Cor. 9:16),
wherever the same mind or spirit of Christ may be, it will have the same
general effect, it will make a preacher of the one controlled by it as
surely as it did of those referred to above. Of the Church whose names are
written in heaven--every member is a preacher. Are you one? Are you faithful to
your ministry?
The Greek word rendered "preach" in
the above citations is euagg. It signifies --"To tell good news
or tidings." --Young. One definition of our English word preach is,
"To give earnest advice on moral or religious grounds." --Webster. From
this, it will be seen that to confine the use of the word preach to a
public discourse, as it usually is, is an error, begotten no doubt of the
custom of having a special class do all the expounding of the glad
tidings, while others feel themselves relieved from it.
The secret is this: The "glad tidings of
great joy" which always did and always will kindle a flame of holy fire,
which must find vent through tongue or pen, and to restrain which would be
"woe unto me" if I preach not--has been so handled by Satan
and his able assistant "Babylon the Great," that the "glad"
element has been obscured, and the whole turned into "bad tidings" of
great evil to ninety-nine in every hundred of the race.
It is greatly to the credit of the Church, that
many have lost interest in the promulgation of the bad news. It makes
evident, too, another thing, viz.: that the bad news, called gospel, now
preached by those who are paid good salaries for so doing, must be a
very different story from that which every member of the early Church preached
for nothing. Nay, they got regular wages, but instead of money and titles and
respect, they got stripes, imprisonments, and revilings, being accounted the
filth and offscourings of the world-- driven from their homes, "they that
were scattered abroad, went every where preaching the Word." (Acts 8:4.)
Ah, yes! with such exhibitions of self-sacrifice
and devotion on the part of the preachers, could we doubt that their message
was really "glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people,"
and that the humblest of them felt, as Paul expressed it, that he was "not ASHAMED of the gospel of Christ." What wonder, too, that "under such a
message" by such preachers--"the number of the disciples was multiplied"? (Acts 6:1.)
And now, when under the providence of God THE
CHURCH is getting back to the "good tidings" as originally
held by THE CHURCH in the days of the Apostles, and getting rid of the
traditions of men under which it had been buried for centuries by contending
sects and factions, we find that the real "glad tidings" has
to-day the same effect that it had in early times upon all imbued with its
spirit of truth. It is now, as then, impossible for anyone to receive the glad
tidings and the spirit of it, without becoming a preacher of it, even though by
so doing such meet with the same opposition as did their brethren in early
times with the same glad tidings of the ransom for all and consequent
resurrection hope for all.
Some inquire where are our Bishops, Apostles and
preachers? We reply that Jesus is still recognized as the great Bishop (1 Pet. 2:25). And we have under-shepherds or
overseers of the flock to-day as Timothy and others were in the early Church. We
still have the words and teachings of the genuine Apostles--James, John,
Peter, Paul, et al., and, judging from letters received there are not
less than two thousand preachers and evangelists, who, being
"scattered abroad, go every where preaching the Word," and referring
those who "have an ear to hear," to the words of Jesus,
Apostles and Prophets.
Beloved fellow-preachers, ministers (dispensers)
of the grace of God which is through Jesus Christ our Lord, let us [R671 : page 1] make full proof of our ministry,
that we may not be ashamed before the Great Bishop, when giving an account of
our stewardship. The more we learn of the "glad tidings of great
joy," the more we will feel with Paul that we would be in distress and
woe, if you could not tell the joyful message: the more you will feel as
Peter and John expressed it: "we cannot but speak the things which we have
seen and heard." (Acts 4:19,20, and 5:29,40,41.)
Your zeal in the spread of this good news is
very precious to us and we are sure also, that it is so to our Chief Shepherd. Probably
one-half of all the letters received indicate that by one means or another the
writers are preaching daily. The majority find their greatest success in
preaching, to be by means of a wise circulation of special numbers of the
TOWER, with special articles marked, and accompanied by "a word in
season"--among those who seem to be "the meek," and to have
"an ear to hear."
We repeat what some do not seem to have fully
understood heretofore, viz.: that "ZION'S
WATCH TOWER TRACT SOCIETY," (whose funds are voluntary donations
only) provides reading matter for gratuitous circulation on these precious
subjects, to all who will use discretion in circulating it.
During the four years of the Society's existence
nearly two hundred million (200,000,000) pages of tract matter has been
circulated, and the experience thus obtained is, that greater results
proportioned to the outlay, are derived from the use of specially prepared numbers of the TOWER (the last number was one of these) than by any other form
of tract. Hence, efforts are at present mainly aimed in that direction, and
thousands of papers in English and Swedish are printed and sent forth
continually. We mention this that you may know that you have a supply to draw from so long as the Master shall supply the funds. Order as many
"sample copies for distribution," as you think you can use to
advantage in preaching the "glad tidings of great joy which shall be to
all people."
Though you may have a bountiful supply, use it
not wastefully; but as wise stewards seek to use each paper or pamphlet
according to the value of its message in your appreciation, and as men who
shall render an account to a Master.
W.T. R-670e : page 1 -1884r