Polskojęzyczna strona poświęcona życiu i twórczości pastora Charlesa Taze Russella
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
<< Back Chosen no: R-4700 a,   from: 1910 Year.
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Pastor Russell To Address Hebrews


Pastor Russell, of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, is to address a giant mass meeting of the Jews of New York on Sunday, October 9, at 3 o'clock, in the Hippodrome.
He is considered one of the most eloquent Protestant preachers, and has gained a wide audience among the Hebrews by his sympathetic treatment of Jewish questions.

Pastor Russell's sermon will be on "Zionism in Prophecy." His appearance before a representative mass meeting of Jews will be the first time that a well-known Protestant minister has been asked to deliver an address to such an assembly.

Prominent Jewish citizens are arranging to make the meeting one of

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the largest gatherings ever held in this city. The Yiddish newspapers and Jewish societies are represented on the committees in charge of arrangements.


Counselor Leo Wolfson, president of the Federated Roumanian Jews of America and Vice Grand Master of the I.W.S.O., when seen at his office, said:

"As one who is interested in the Jewish question and an old worker for the Zionistic movement, my attention was called to Pastor Russell's interest in the Jews.

"I feel that an address by him on Zionism and Jewish prophets will present the question from a new point of view, and a point of view that I will be very willing to learn.

"I am sure that Pastor Russell's treatment of the question will be sympathetic, and will doubtless create widespread discussion of Zionism, its aims and ideals."

In speaking of the coming meeting and Pastor Russell's address, J. Pfeffer, of No. 139 Delancey street, said last night:

"Many of Pastor Russell's sermons have been printed in Jewish papers, and in these sermons he has preached sympathetically upon Jewish questions. This is primarily the reason why the Jews are anxious to hear him speak of the future of the Jew.


"Pastor Russell has been and is agitating Zionism. From a religious point of view he seems to believe in Judaism. It is a new occurrence for the Jews to have a Gentile take so much interest in problems and topics that are of special interest to them.

"Judging from the preparations and the interest already manifested in the announcement of the meeting I am of the opinion that it will be a very large gathering."

Pastor Russell, it is reported, will leave after next Sunday's meeting for London. While he is in England he will address many gatherings. One of these meetings will be a Jewish mass meeting. The London mass meeting will be held in Albert Hall, the largest auditorium in Great Britain.

The committee in charge of next Sunday's meeting in the Hippodrome includes: A. B. Landau, editor of The Warheit; Louis Lipsky, editor of the Maccabean; J. Pfeffer, editor of the Jewish Weekly; Abraham Goldberg, editor of the Yiddish Volk, and Leo Wolfson, editor of the Yiddish Spirit.

W.T. R-4700 a : page 328 – 1910 r.


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