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Pastor Charles Taze Russell
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The Value Of Wisdom.

II. QUAR., LESSON VI., MAY 7, `PROV. 3:11-24`.

Golden Text--"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding."--`Prov. 3:5`.

With a clear understanding of the purpose of this book, which, as we have seen, is for the moral instruction of all of the children of God (those who are now his children, or those who shall become his children during the Millennial age), there is less necessity for explanation than for careful personal consideration and application. They are certainly worthy to be bound about the neck and written upon the table of the heart. --`Verse 3`.

`VERSES 11,12` are given an inspired comment in `Heb. 12:4-13`.

`VERSES 13-18` represent the happiness and blessedness of the man that findeth wisdom --not the wisdom of this world which is foolishness with God, and which is earthly,

::R1520 : page 126::

sensual and often devilish (`1 Cor. 3:19`; `Jas. 3:15`), but the wisdom of meekness that is from above, and is "first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." (`Jas. 3:13,14,17`.) Those who have this kind of wisdom--viz., that attitude of heart and mind which fits us to receive the instruction of the Lord and to profit by it--are sure to get understanding of whatever truth is meat in due season for them. "The wise shall understand." And in the understanding of God's ways there is joy and peace and blessing which the world can neither give nor take away. `Verse 18` is a beautiful reference to the restitution to the trees of life and the Edenic bliss, of all who shall "lay hold upon" and "retain" that heavenly wisdom of meekness and entire submission to the will of God. And truly, "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."

`VERSES 19,20`. It was this same kind of wisdom, described above as pure, peaceable, merciful and kind, that actuated God when he established the heavens and founded the earth. And in consequence we see the beautiful harmony of the material universe, and experience the blessings of those beneficent laws of nature so beautifully adapted to our necessities.

`VERSES 21-26` are words which we cannot well afford to disregard: "Sound wisdom and discretion" (wise policy) are not only the course to eternal life, but even in the present time they bring grace, the favor of God, and preserve us from fear and from stumbling; and the Lord will keep the feet of all such from being caught in the snares of the adversary.

`VERSES 27-30` counsel fair dealing with our fellow-men.

`VERSES 31-35` counsel patient waiting for the rewards of righteousness and that we should not envy the wicked who prosper in the ways of oppression.

W.T. R-1520 : page 125 – 1893 r.

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