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A Famine in the Land
By C. T. Russell Pastor London and Brooklyn Tabernacles "I
will send a famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,
but of hearing the words of the Lord."—Am
8:11. TO-DAY this prophecy is fulfilled in our midst! Notwithstanding the fact that
during the past century Bibles have been printed and circulated among the
people by the million, and notwithstanding the fact that education has become
general so that rich and poor, old and young, have the ability to read God’s
Word, nevertheless, we are in the midst of the very famine specified by the
Prophet. It seems almost incredible that we should be famishing now with Bibles
in our homes, when our saintly forefathers did not famish, though education was
limited. The secret lies in the fact that increasing intelligence on every hand has
awakened our reasoning faculties along religious lines, and the result is the
gnawing of hunger in our hearts. Our hearts and our flesh cry out for a living
and a true God—a God greater than ourselves—more just, more powerful, more
loving. Feeling our own impotency, we more than ever feel our need of the
Friend above all others with a love that sticketh closer than a brother’s. Consequently we cannot find the rest and refreshment and comfort from the
Scriptures which our forefathers derived. Consequently the young men and the
purest of heart in the world are repelled by the religion of the past as
represented in the creeds of all denominations. They are hungry for the Truth.
They are thirsty for the refreshment which they need. Intellectually many are
looking, wandering, from sea to sea, desiring the bread of life and the water
of life. Scanning the creeds of all denominations, they find them practically
alike as respects theories of eternal reprobation and damnation for all except
the Elect, the saints. They are faint for lack of spiritual food and drink. They
even look to the heathen and examine the Theosophy of India, the Buddhism of
Japan and the Confucianism of China, seeking for some satisfying portion of
Truth. These are in some respects like the Prodigal Son—far from home. They perceive
the swinish content with the husks of business, money, pleasure and politics,
but their spiritual longings cannot be satisfied with the husks which the swine
eat. They are thought peculiar because of their interest in spiritual things. They
are misunderstood by their best earthly friends. They must learn that in their
wanderings along the highways of science and world-religion they will never get
satisfaction. There is a famine in every denomination, in every part of the
world. No one thinks of looking to the Bible for refreshment and strength. The
Higher Critics of all denominations have branded it unreliable. The professors
in all the great colleges are reprobating the Bible and openly laugh at the
thought of finding there either bread for the hungry or water for the thirsty. This is the very picture given in our context. "They shall wander from sea
to sea, from the North even to the East; they shall run to and fro to seek the
Word of the Lord and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and
the young men faint for thirst."—Am 8:12,13.
The Bread of Life and Water of Life. These hungry hearts must learn that there is only the one satisfying portion
under the Sun—the living and true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent to be
the Bread of Life for the world, and the message of grace from His lips to be
the Water of Life. It is ours to call the attention of this Truth-hungry class
to the Great Teacher who declared: "My flesh is OV260 food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed; except ye eat the flesh of the
Son of Man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." (#Joh
6:55,53.) But scarcely will the intelligent of our day hearken to these
words, so prejudiced are their minds by the fallacies which becloud their
understanding. They see not, neither do they understand the goodness of God. Why is this? Why are these Bibles in millions of homes, Catholic and
Protestant, neglected? Because the people know not that the Bread of Life and
the Water of Life which they seek are hidden therein. Why is this? We answer
that conditions were very much the same in Israel at the time of our Lord’s
first Advent. The explanation He then gave is applicable now. He said: "Ye
do make void the Law of God through your traditions"—"the traditions
of the ancients."—Mr 7:13; 1Pe 1:18. So now, the traditions handed down from our forefathers really make void,
meaningless, ungracious, the message of God’s Wisdom and Love sent to us
through the Lord, the Apostles and the Prophets. Those who still hold
tenaciously to the creeds of the past are thoroughly blinded now to the true
teachings of God’s Word, while, alas, the majority of the independent thinkers,
in rejecting the dogmas of the past, have rejected the Bible also, believing
that the teachings of the creeds truthfully represent God’s Word. These are
wandering hither and thither, hungering and thirsting, looking for the Bread of
Life and Water of Life, and finding it nowhere, because they seek not where
alone it is to be found. Ho, Every One That Thirsteth, Come Ye. Ho! Ye all that hunger for Truth Come ye. There is an abundance for us all in
our Heavenly Father’s wonderful provision—in the Bible. Deserting all the creeds
and traditions of men, let us gather at our Heavenly Father’s Board as His
Family, as His Children. Let us prove the truthfulness of His declaration that
"Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that
reverence Him." Let us seek and obtain the satisfying portion. Let us
satisfy our longings at the table of Divine provision. Mark.the Lord’s words,
and consider how truthful they are, "Blessed are they that hunger and
thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."—Mt
5:6. It is this Truth-hungry class that we address. We know their heart-longings,
for we had the same. We know the satisfaction they crave for we have received
it and are therefore doubly glad to hand forth the Bread of Life and the Water
of Life to those who desire it. There are plenty ready to serve the appetites
of those who long for pleasure—ball games, society fetes, chess, travel, etc. We
have not a word to say against these. It is not our thought that they are going
to eternal torment; hence we do not frantically beset them, annoy them. Let
them have their pleasure. Let them wait for the time to come when something may
occur in their experiences which will put them into the class of the
broken-hearted and contrite of spirit, and cause them to feel after God, if
haply they might find Him as a satisfying portion. In harmony with the Master’s direction, it is our aim to "bind up the
broken-hearted; to comfort those that mourn;" to tell them of the Oil of
Joy which the Lord is willing to bestow for their spirit of heaviness and
sorrow for sin. (Isa 61:1-3.) As the
Master expressed no reproof of those engaged in any form of moral reform, even
asceticism, so it is with us. We desire to oppose no one who is doing any good
work, whether he follow with us in every particular or not. There are so many
engaged in doing evil works, and so few engaged in doing good, that not one of
the latter class can be spared from the ranks of the service of righteousness. As the Master did not give His time to temperance reform, nor social reform, OV261 nor political reform, but did give His time to the instruction of the
people in the doctrines of the Divine Word, so let us be intent to follow His
instruction in this matter, not teaching for doctrines the precepts of men, but
the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever—expounding unto the people
the Scriptures and assisting them to see the length and breadth of their
meaning. Nevertheless, as the religious teachers of the Master’s day hated
Jesus and His disciples for this cause, "Because they taught the
people," and persecuted them because they did not walk in the beaten paths
of their day, so we may expect also to be hated without cause; so we may expect
that the scribes and Pharisees and Doctors of the Law to-day will be grieved
because the people are taught, because the light of the knowledge of the glory
of God shining in the face of Jesus Christ is presented to the people as an
incentive to love and obedience, instead of the doctrine of eternal torment. It matters not that all the educated ministry to-day well know, and would not
for a moment deny, their disbelief in the doctrine of eternal torment, if
cross-questioned. Nevertheless, many of them hate us and oppose us, because we show the people
the true interpretation of God’s Word, and lift before the eyes of their
understanding a God of Love—Just, Merciful, Righteous altogether, and fully
capable both in Wisdom and Power to work out all the glorious designs which He
"purposed in Himself before the foundation of the world." 1. They perceive that the teaching of the doctrines of Purgatory and eternal
torment has not had a sanctifying influence upon mankind in all the sixteen
centuries in which it has been preached. They fear that to deny these doctrines
now would make a bad matter worse. They fear that if the Gospel of the Love of
God and of the Bible—that it does not teach eternal torment for any—were made
generally known, the effect upon the world would be to increase its wickedness,
to make life and property less secure than now and to fill the world still more
than now with blasphemies. 2. They fear also that a certain amount of discredit would come to themselves
because, knowing that the Bible does not teach eternal torment, according to
the Hebrew and Greek original, they secreted the knowledge from the people. They
fear that this would forever discredit them with their hearers. Hence they
still outwardly lend their influence to the doctrine of eternal torture, which
they do not believe, and feel angry towards us because we teach the people the
Truth upon the subject, which they know will bring to them hundreds of
questions difficult to answer or dodge. We ask you, dear readers, Were you constrained to become children of God and to
render to the Lord the homage and the obedience of your lives through fear or
through love? We are not asking you whether you never have feared; but we are
asking you what brought you to the point of consecrating your life to God? Surely
that was not fear. We are aware, of course, that there is a proper, godly fear, reverence, and
that the Scriptures declare it—"The fear (reverence) of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom." (Ps 111:10.)
But this is not the fear of eternal torment which tends to drive out love. How could we love or esteem or truly worship a God purposing the eternal
torment of His creatures from before their creation? We could give you many proofs of the power of love over the human heart, in
contrast with the ungodly fear of the error. God says to us in so many words,
"Their fear toward Me is not of Me, but is taught by the precepts of
men." As an illustration: At a Bible Students’ Convention not long ago in
Ohio, a well dressed gentleman in attendance told us of how his heart had been
touched with our presentation of the "Love Divine, all love
excelling." OV262 He said, "For years I have been a member of the Presbyterian Church
without being really a Christian at all. Occasionally I went on sprees,
sometimes I gambled and drank, etc. Not until I received a knowledge of the
true character of God as set forth in ‘Studies in the Scriptures’ did my heart
ever come to the proper attitude of surrender to the Lord. Then I was glad to
give Him my little all, and wished it were more." The next day, passing
from the hotel to the auditorium to a question meeting, this gentleman put a
slip of paper in our hand, which we supposed was a question. On the platform we
drew it forth as one of the questions to be answered, and, to our astonishment,
found it was a check for $1,000. The man had not been asked for one cent; but
the Love of God had captivated his heart and gotten control—not only of it, but
of his pocket-book and all. He wished to show the Lord his appreciation of the
Love Divine, the length and breadth and height and depth of which he now
comprehended as never before. Another case: We met with a Convention of Bible Students in Chattanooga some years ago. A gentleman
attended who introduced himself, saying that he was from Mississippi, and that he had become deeply
interested in our presentations of the harmony of the Word of God. He said in
substance: "I will not attempt to tell you how wicked a man I was before I
got your literature. My dear wife here, an earnest Methodist, said to me,
‘John, John, you will surely go to hell!’ I replied to her: ‘Mary, I know it! I
know it! And, Mary, I am determined that I well deserve all that I get. I am
not going to hell for nothing.’ One of your papers came to my desk in my store.
I said that this was different from anything that I ever understood respecting
the teachings of the Bible. It seems more Godlike and more rational. I sent to
you for various Bible Students’ Helps. The result is that the Love of God has
constrained me, has conquered me, in a way that the doctrines of devilish torments
could not influence me. Now I see the true teaching of God’s Word. I can honor
Him and worship Him and take pleasure in laying down my life in His service. I
have made a full consecration of everything. For a time I sent you a $50 check every month; but that was in the nature of
conscience-money, because the most profitable feature of my store trade was the
sale of liquor to the Mississippi
negroes. Those checks stopped, because, as the grace of God more and more
filled and overflowed my heart, it brought me to see that I must love my
neighbor as myself, and do injury to none; and now my whole life is devoted to
the service of God and my fellow-men." Three murderers confined in the Columbus,
Ohio, Penitentiary, had from
childhood been trained in the doctrines of eternal torment in different
churches and yet committed murder. Those men, under God’s providence, received
some of our literature—"Studies in the Scriptures"—and were cut to
the heart when they learned of the Love of God, as expressed in the Divine Plan
of the Ages. To be brief: A knowledge of the Love of God made such a change in
the hearts and lives of those three murderers that the prison-keepers took
knowledge of them that they had "been with Jesus and had learned of
Him." By and by they were paroled—and to-day two of them are preaching the
Gospel of the Love of God, seeking to bring their fellow-men out of the
condition of darkness and sin into the glorious sunlight of Divine Love and
Truth. Having tried the Gospel of fear and damnation and torture for sixteen
centuries; having seen that under this teaching there is more blasphemy and
general wickedness than even in the heathen world, is it not due time to give
the True Bread and Water of Life to the hungry and thirsty ones who, for lack
of it, are searching the earth and many of them falling into Higher Criticism,
infidelity and other delusions peculiar to our day?
OM – 259-262