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Chosen no: R-4660 a, from: 1910 Year. |
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Keeping Ourselves In The Love Of God
thought of the responsibility of each child of God to keep himself, is set
forth in various terms throughout the Scriptures. Our Lord said, "Watch
and pray, lest ye enter into temptation." Our part is to do the watching
and praying; to do our very best, and then it is God's part to overrule and
direct and supervise our affairs so that all things shall work together for
good to us, because we have come into this proper relationship with the Father.
recognize that this Scripture and other Scriptures are not given to the world,
but are addressed only to God's people, to "the sanctified in Christ
Jesus." It is these sanctified ones who are to keep themselves. The
unsanctified, unholy, have not made any start toward the Lord, and are not,
therefore, in a place which they should wish to keep; they are rather in an
undesirable place which they should seek to abandon. But those who have
accepted God's terms, and have been begotten of the holy Spirit, and have
experienced an entrance into this "grace wherein we stand, rejoicing in
the hope of the glory of God," are admonished that they must keep this
place, must preserve themselves in this position, must "keep themselves in
the love of God." If they do not thus keep themselves, do not keep their
hearts with all diligence, they are not of the kind that God designs to keep;
they are the kind that he designs shall fall, and for whom he has provided
special snares and difficulties that they may fall--not into eternal
torment, as some of us formerly thought--but fall away from the promises of God
and the particular favors provided for the Elect.
The Lord
has not predetermined what place we shall occupy in the future, but he is
allowing our course to be influenced by conditions of the present life, so that
all those who choose to be in harmony with God may follow in the footsteps of
Jesus. There are outward manifestations by which the Lord's people may know
their own standing, and to some extent may be able to know of their progress.
In proportion as one realizes the Spirit of Christ developed in himself, in
proportion as he sees the fruits and graces of the holy Spirit, he may know of
his own progress in the love of God, and may know also that unless he keep himself
in the love of God, [R4660 : page 253] he
will not stand, will not maintain his place, but will fall; as the Apostle
Peter says: "If ye do these things ye shall never fall." If we
conform to the Divine arrangement, if we keep ourselves in the love of God, we
shall, therefore, be preserved.
All those
who are thus in Divine favor have the Divine promise and all the Divine power
behind the promise, necessary to keep them. So, then, our text is in full
accord with other texts bearing upon this subject. Those who are begotten of
the holy Spirit have the responsibility of keeping themselves in that holy
condition of heart. They may not be responsible for some of the outward
circumstances that beset them, nor for the condition of others, nor for the
temptations that come to them. They may not in the fullest degree be
responsible for all of their own course, because of the imperfections of the
"earthen vessel"; but under the Lord's providential arrangement, if
they keep their hearts, "that Wicked One toucheth them not," will not
injure them, will not harm them. His besetments may serve to test, may be
permitted of God to work out for them, if properly exercised thereby, "a
far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory"; but the Adversary can do
them no harm, because they belong to God, and he is pledged to defend in the
highest sense the best interests of all those who have given their hearts to
him in full consecration.
W.T. R-4660 a : page 252 – 1910 r.