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Chosen no: R-5453 a, from: 1914 Year. |
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"Where Are The Nine?"
--MAY 31.--LUKE 17:11-19.--
"Were there none found that returned to give
glory to God, save this alien?"--V.18.
THE essence of our lesson for today
is gratitude. It is a most reasonable trait of character and is frequently
found even in the brute creation. It is impossible to imagine a perfect human
being or an angel acceptable to God without this quality. We might almost say that
the degree of our acceptance with God is measured by our gratitude. It leads to
obedience to the Divine laws and regulations, whether understood or not. It
leads to self-sacrificing labors in the service of God, and according to a
Divine automatic arrangement has its blessings.
Our lesson tells us that the Savior
was approaching Jerusalem by way of Samaria and Galilee. It is surmised [R5454 : page 139] that this was His last
journey to Jerusalem, which eventuated in His death. His fame had spread abroad;
and ten lepers sitting by the roadside heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing
by. Immediately they called to Him as loudly as the hoarse whisper of their
disease would permit. Ordinarily their appeal was for money; but in this case
it was, "Master, have mercy upon us!"
Lepers are a class greatly to be
pitied. Their disease has long been considered incurable, and hence in the
Bible it is symbolically used to represent sin. It is an affection which seems
to corrupt the blood. The joints twist, decay and slough off. Under the
regulations prevailing at the time of our lesson, lepers were forbidden to
enter the cities, under the penalty of thirty-nine strokes from a rod. They had
no means of earning a living, and were always dependent upon the charity of their
friends or the public. Nor were they allowed to approach others nearer than
about one hundred and fifty feet, for fear of contamination. Theirs was a
living death.
The ten mentioned in this lesson
were drawn together by their common trouble which ignored the racial barriers
between Jews and Samaritans. In answer to their cry for help, Jesus, although
full of compassion, seemed to treat their appeal coldly. He merely said to
them, "Go show yourselves unto the priests." According to God's arrangement
with the Jews under their Law Covenant, they were to have no sicknesses except
as these should represent sins; and the priests were to pass judgment upon
cases of leprosy, determining whether or not the disease were indeed leprosy,
etc. Our Lord's direction that the lepers go and show themselves to the priests
implied a healing, and suggested that by the time that they should reach the
priest they would be ready to have him pronounce them clean.
The lepers must have had
considerable knowledge of the power of Jesus, and must have exercised great
faith; for instead of crying out for instantaneous healing, they followed His
direction and started for the priest to have an inspection. Doubtless they
hoped that by the time they should reach him they would be well and would
receive a bill of health. They had gone but a short distance when they found
themselves cured. We can well imagine with what joy they hastened to have the
priest approve them in order to return to their families, their business, etc.
Surely they almost ran, as they felt the exhilaration of the cleansed blood!
But one of them slowed up and then turned back; probably the others in their
exuberance did not notice this. Back he came and fell at the feet of Jesus,
giving Him thanks. His was a grateful heart, and we cannot doubt that he will
receive a blessing eventually, though he did not receive it then, for he was a
Samaritan, an alien, a foreigner from the commonwealth of Israel.
In his case, the healing was a
"crumb from the children's table;" for the rich man had not yet
died--God's favor had not yet departed from Israel. Jesus had not yet uttered
the fateful words, "Your House is left unto you desolate." Nay, the
favor to Israel continued three and a half years after their House was left
desolate--individual favor. It was three and a half years after the death of
Jesus before the individual favor to the Jews terminated to such an extent as
to permit the Gospel to go to the Gentiles--Cornelius being the first to be
accepted into fellowship with God.--Acts 10.
Had the returning one been a Jew
instead of a Samaritan, no doubt he would have been invited by Jesus to become
one of His followers--"Come, take up thy cross and follow Me!" But
because he was a Samaritan, Jesus merely said to him, "Arise and go thy
way; thy faith hath made thee whole." We cannot doubt, however, that the
Lord's providence followed this grateful Samaritan; and that when the time came
for the opening of the door to the Gentiles, he was amongst those who gladly
received the Message, and made a consecration to become an heir of God and
joint-heir with Jesus Christ our Lord to the Heavenly inheritance.
We are not to understand that our
Lord's words, "Thy faith hath made thee whole," meant that it was the
man's faith aside from Divine Power that made him whole, but rather that it was
the Master's using the Divine Power in connection with the faith of the
individual. The Power of God and the faith of the man co-operated for his
healing. They did the same for the nine others who were healed. They also had
faith and were healed, and as Jews under the Law Covenant, they had more ground
for asking forgiveness and healing than had the Samaritan.
Jesus called public attention to the
fact that ten were healed, but that only one had returned to give glory to God.
True, He had not asked them to come back and offer praise and acknowledge the
Divine Power wrought through Him! True, they did what He told them to do-- went
and showed themselves to the priest--and no more, going then about their
Why did He not, before granting the
healing, bargain with them, saying, If I heal you, will you consecrate your lives
and become My disciples? Undoubtedly they would have agreed to this
arrangement. Who would not agree to any terms to be rid of so loathsome and
incurable a disease? Why did not Jesus take this method of adding to the number
of His disciples? Undoubtedly the answer should be that He was following the
spirit of the Father's dealings, which He expressed in the words, "The
Father seeketh such to worship Him as worship Him in spirit and in truth."
As the Father seeks no others, so the Son seeks no others.
In this respect the preaching of
Jesus and the Apostles is in strong contrast with much of the preaching of
evangelists, revivalists, etc. Never did Jesus or the Apostles urge worldly
people to become disciples of Christ. They merely preached, or declared, certain
great facts, and accepted those who came under that kind of preaching,
influenced by the great facts set forth. They reasoned of sin, of righteousness
and of a coming time of decision, or judgment, and left the matter with the
individual conscience. They stated that those who forsake sin and turn to God
may have forgiveness and reconciliation through the merit of the blood of
Christ. They told of a High, or Heavenly, Call for all such penitents who [R5454 : page 140] would consecrate their lives
wholly to the service of God, Truth and righteousness, willing to endure
hardness as good soldiers.
We remember that on one occasion
Jesus apparently reproved even a spirit of enthusiasm that might becloud the
cool judgment, saying, "Sit down and count the cost." (Luke
14:28.) It has pleased God through the preaching of the Truth to call
out the class which He desires to be joint-heirs with His Son. They are not to
be brought into the family of God by prayers or by excitement, but by the
declaration of the Divine terms and conditions. To such as accept the grace of
God the urgent message goes out that they receive it not in vain; that, having
put their hand to the plow, they do not look back; that, having enlisted as
good soldiers of the Cross, they endure hardness, rejoicing in the privilege of
service and sacrifice.
The point we make is that according
to the Bible, no attempts were ever made by Jesus and His Apostles to obtain
recruits for the army of the Lord by a "hip-hip-hurrah" process. In
this we are not criticising others, but merely calling attention to facts which
have much to do with the guidance of all God's people who seek to know and to
do His will.
Let us view the incident of our
lesson symbolically. Let the lepers represent sinners who, coming to realize
themselves unclean, cry out to the Lord for cleansing, thus impliedly
acknowledging His greatness and power as the Son of God, through whom only is
forgiveness of sin, and impliedly declaring themselves as desiring to be His
followers, His disciples, persuaded that sin is injurious and resolved
thereafter to walk in the Lord's footsteps, fighting against sin in themselves
and everywhere. How many of the tens, the hundreds, the thousands, whose
devotion and faith the Lord has accepted-- how many whom He has healed,
forgiven and received according to their profession of discipleship--really
have become His true followers?
How many who have declared to the
Lord their unhappiness, their desire for forgiveness of sins, and promised
life-long gratitude and devotion to Him, to have His favor, have forgotten
their privileges; and after receiving a blessing have gone, one to his field,
another to his merchandise, another to pleasure, another to formalism! How few
have remembered their prayers to the Lord for mercy, their resolutions in
respect to what they would do if their prayers were answered!
Many Christian people are growing in
the opinion that we are living today in a time of crucial trial as respects
those who have made a covenant with God. They believe that we are nearing the
time when the Church, the Body of Christ, will be received by the Lord in the
Resurrection change to be His Bride. As the Apostle wrote, "We shall all
be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye"; for "flesh and
blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." The call of this Gospel Age has
been to the finding of these who are to constitute the Bride class, the
associates of Jesus in His Kingdom.
Of the Jews Jesus said, in a time of
testing in the end of their Age, "They knew not the time of their
visitation." Only the comparatively few were in the heart condition of
nearness to God which enabled them to understand the character of the times in
which they were living and the change which was in progress. The thought is
that a similar change is upon us now, which is being discerned by those who
have had the eyes of their understanding opened.
The Samaritan in our lesson seems to
represent a class of grateful followers of the Lord who seek to give Him glory
in their words, thoughts and doings, while the [R5455
: page 140] majority of those who have similarly received His favor are
disposed to pursue the ambitions and pleasures of the present life. Neglecting
to take the path which the Master trod, they will not reach the glory, honor
and immortality which He attained and to which He has called this class. A
lower place must be for them. In a little while, according to the Bible, the
glories of the Kingdom will be revealed to an astonished world, but the glories
of the present condition of affairs will fade away.
The true Wisdom that cometh from
Above was manifested by our Savior, who counted not His life dear unto Him, who
freely made Himself of no reputation that He might do the Father's will, and
who is now highly exalted as a reward. St. Paul expressed the same thought,
saying that he counted all things as but loss and dross that he might win a place
in the Body of Christ--the Church in glory beyond the veil. Great as will be
the blessings of the Millennial Kingdom to the world, the blessings which the
Church will have will be transcendently better.
W.T. R-5453 a : page 139 – 1914 r.