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Our Cup Of Blessing
"The cup of blessing, for
which we bless God, is it not a
participation of the blood of the Anointed One? The loaf which
we break, is it not a participation of the Body
of the Anointed One? Because there is one
loaf, we, the many, are one Body."- 1 Cor. 10:16,17-Diaglott.
CUP of blessing, for which we bless God," is indeed a cup of blessing in
many respects. It represents the blessed privilege of suffering with Christ,
and the blessed things which will come as a reward of those sufferings. The
Lord declares that the promise will have fulfilment in the Kingdom, when we
shall share the Kingdom joys.
Church is represented as being a part of the great Vine which God has planted;
as Jesus says, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." (John
15:5.) Our Lord tells us of the precious fruit of this Vine, the
development of which represents the sorrowful part of our experience. There
is a sense in which the cup represents the joy which we shall
have when we shall have passed beyond the sufferings of this
present time and shall have entered into glory. (Matt.
26:29.) The expression, "for which we bless God," may be
understood to mean, for which we give thanks and praise to the Lord. Whoever
receives the cup without thankfulness of heart, without appreciation, will
not get the great reward. In order to receive the blessing designed, we
must receive the cup with thankfulness for this great privilege of suffering with Christ.
considering this question of the Apostle, "is it not a participation [common
union] in the blood of Christ?" we should have a double thought before our
minds: first, of the literal cup to which he refers, the literal fruit of the
vine, which represents the blood of Christ; and second, the fact that we have
the privilege of partaking of His cup, the sacrificial cup. We
have the privilege of sharing in His death, sharing in His sufferings. This
thought is borne out in other Scriptures--that Jesus is the Head of the Church
which is His Body, etc. He is to be the great Prophet, Priest, King, Judge and
Blesser of the world.
to the Scriptures, the great Head was glorified, after having endured the
sufferings even unto death, after having laid down His life for the world. And
He has adopted us as His members--members now in the flesh, to be His
members shortly in glory. We use the word members in the sense that we
speak of members of the House of Parliament. The body of Parliament has many
members, and so the Body of Christ has many members. The terms on which they
may make their calling and election sure are that they shall believe in Christ
and shall give themselves to God. Then our Lord will adopt them as His members,
members now on earth and afterwards members of Him in glory.
condition, then, that we drink faithfully of this cup (Matt.
26:27), we shall make our "calling and election sure." (2 Peter 1:10.) The injunction, "Drink ye all of it," had a double signification: first, it must all be drunk
before the end of the Gospel Age; and secondly, all who would be members
of His Body must drink of it. St. Peter spoke of the sufferings of The Christ,
Head and Body, which have now been going on for more than eighteen centuries,
and of the glory that shall follow. (I Peter 1:8-12;
4:1; 5:1.) As soon as the last member shall have
passed into the Heavenly condition, all the sufferings of The Christ will be
over, and none others will have the privilege of sharing in the
"sufferings of Christ," even as some others will have the privilege
of sharing in His glory and becoming His "Bride, the Lamb's Wife."
is one cup, though it contains the juice of many grapes; and it is one loaf, though made from many grains. The grains
cannot retain their individuality and their life if they would become bread for
the world. The grapes cannot maintain themselves as grapes if they would
constitute the life-giving spirit. Thus we see the beauty of the Apostle's
statement that the Lord's people are participants in the one loaf and the one
cup. There is no other way by which we may attain the new nature than by
accepting the Lord's invitation to drink His cup, and by being broken with Him
as members of the one loaf; by being buried with Him in baptism into His death,
and thus attaining with Him a resurrection to glory, honor and immortality,
attaining unto the First Resurrection.
loaf represents primarily the Lord Jesus' body, which is broken for us and for
the world in general. In a larger sense it includes all the Body of Christ, all
who become His members. Thus the breaking of the loaf, the breaking of the
Body, has continued for more than eighteen centuries.
read that in the institution of the Lord's Supper Jesus broke the loaf. As
a matter of fact, He was the only one at that time who could break the
loaf. All others of mankind were unjustified in God's sight until Jesus by His
sacrifice and exaltation made good the deficiency of a certain class. So Jesus
was the first to break the loaf. Today, as the unleavened bread at the Memorial
season is passed to each of us, and as each takes a portion of it, he breaks it
for himself.
fact that our Lord first broke the bread does not mean that we should not have our
individual part. We recall that the Heavenly Father had to do with the breaking
of our Lord's body. As it is written, "It pleased Jehovah to bruise Him;
He hath put Him to grief." (Isa. 53:10.)
This was not done against our Lord's will. While the Heavenly Father had to do
with His breaking, so, in harmony with the Divine arrangement, the breaking of
our share of the loaf.
Apostle's statement in the succeeding chapter, "Ye do show forth the
Lord's death," applies exclusively to the death of Jesus. The setting of
the words indicates that it is the Lord Jesus personally who is mentioned:
"As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show forth the
Lord's death till He come." (V.26.) "He is thy Lord, and worship thou Him." (Psa. 45:11.) The Church is never
spoken of as the Lord.
we are to remember that Jesus said, "This do in remembrance of Me." (Luke 22:19.) He did not say, This do in
remembrance of yourselves--in remembrance of your own share in
the sacrifice. We are to be dead with Him. We remember that we must
share with Him in the sufferings of this present time if we would share
in the glories to follow. The Father gave Him to be the Head--"God blessed
forever."--Heb. 3:1; Rom.
8:17,18; 9:5.
Scriptures say that the life is in the blood. (Lev.
17:11.) In harmony with that statement, the Jews were bidden to always
refrain from eating the blood. The animals must be bled before they were
permitted to eat the flesh. Nor was any stranger sojourning with them to eat
any blood. (Lev. 17:10-14.) In this way, God
would [R5342 : page 328] seem to say that life is a very sacred thing. This life principle that He gave to man, seems to
reside in the blood. As long as the blood is passing through the organs of
circulation, there is life; but when the blood is shed, the being dies.
our Lord laid down His earthly life, He did not retain a right to that earthly
life in the sense of using it for Himself. He tells us in the parable that all
who would gain "the pearl of great price" (Matt.
13:45,46), must sell all that they have; that is, all that they
enjoy of earthly life or privileges. Our Lord had a perfect earthly life. He
gave up that life. "He poured out His soul [life] unto death." (Isa. 53:12.) On what basis? On exactly the same
basis He has put before us; if we would live, we must die; if we
would reign, we must suffer; we must be dead with Him. (2 Tim. 2:11,12.) So we who follow in His steps do
the same that He did.
we, as His disciples, lay down our life for the brethren, we are doing what
Jesus did. This is all to be applied for the world. He took that earthly life,
not to keep it, but to turn it over, eventually, to all mankind. The right to
human life is still in His control. He is the One who, as the great
Mediator, will give to the world of mankind the life He poured out.
now imputes His merit to the Church, that we may share with him in His
suffering and in His glorious Kingdom, on the spirit plane. This cup, then,
represents the full renunciation of earthly life and of all claim thereto. Our
Lord's earthly life was not forfeited, but merely laid down. (John 10:17,18.) The intention in laying it
down was to abandon it, personally, forever, that humanity might get it. He has
not yet accomplished this, in the sense of turning life over to them, but He
gave up His life with that purpose in view.
Lord undertook to accomplish the Divine will in the redemption of the world,
and He has proceeded in the accomplishment of it, but has not yet completed the
purpose. He laid down His life, but did not forfeit it. When He
was raised from the dead He still had a right to that earthly life, with
the understanding, however, that He was not to use it for Himself, but that He
would give that life to all the world who were willing to receive it, assigning
it to them at the end of His Reign of a thousand years, during which His Church
will Reign with Him.
then, His life was not taken from Him; for His life could be taken from
Him only by His disobedience. (Lev. 18:5;
Ezek. 20:11; Luke
10:28; Rom. 10:5.)
He laid it down voluntarily, in harmony with the Divine will. He laid it down
that it might become an asset in the hands of Divine Justice, so that when the
time should come He might use that asset for mankind.--John
the beginning it was the Divine purpose that our Lord's human life should be
laid down forever, that He should not take it again. He consecrated His life at
Jordan and finished the
sacrifice at Calvary. Throughout the Gospel
Age He has been sacrificing His Mystical Body. Just as soon as He shall have
finished the sacrificing of all these Body members, then their life-right,
which belongs to the great High Priest, will be used for the purchase, the
redemption, of the world, by the sealing of the New Covenant. Immediately after
this, His Kingdom will be established. This further application of His merit,
His life-right, which will not be made until the whole Church has passed beyond
the veil, is symbolized by the sprinkling of the Mercy Seat with the blood of
the goat. The blood of our Lord and the blood of His Body, is all one blood. It
is one Priest of many members. It is one Atonement for all--for the sins of the
whole world.--I John 2:2.
blood represents not only the death of Christ, but also the death of all the
members of His Body, to whom merit is imputed. This the Apostle expresses in
the same connection, saying, "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it
not the communion [common union, or participation] of the blood of Christ? The
bread [loaf] which we break, is it not the communion [common union,
participation] of the Body of Christ?" that is to say, a union in common
with Him, a partnership, as represented in the cup and in the bread
[loaf]. The whole matter has its origin in Him. But we are celebrating also our
own individual share as members of the Church in the sacrifice of the flesh, in
our participation in the sufferings of Christ.
W.T. R-5341
a : page 327 – 1913 r.