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Chosen no: R-680 b, from: 1884 Year. |
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And Jesus being full of the Holy Spirit, returned
from Jordan, and was led of the Spirit
into the wilderness, being forty days tempted of
the devil. (Luke 4:1.)
It would seem a reasonable assumption
that Jesus, under the guidance,
leading, or inspiration of the Spirit just
received, retired to the wilderness for
study and meditation relative to the
great work to which he had just consecrated
himself, represented in his baptism.
Doubtless he there quietly
searched the Scriptures, which after
his anointing, would open before him
deeper truths than ever before seen.
He then probably saw more clearly than
ever before the nature of the work before
him, and this study opened the
way for the presentation of temptations
to do the work in some other way than
that indicated in the Scriptures.
In the account of Jesus' temptation,
we cannot presume that the four points
of temptation mentioned cover every
trial to which he was subjected during
those forty days, but that of all the
temptations of those days these that are
mentioned are illustrations.
A careful examination and comparison
will show that the Master's temptations
are our besetments if followers in his
When the devil had showed Jesus the
kingdoms of the world he said: "All
this power will I give thee, and the glory
of them: for that is delivered unto me,
and to whomsoever I will I give it. If
thou wilt worship me, all shall be thine."
This people generally regard as a sham
temptation, and say that he offered what
he did not possess and could not give;
that Jesus knew this, and hence the
temptation was a mere farce.
But such reasoners are in error, because
they hold that all the kingdoms
of the world and the glory of them
already belonged to Christ and were
already ruled over by him. That such
a view is erroneous is readily proven,
not only by Scriptures, which speak of
Satan as "the prince of this world,"
"the god of this world," "the ruler of
this world," etc., and which speak of
Christ's kingdom as future, a kingdom
to "come" when he shall "take to himself
his great power and reign," but the
very facts of past and present history
are sufficient to prove beyond a doubt
that not a gracious God, but a fiend, a
devil, has been working in and ruling
over the nations. In no other way
could we possibly appreciate the character
and history of nations written as it is
in blood and crime and injustice. Satan
is now the prince and ruler of the nations,
and gives the glory and honors of
them to such persons as best suit his
purposes. At the time in question
Satan saw before him the perfect man
Jesus, just anointed and imbued with
the Spirit power from on high, and
whose work as a Redeemer and Saviour
he probably understood.
But even recognizing Satan's authority
and power over the nations, the force of
the temptation upon Jesus might be
overlooked unless we remember other
circumstances in connection with it.
Some might ask, How would Jesus
possibly be tempted to bow the knee
and worship Satan? We reply that the
thought is not of adoration and prayer,
but of service--to follow Satan's directions
--as though Satan had said to
Jesus: I remember you before you became
a man, when you were my superior
in rank; I know why you became poor,
taking a human nature, but Jesus you
are laboring under a delusion. As your
friend and well-wisher, let me tell you
that you can never accomplish your object
in the way proposed. You have
come into the world to die for men, and
thereby redeem them and restore them
to perfection. But you never can do
this; you may give your life for them,
but it can never benefit them, for it
would be impossible to restore beings
once destroyed in death. Remember,
too, that you lose your own life by the
operation; for though God has promised
to raise you from death again, that, I assure
you, is an impossibility. Remember
that no one who ever came under the
power of death ever escaped from it
Now, hear my advice: I, as well as
yourself, have felt sorrow at the misery
and trouble humanity is experiencing,
and would be glad to assist you to such
a place of influence and power among
men as will enable you to establish
REFORMS both moral and physical. And
for such a work of reform among men
you are eminently qualified, being a
perfect man. You can thus accomplish
for the world what no other man can
do, alleviating much of the present distress
and suffering. Thus by moral
reform you could lead the race gradually
back to the original perfection.
Now, Jesus, I have shown you the
impracticability of your plan of dying to
redeem men and the reasonableness of
my plan, that you live and reform them
and thus restore them, and I appeal to
your judgment, is not my way the most
reasonable, most sure and most hopeful
way to the object you have in view--
man's restoration?
Here was a strong temptation--all
the appearances favored Satan's theory;
yet Jesus walked by faith and held fast
to God's promise of resurrection of himself
and of mankind through him, and
"Get thee behind me, Satan. It is
written, Thou shalt worship the Lord
thy God, and him only shalt thou
serve." Thus Jesus escaped this temptation
not by arguing with Satan that
God's plan was as reasonable, but by
simply relying on the fact that it was
right to obey God and wrong to disobey under all circumstances.
As we look about us and seek to see
which temptations common to the followers
of Jesus most resemble this one
endured by the Head of the Church, we
are struck with the similarity of the adversary's
methods now and the great
success he meets with in assailing saints
from this standpoint, viz., temptation to
turn aside from God's appointed course
--self-sacrifice--and endeavor to begin
the work of blessing before the appointed
It was this same temptation which beset
the infant Church during the first five
centuries, and which finally was successful.
The persecuted and weary Church
was beset by the adversary saying,
Come, not so; I will show you a far
better way than suffering, and tribulation,
and persecution to accomplish your
desires. Follow my wise counsel and
all these kingdoms of earth and the
glory of them shall be thine. The offer
was accepted, and Satan, faithful to his
promise, exalted the nominal Church,
[the few who resisted the temptation
being considered heretics and outcasts,]
which resulted in placing over the world
the Church of Rome as the head of both
civil and ecclesiastical government.
When this handmaid of Satan became
very vile and low, and her methods and
shams very apparent, and as a consequence
a Reformation movement came
about naturally, Satan, equal to the
emergency, presented the same temptation
to the "Reformers," and again with
success. His argument, successful upon
Luther, Calvin and others, was: Your
reform is a great and grand work, but
now you must beware of fanaticism.
Get about your great work systematically,
so that it will be a success and
abide and have a powerful influence in
the world. First, then, the IMPORTANT
matter is to secure the support and
sympathy of the world--of its empires
and its great and wise. In deference to
public opinion, you must have an organization
and a very sharply-defined creed,
and you had best distinguish your church by some name; and since you
are the organizers and originators of
your church, you surely have a right to
call it what you please.
Your Church must first of all recognize
these governments of mine, and
must call them Christian governments,
no matter how un-Christlike may be
their rulers and laws. Thus you must
aid them in maintaining their hold upon
the people, and they in turn will aid you,
support you and protect you. Beware
also that the long cherished traditions
and theories of the Roman Church settled
[R681 : page 7] by her ancient councils and firmly
engraven by her upon the minds of the
people be not in any wise tampered
with, else your entire power and influence
with the people would go and you
would fail to make your Church the
great one you so much desire.
Thus again power, dominion and the
glory and pleasure and ease of them, allured
the Reformers and nipped in the
bud the Reformation which needed to be
very thorough. Since then, various servants
of God stirred by a zeal for truth,
have broken over some of the barriers
and again attempted a continuation of
Reformation work, and invariably they
have been met with the same temptation,
by the same wily tempter; and in
their day, or soon after, all reformation
was swallowed up by the desire to please
the world, sail smoothly, and to be great
and influential.
But while this has been and is true of
companies of men, it is true also of individual
Christians. To us as individuals,
this same temptation is one of the
most difficult to withstand. It presents
itself thus sometimes: It is useless for
you to waste your time and influence
advocating and helping to spread those
unpopular doctrines, even though they
be true. Associate yourself with some
large and influential organization, and
don't be eccentric and peculiar. Thus
your influence among men will be greater,
and more good will be accomplished
than by advocating the truth and associating
yourself with it. Alas! how
many yield to this who should say to
the tempter as Jesus did in his similar
temptation: It is written: Thou shalt
worship the Lord thy God and him
only shalt thou serve. Nothing else
under any consideration shall claim my
attention or attract my service; his will,
his plan and his truth must have my little
Sometimes the temptation is: Why
spend time and effort in preaching that
which is unpopular, yields small results
and much persecution, rather let me engage
in some other service, such, for instance,
do men good at once by moral and legislative
reform. Why not seek by political
agencies to relieve present troubles,
rather than be thought a fool for
preaching and preparing men for a coming
reign of Christ when all these evils
shall be remedied and all the race blessed.
The temptation thus presented is
often successful in removing from the
ranks of the truth-bearers many of
those who were anointed to preach the
glad tidings. Others are tempted to
think that they can serve God's cause
and truth best by spending their best
energies and talents in acquiring wealth,
to be spent in spreading the Gospel.
Deceitful snare! the getting of the
wealth so enlists their best talents that
they become dwarfed spiritually, and the
wealth never reaches the object originally
purposed. Thus Satan is successful
with this class. He says, serve God
and bless mankind and spread the Gospel,
but do it my way, you will find it the
most successful and most congenial way.
But to heed is to reject God's way and
to fall into the snare of the devil, and be
led his captive and hindered from gaining
the great prize.
Another temptation presented to Jesus
was, that he should use power just received
at his baptism for his physical
(personal, human,) gratification by making
a stone into bread. To some it has
appeared that there could have been no
sin in so doing, and hence no temptation.
For a man to use any or all his
powers to satisfy hunger, would certainly
under ordinary circumstances be no
sin. But the circumstances were peculiar:
Jesus had just consecrated himself
as a man, and as a result of that consecration
had special power conferred
upon him in the anointing of the Holy
Spirit. It was this newly acquired power
that Satan sought to have him use for
fleshly gratification, whereas it was given
for a totally different purpose. To have
bartered or used it for purely selfish
ends would have been misuse--sacrilege
How many of Jesus' followers have
temptations placed before them of a
similar character, viz.: Use your consecrated
talents and powers, and your
office as God's children and representatives,
in such a manner as to further
your "bread and butter" interests.
Are you a public minister and under-shepherd?
--seek the flocks with the
golden fleece, and especially procure
and maintain the goodwill of the bell-sheep
of the flock; and with all your
service of God, be sure you use your
office so as to first of all secure a bountiful
supply of earthly comforts. Many
a public minister has yielded to this
temptation, and obtained the bread that
perisheth, while he starved spiritually.
Are you a private servant and soldier
in the Lord's hosts, whose service is less
public? You are not, therefore, exempt
from this temptation. The Adversary
will, in some manner, present the
thought that, by using your religious
profession in a certain channel--by
associating with a popular church system
in Babylon, your bread and butter
interests will be advanced.
All pilgrims following in the Master's
footsteps, should meet this temptation
as he met it, viz., by saying: "It is
written, Man shall not live by bread
alone." I am not afraid of starving,
God has more ways and means for sustaining
my life, than food; if I am faithful
to my covenant, I can afford to trust
the matter fully to his wise care.
Another thought comes with these
words--one especially applicable to the
sisters: In your daily life remember,
that "Man shall not live by bread
alone," and, therefore, that all your
energies should not be spent in merely gratifying the palate. Undoubtedly,
very much valuable time is thus spent
by the Martha's a part of which, at
least, might be profitably spent after
Mary's example, attending to the words
of Jesus--either receiving or giving to
others, spiritual food.
The third temptation was, to recklessly
and boastfully risk his life in an attempt
to answer a banter. Satan took Jesus
to the highest part of the temple. (Probably,
the central part of the royal
portico, which was very high and overlooked
a deep ravine; of it, Josephus
says: "The pillars of that portico were
a hundred cubits high, and the valley
below four hundred deep.") Here
Satan suggested that Jesus should prove
himself the Son of God, by leaping from
this eminence, Satan intimating that thus he could at once prove his claims before
devils and men, if he escaped injury.
But Jesus answered, "It is said: 'Thou
shalt not try the Lord thy God.'" Such
an act would have been reckless presumption
and daring, and not the faith in God proper to all who put their trust
in Him; hence for Jesus to have yielded
would have been sin.
With the followers of Jesus, not infrequently
the desire comes to make some
show before the world, and thus to convince
the ungodly instead of by the
Lord's plan--simply the preaching of
[R681 : page 8] "the Gospel to the MEEK." It is this
temptation which sometimes leads men
to call upon God loudly, to come down
in power and convert fifty sinners here
this evening--convert every sinner in
this house, and such like petitions. Such
prayers are an attempt to force God by
prayer to interfere and do by miraculous
power what he has arranged shall be
done by other means--by preaching--
It is worthy of notice that finding Jesus
able to quote Scripture, and to answer
his previous temptations, Satan this time
backs his temptation with a quotation
from Scripture. Let this be a reminder
to God's children that the adversary can
use Scripture, and does use it often in
the presentation of error. The quotation
of a few words of Scripture should
not be considered sufficient, but the context
should be examined to see that it is
properly applied. Truth misapplied is
The Scripture here quoted by Satan
is part of the 91st Psalm, and at first
glance the application seems correct.
But in the light of the present unfoldings
of God's word we see that it applies
not to the feet of the man Jesus, but to
the members of the feet class, or last
members which complete "the body of
Christ, which is the Church."
Throughout this Gospel age, the
Church, the body of Christ, has been
guarded by the angels of God: "Are
they not all ministering Spirits sent forth
to minister for those who shall be heirs
of salvation"? But it is in the present
"Evil Day," speaking of which, Jesus
said, "Who shall be able to stand"?
when thousands are falling at our side,
that the body of Christ, now represented
by the last members--"the feet of Him"
needs to be specially helped. It is, then,
with reference to the protection of the
class of saints now living, that it is written,
"He shall give his angels charge
over thee to keep thee: and in their
hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any
time thou dash thy foot against a stone."
If then, we are the feet, what is the
stone over which there is danger of stumbling?
It is the chief corner stone of
the true TEMPLE Jesus. Of him it was
written, "He shall be for a stone of
stumbling and for a rock of offence" to
both the houses of Israel." We remember
that the first or typical house--Israel
after the flesh stumbled over that "stone
of stumbling," in that they did not recognize
his presence among them, and rejected
his sacrifice as the basis of justification,
holding instead to their own righteousness which in God's sight was
as filthy rags. See Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:32;
1 Pet. 2:6.
The very same stumbling-stone is
NOW in the close of the Gospel age
causing many to stumble, which caused
so many to stumble at the close of the
Jewish age, viz.: an unwillingness to be
saved from the Adamic penalty by the
redemption or purchase accomplished by
Jesus. To-day everywhere, this question
of salvation by faith in Christ's finished work is being contested. Numbers
[R682 : page 8] of influential ministers and religious
papers, under the guise of new light are
endeavoring to show that Jesus did not
give himself a ransom (Greek--antilutron, AN EQUIVALENT PRICE) for all,
but was our example only. They talk
about justification but know nothing of
justification through his blood, and are
not really justified. Wherefore? Because
they seek it not by faith [in the
ransom] but as it were by works of the
law--their own works of righteousness.
They stumble at the stumbling-stone. But
whosoever believeth on him shall never
be put to shame (stumble).
The context shows (Ps. 91:3-8) that
there will be a great falling away from
the truth, the pestilence of error, the arrow
of sarcasm, and the destructive
plague of infidelity, shall unsettle and
overthrow the faith of thousands; yet in
it all we are assured that all the truly
consecrated, all the true, covenant-keeping
members of the body of Christ--THE
FEET, shall be kept by the power of God,
through the ministration of his messengers,
and delivered. And, finally, of the
whole body it is written: Because he
has set his love upon me, therefore I will
deliver him: I will set him on high [exalt
to glory] because he hath known my
name, I will deliver him and honor him,
with long life [everlasting] I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.
[R677 : page 8]
"In God I have found a retreat,
Where I can securely abide;
No refuge, nor rest so complete,
And here I intend to reside,
I dread not the terror by night,
No sorrow can harm me by day;
His shadow has covered me quite,
My fears He has driven away.
The pestilence walking about,
When darkness has settled abroad,
Can never compel me to doubt
The presence and pow'r of our Lord.
The wasting destruction at noon,
No fearful foreboding can bring;
With Jesus, my soul doth commune,
His perfect salvation I sing.
A thousand may fall at my side,
Ten thousand at my right hand;
Above me His wings are spread wide,
Beneath them in safety I stand.
His truth is my buckler and shield;
His love He hath set upon me;
His name in my heart He hath sealed;
E'en now His salvation I see."
"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, for when he is tried he shall
receive a crown of life."