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"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it
is the power of God unto salvation--to every one
that believeth."--Rom. 1:16.
The gospel, the good news or good
tidings, is so good and so grand, that
those who really see and understand it,
have no occasion for feeling shame when
they tell to others all they can of its
height and depth, and length and
It needs no apology on God's part,
neither on the part of any of his ambassadors.
In this respect it differs from all
human theories which claim to be the
gospel; for all schemes of human origin
are necessarily imperfect, like their formulators.
Of God's work alone can it be
said, "His work is perfect." His thoughts
are not as our thoughts, nor his ways as
our ways; for as the heavens are higher
than the earth, so are his ways higher
than our ways, and his thoughts higher
than our thoughts.--Isa. 55:9.
Much is taught by those claiming to be
true shepherds of God's flock which God
has never authorized--much that misrepresents
his character and plan. To ascertain,
therefore, what is God's truth we
must have some way to decide what is
human theory, and what is really the plan
of God, which he declares is much higher
than human expectation.
Some feel bound to take some very
generally received view and therefore inquire,
What do the majority of mankind
believe? But they soon find that the vast
majority are heathens who have purely
their own human ideas, and are entirely
unguided by a divine revelation. The
next inquiry is, What do those believe
who accept of the Bible as a divine revelation
of God's plan? When the answer
comes, that those who accept the Word
[R922 : page 3] of God, are divided into hundreds of sects
and factions, some larger and some smaller,
some older and some newer, and that
these contradict each other and oppose
each other on almost every point of doctrine,
while all have earnest advocates,
and include among their adherents some
pious, God-fearing people, the question
becomes a most perplexing one--Which
of these sects of Christendom is right?
Interviewing the various sects we are
warmly received, and by each assured
that they have the matter right--they have
the "good tidings of great joy" and
know well the great plan of the Infinite
God. And then they begin to tell us,
some with one modification and some
with another, that the good news which
God has declared shall be for all people, is really good news for only a few, and
dreadful in the extreme for the vast majority.
They tell us that the vast majority
are to be tortured unpityingly throughout
ages of ages--eternity; and that a "little
flock" a mere "remnant" or "handful,"
is to be saved from that awful torture
(whether by an election with which they
have nothing to do, or whether otherwise
chosen, these sects do not agree). And
the eternal and monotonous service of
this handful of favored ones shall be to
watch their groaning, agonizing, tortured
fellow beings, among them close relatives
and dear friends, and the meanwhile sing
praises to God for such a manifestation of
his love (?) and justice (?). To do so,
their tender feelings of sympathy and
compassion would have to be changed to
feelings of fiendish brutality--otherwise
they could not enjoy such an eternity.
We confess that if offered our choice
between the two classes, whether we would
be with such a God to all eternity and
hypocritically sing his praises, while witnessing
such fiendish torturing of fellow
creatures, perpetuated by his will and
power, to gratify such horrible malignity,
or whether we would choose to honestly denounce
his injustice, and to share the torture,
we know not which would be preferable.
Surely we would a thousand
times prefer to be blotted from existence,
rather than share in such a carnival of
horror, anguish and woe. Ah! there is
no "good tidings" about that message.
Not only is the joy for all people lacking,
but it contains joy for none. Satan himself
would weary of such horrors and diabolic
pleasures, before eternity had fairly
Heart-sick, we turn from their revolting
description, inquiring if this be the "good
tidings of great joy which shall be to all
people," what would bad tidings be, in
their estimation? With confusion and a
blush of shame, our friends begin to apologize
for God and his plan, and finally
they confess, that they do not understand
it, and that their Confessions of Faith
contradict their own sentiments of justice
and right, that they received their ideas
largely through the traditions of their
forefathers, from which they only find relief
in the thought, that the Judge of all
the earth will do right.--Gen. 18:25.
Ah! well we know that their hearts are
better, purer, more just and more Godlike,
than their creeds. Thank God that it is
so. But as reasonable beings why accept
and teach that which their own hearts as
well as the Scriptures brand as a most
wicked slander and blasphemy on the
character of the God they worship, and
whom in spite of their false theology they
love? All should see that such confusion
of thought and such misrepresentation of
the character and plan of God comes of
the blinding influence of Satan through
sects and creeds. And why blindly support
the various clashing creeds which
your conscience in spite of long years of
training, declares unjust, ungodlike and
unholy, and a libel against the all-wise
and benevolent Jehovah? It is very evident
that such a message is not the gospel,
not the "good tidings of great joy, which
shall be to all people." It is very bad tidings
--the most awful tidings which ever
reached the ears of men. But thank God,
this is not his message, his gospel. It
originated with the great Adversary of
God and men, who took advantage of
man's fallen condition, selfish ambitions,
etc., mixed these horrible and distorting
errors with a little truth, called it gospel
and placed it in the hand of Papacy, who
in turn caused all nations to drink of her
mixed wine of "wrath" (Rev. 18:3).
Her message has intoxicated the world,
taken away reason and blinded the eyes
of men to the truth.
If this doctrine of eternal torment were
true, it would be better far that man had
never been created; for the torture of
billions of beings eternally could never be
compensated for by the joys (?) of others
witnessing their torture, even if the numbers
were reversed--if the few were in
torture and the majority witnesses in glory.
In fact, for those of noble mind and
impulses to witness the tortures of others,
would more than mar every joy; it would
be torture to them, from which they
would gladly escape in annihilation.
If such be the natural feelings of fallen, imperfect men, what would be the sentiments
of the perfect man, as originally
created--in the likeness of God? To
worship such a God, as we have described
to us by the various Christian sects, to
sympathize with such a plan, and to be in
full harmony with it, would require the
obliteration of every impulse of love and
pity, the extinction of every noble trait
and feeling. The logic of such a gospel
would be to prove the great Creator an
arch-fiend, cruel and malignant in the
extreme. And all who now are seeking
nearness to God and to his spirit would
need to be changed to fiends also, to enjoy
witnessing such an awful, eternal carnival
of torture.
But thank God! His ways and plans
are higher, not lower than ours, and even
our best minds and most just and noble
hearts, need the direction and inspiration
of his Word to enable us to grasp even
measurably, the heights and depths and
lengths and breadths of that wisdom, love
and power which his glorious plan reveals.
We must enter into closest sympathy, before
we can see what God has wrought
and praise him as we ought.
The great cloud of error which overspread
the plan of God in the second and
third centuries, and which deepened into
a death pall under Papacy's supremacy,
has been but partly cleared away since
the thunder-storm of the Reformation,
and nothing will scatter it fully, until the
Sun of Righteousness shall be fully risen.
But now in the dawn of that grand Day
the "friends" of God are privileged to
see and know concerning his plans, that
which the masses of God's professed
children, blinded by the various obscuring
influences and agencies of Satan--
priestcraft, tradition, etc., cannot yet see.
The gospel which the apostles preached
was not such bad tidings, and they were
not ashamed of it and had no need to
blush or apologize for any part of it.
Nor did they keep back a part: Paul declares,
"I have not shunned to declare
unto you all the council of God." (Acts 20:27.)
In every part of it he could
greatly rejoice, and of none of it was he
ashamed. In all of this whole council of
God, Paul said not one word about the
everlasting torture, mental or physical, of
a single member of the human family.
Why? Because that is no part of God's
plan. Not one creature that God has
made will be tortured everlastingly. The
thought is absurd in the extreme and contradictory
not only to every element of
the divine likeness in us, but contradictory
to every testimony of God's word.
The theory is supported only by creeds,
formulated in the darkness of past centuries
by mistaken men, who had not fully
escaped from the influence of Rome's mixed
wine of wrath, many of whom undoubtedly
were conscientious and all of them probably
much better than their creeds--
much more just and benevolent than they
represented God to be.
Even in the Bible this blasphemous
doctrine has sought to entrench itself,
putting a gloss and coloring upon certain
passages, favorable to this wrath-intoxicated view, as for instance the misuse of
the words hell, damnation, etc., which,
with the meaning generally attached,
grossly misrepresent the true sense of the
Greek and Hebrew terms. (See TOWER
for May, 1886.) They have succeeded
also through hymns and commentaries
and catechisms in twisting and coloring
some of the parables and "dark sayings"
of our Lord and certain parts of the symbolism
of the book of Revelation (which
book as a whole they do not profess to
understand), so that under this false light
these seem to favor their bad-tidings.
But when the light of the knowledge of
the goodness and glory of God, shining
in the face of Jesus Christ, shines into our
hearts and illuminates our understanding,
it makes every parable and every symbol
eloquent in the praise of divine justice,
wisdom, love and power; and to form
part of the "Good-tidings of great joy,
which shall [sometime] be to all people."
Thank God, all who thus see light in
his light, from his standpoint, are "not
ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." The
question then arises, Whence this light,
by which we may see the glory of God,
in the harmony and symmetry of his plan.
If none of the various sects claiming to
be the church of Christ possess it, where
shall we look for it? We answer, It
beams from
While the various denominations each
claim to accept the Bible as the rule of
faith, the fact is, that they do not do so:
hence the jarring discord of their teachings
on almost every doctrine.
While education and habit of thought
have much to do with our way of looking
at matters, yet to suppose that honest
minded men, whose sole desire is to learn the will and plan of God could each go
to the Bible, desiring to there be taught
of God, and then arrive at all the dissimilar
religious views we see about us, would
[R923 : page 3] certainly imply one of two things: either
that God's Word is not a revelation, but
a deceiving enigma--a labyrinth of confusion,
or else that man in his fallen condition
is so wretchedly twisted, that it is
impossible for him to reason with his
Creator or to understand the Scriptures.
But the Lord and the Apostles as well
as common sense contradict both of these
views. Paul says "The holy Scriptures
are able to make thee wise"--"That the
man of God may be perfect, thoroughly
furnished." (2 Tim. 3:15-17.) And
our Lord said, "If any man will do his
[my Father's] will, he shall know of the
doctrine" (John 7:17). Consequently
we must look elsewhere for the fault, the
cause of this discord of jarring sects and
creeds. And if it is not the Bible that is
to blame, it must be that professed Bible
students do not study it properly. Yes, it
is here that the fault lies. Earnest, zealous,
Christian men and women come to
the Bible with prejudiced minds, full of
creeds and theories of various sects, to
which they are strongly attached by
[R923 : page 4] chains of veneration, and habit, and family
ties, and social ties, and fears, and pride,
and spiritual laziness. They come to the
Bible not to be taught of God, but to
prove to themselves and others, that their
theories or the theories of their sect ARE
RIGHT. And by ignoring passages or
their contexts, which do not suit their
views, and by bending and straining others,
each seeker generally gets what he
seeks, and confirms himself in his prejudices.
At the same time, thank God, he
that seeketh truth and submits his own
will, and the theories of all others, to the
light of God's Word, desiring to find the
truth and to discover the error, is not left
in darkness, doubt and confusion, but
"shall know of the [true] doctrine."
Nor should we ignore the assistance of
any of God's children in seeking an understanding
of the Scriptures, but we
should give attention to them only so far
and so long, as they teach and explain
the Bible, in harmony with the Bible.
Whenever we find a brother, a teacher,
either of high or low degree, in learning
or talents, ABLE TO EXPOUND and to harmonize
the Bible with itself, our attention
should be earnestly given; for such a one
is a teacher sent of God, and we are safe
so long as we prove all things by the
Word of God, and accept of theories and
interpretations not because of the teacher,
but because of the Scriptures, which his
teachings show forth and harmonize.
But religious teachers of to-day would
be almost ignored, if this rule were followed,
for they know little of the Bible
except some passages committed to memory
in youth, and some looked out for
special occasions. And three-fourths of
all the discourses, delivered in Christian
pulpits, if examined by the average hearer
in the light of the text chosen and its connections
with the preceding and succeeding
verses, would be found at wide variance and
often directly contradictory of the Word of
God. But satisfied with their sect, the
many "at ease in Zion" think not of
searching the Scriptures, nor of proving
or disproving the doctrines proclaimed.
As for the teachers, with many it is a
business or rather a "profession" merely.
They were taught in seminaries not how
to search the Scriptures, but the reverse--
not to study the Bible, nor to expect to
learn anything from it; for if they should
learn anything new by their search, it
would of necessity be something their sect
would not endorse, and hence they would
come in conflict with their party and its
theology and be cut off. They are taught the theology of the sect controlling the
seminary, and are expected to know and
teach neither more nor less so long as they
are in its ministry. In fact, generally
they are bound by a solemn vow to believe
and teach according to the creed of the
sect strictly. Why then should they urge
their students to "Search the Scriptures?"
Rather, like the Church of Rome their
influence is exerted to restrain investigation
within the sectarian limits. With the
implied threat of disfellowship, they urge
their ministers and students not to search continually for truth, but to accept the
voice of their sect as infallible. They do
not openly proclaim their sectarian infallibility
and the bondage of their ministers
for very shame, remembering that this
was the very ground on which their founders
originally protested against the church
of Rome, claiming the right of individual
judgment in the interpretation of the Scriptures--
hence the name Protestants.
Were it not for this sectarian influence
over the members and teachers of the
sects, how quickly might all the saints
who hunger and thirst after truth come
into unity and harmony of spirit and
doctrine--all teachable and all "taught of
God." The Word of God would be
more reverenced and would be "quick
and powerful," while an "ear-tickling,"
world-serving, sect-bound clergy would
be justly despised. This state of things is
even now at the doors. The reason it is
not more noticeable is, that the saints,
the truth-seekers, are comparatively few,
the great mass of the nominal church (all
sects) being children of the world, unconsecrated,
deceived by their teachers into
the false assumption that they are Christians,
and that by joining the sect and
adding to its numbers and wealth they
are joining the real Church of Christ,
whose "names are written in heaven."
Convinced then, that we must individually
seek the good tidings in God's
Word, let us next inquire, What is the
Gospel, of which we and the apostles and
our Lord need not be ashamed?--
The real gospel is like a tree, it has a
trunk or central part and out of this central
glad tidings as branches, proceed
various favors, each of which is a special
additional feature of the "glad-tidings."
The trunk, the primary "good tidings,"
is the news of our ransom: That Christ
died for our sins, and thus redeemed us
from sin and its penalty, death, by paying
a corresponding price (1 Tim. 2:6) for
Adam and all his race. And in consequence
of this redemption he shall in due
time deliver all from the dominion of sin
and death into the liberty and favors of
children of God, forfeited for all by Adam.
The assurance which this gives is, that
all that was lost through Adam shall be restored through Christ, who declares that
he came into the world to seek and to
save that which was lost.
Adam held the blessings and favors of
God (life, etc.) conditionally: If obedient, he might enjoy life and home and divine
favor forever. His failure terminated his
trial, and God sentenced him to death as
unworthy to ever enjoy the blessings originally
offered to him. Our Lord Jesus
redeemed all the race from that condemnation, by enduring the death penalty for
all as the representative of Adam, and
thus he provides a renewal of the original
favor of life, and renews the trial, making
it this time an individual test of worthiness
or unworthiness to enjoy the divine
favors everlastingly, the condition again
being obedience.
God's plan is, to make the sinner a party
to his own recovery, by arranging that
an interest in Christ's meritorious sacrifice,
our ransom price, can be had upon one condition only, namely: The sinner must
desire and strive for reconciliation with
God and must recognize Jesus' sacrifice as
the only ground for that reconciliation.
In other words faith in the ransom is made
as indispensable to the sinner's salvation
from condemnation, as the giving of the ransom. Being thus justified by faith in
Christ, he is granted a new trial for everlasting
life, the condition of which is obedience
to the extent of ability, as step by
step they are directed and disciplined up
to full perfection of being. Hence the
importance of telling all men of the redemption
accomplished, and the importance
also of their accepting the message
by faith. Everyone believing in him shall
not be ashamed. Whosoever shall call for
mercy and reconciliation, upon the name
of the Lord, shall be saved, recovered, to
that which was lost. But none can call
upon the Lord without knowing of him;
hence the necessity not only that Christ
should give "himself a ransom for all,"
but also that it should be "TESTIFIED [to
all] in due time." Compare Rom. 10:13-15 with 1 Tim. 2:6.*
*The context to the above, Rom. 10:18, will be
treated in our next issue and will be shown to be in
fullest accord with all the deductions of this article.
So then this message, that a ransom has
been given for all, which guarantees a
restitution of great privileges and favors
once forfeited, is the very center and body
of the "good tidings," and it is proclaimed
in order that sinners may believe it and
thus obtain its favor of reconciliation and
a new trial for life. But so fallen and
prejudiced has mankind become, that he
is an easy prey to his great enemy, Satan,
who blinds the eyes of the vast majority,
so that they cannot and do not see the
simplicity and beauty of the divine remedy
for sin and its sting--death. He blinds
many with superstition and degradation,
many more with priest-craft and false theologies,
which misrepresent and distort
the plan of God; and those in a fair way
to receive the light, he blinds and chokes
with thorns of care and thistles of wealth,
so that few thus far have really heard with unprejudiced ears this gospel of great
joy, which shall yet be unto all people.
So then, if there be not a future time
more favorable to their hearing than the
present, the "good tidings" would not be
"to all people." But the plan of God
provides for all and the ransom covered
all and the declaration is, that it "shall be
to all people;" and this implies not only
a testifying, but also a hearing. This implies
[R924 : page 4] also an awakening from death of
those who have not heard, and also the
binding or restraining of Satan's power at
such a time, so that all may hear of God's
favor, call for the favor he provides, be reconciled
to God through the death of His
Son, and have their second or individual
trial for life everlasting.
Meantime God knew of the blinding influences
of the world, the (fallen) flesh and
the devil, and could have counteracted
them as easily during the Gospel age as in
the Millennial age, but another feature of
his plan made proper the permission of
Satan and evil until the end of this age.
This part of the plan constitutes an additional feature of the gospel or "good tidings,"
which applies not directly to all people as the other, but to a "few," a
"little flock." This feature or branch of
the gospel is concerning a "high calling,"
a "heavenly calling." It is not independent
of the other "good tidings" however;
quite the reverse, it grows out of the good tidings of the ransom, as a branch
grows out of a tree trunk, and yet rests in
it as a foundation. In this figure of a tree
the roots illustrate the divine wisdom,
love, justice, and power, which though
entirely out of sight, are the real sources
of every favor and blessing, which has
been or shall yet be developed in the full
completion of the plan of redemption.
The main central branch, representing the
call during the gospel age of the little
flock to the divine nature, is an ingrafted
branch, whose fruitage will be very choice,
(the few of the divine nature), while the
many natural branches, proceeding from
the trunk of this tree, will represent the
manifold favors and blessings of God; and
the fruit from these brought to perfection
will be humanity in general. As in our
figure every branch, natural or ingrafted,
depends upon the nourishment supplied
by the root, through the TRUNK, so all favors
are from and directly supplied to us
by divine wisdom, love and power, the
root which holds and supplies all favor,
and yet all comes through the RANSOM,
which our Lord Jesus gave for all, which
is the central trunk. A branch or twig,
attempting to grow up out of the roots
directly and not out of the trunk, we call
a "sucker." It can bring no fruit to maturity
and is cut off. So every one attempting
to deal directly with the divine
supply, ignoring the ransom, is cut off as
a thief and a robber.
During this age the natural (favors)
branches have been kept pruned off, so
that they could not bear fruit until the
special or ingrafted branch "of the divine
nature" had brought forth its fruit--the
"little flock," "the body of Christ."
Their portion is that of favor added to
favor, good tidings added to good tidings.
Redeemed and reconciled and offered a
new trial for life, like all the rest of their
race, these who have heard and accepted
during this age, have been invited to become
joint-heirs with Christ in his glory
and honor and kingdom to come, by which Satan will be bound, and the "good
tidings" of ransom and restitution made
known to all, for faith and acceptance.
With Christ, their Redeemer, as well as
their chief or head, these are now being
prepared by obedience and suffering and
trials of faith and patience for opening the
blind eyes, unstopping the deaf ears, and
lifting up the fallen, until all shall know
the Lord from the least to the greatest--
until the knowledge of the Lord shall fill
the whole earth, until all branches of divine
favor, proceeding out of the ransom for all, shall have brought forth as fruitage
a perfect race enjoying all that was lost
and redeemed.
Even now amid opposition and weaknesses
and discouragements, at the cost of
much self-sacrifice the members of the
body of Christ delight to do what they can
of this work of blessing and lifting up the
fallen and depraved, and thus they prove
themselves worthy of the grander, glorious,
and successful service as God's co-workers
and ambassadors of the future.
So then we find, that the message which
God has sent us, preaching peace and life by the blood of the cross to every one that
believeth, is indeed the central good tidings.
And since it shall be testified to all in due time, we see, how it will be good
tidings "to all people." This is the "everlasting
[good news] gospel," mentioned
in the symbol of Rev. 14:6. It already
is being sounded forth and must during
the Millennial age now dawning, reach
every nation and kindred and tongue and
Paul says, that God declared this gospel
beforehand to Abraham, in the promise:
"In thee and thy seed [Christ, and his
little flock of overcomers--members of his
body, Gal. 3:16,29] shall all the families of the earth be blessed.--Gen. 28:14.
This good tidings, given to Abraham, is
exactly the same we here present, the
blessing is the reconciliation and a second
trial under most favorable circumstances
for all the families of the earth, secured
by God's favor through the ransom for all,
given by Christ. The message to Abraham,
of the blessing of the world, incidentally
hints at the "high calling," showing
the "seed" to be highly exalted as
God's agency for blessing all. And Paul
points out this seed, saying--"Which seed
is Christ" (Gal. 3:16); and "If ye be
Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and
heirs [of this high honor] according to the
promise."--Gal. 3:29.
When the angels announced the birth
of our Saviour (though they saw not the
philosophy of the divine plan of redemption
and reconciliation, as God has since
revealed it to his saints by his spirit) they
added the Hallelujah chorus, "Glory to
God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men." They sang prophetically
of the grand outcome of the
message they bore, the "good tidings of
great joy, which shall be unto all people."
This is indeed the glad tidings, and
who that realizes it as such, does not feel
that God's plans are higher than man's
plans, and his ways higher than man's
ways. With the Apostle Paul we may
well with reverence exclaim, Oh, the
depths of the riches both of the knowledge
and wisdom of God!