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Chosen no: R-1104 , from: 1889 Year. |
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Now we wish to talk a little to those
sisters in Christ who have some talents,
however great or small, which they desire
to make use of in the interest of the
great harvest work. We have nothing
to say at present to those Christian women
who find both the center and circumference
of their desires and efforts to do
good, within the comparatively narrow
sphere of home, except that they are living
far below their privilege, and that
selfishness, and not the glory of God
chiefly, is the mainspring of their efforts
whether they yet realize the fact
or not.
Let us not be too quick to conclude
that we have no talents. All the called
ones have at least one, though the majority
have more. Remember that health,
money, time, influence, mental activity,
education, and every advantage we possess,
is a talent, to be used or abused.
And while we should not think of ourselves
more highly than we ought to think,
neither should we underrate our abilities.
We should think of ourselves soberly,
and take as nearly as possible a correct
estimate, in order that we may make the
best possible use of our powers.
We have heretofore shown the principles
which should govern Christian
women in all their work--that modesty
of demeanor, dress, etc., should always
be observed, and that every thing approaching
a boastful, heady, high-minded
spirit should be studiously avoided. Bearing
this in mind, let us inquire then--In
what way can we do harvest work to the
best advantage?
On this point several suggestions might
be made. They will not fit every case
and some of them may be impracticable
in many cases, but we can make use of
any or all of them as we find ability and
opportunity. We should not forget that
the strongest influence is generally that
which comes closest to the heart, and
here is woman's opportunity. The truth
may be presented ever so clearly and eloquently
in a public discourse, and the
majority of its hearers will soon forget it
in the multitude of other cares. But a
woman whose heart is filled with the truth
and the spirit of the truth, can drop in
for a neighborly call and brush away the
rubbish of care, water the seed with a
little Christian sympathy, warm it with
the happy sunshine of her living faith, and
loosen the soil about it by tenderly showing
how helpful such a faith is in lightening
the cares of life, and how much it
has done for herself in this way.
A woman's natural and quick perception,
too, generally shows her how far to
go, and when to stop. Cultivate this
faculty; it is a natural talent to be used
for the Master's glory.
Then, is any one sick in your neighborhood?
You are generally welcome with
your helping hand, your cheerful smile,
and words of comfort, both to the sick
and to the anxious friends who watch
over them. Let your words be seasoned
with the hope of the gospel, in such measure
as may be most helpful to them,
while your kindly offices give them confidence
in your Christian spirit of love
and self-sacrifice, and prepare the soil
for the reception of the truth. Sometimes
you will find it expedient to thus
prepare the soil by more or less acquaintance
before you drop any of the seeds
into it. In this be wise and harmless, as
the Master directs, but not too slow and
over cautious else you will fail of your
important work.
Then remember, "the poor you have
always with you;" and generally they are
the class most ready to receive the truth.
Some of them may be rough and rude
and by no means congenial to your tastes.
And when you were of the world you
may have shunned them, and thus incurred
their displeasure. Ah, what a mission
you have here! and what a test, too,
of your standing, and measure of your
growth. Stop first and measure yourself,
before you think of what you can accomplish
in this way. Is your former pride
crucified, so that you would not be
ashamed to be seen with that coarse, uncouth
neighbor, or to be called her friend,
if thereby you can feed her with the bread
of life? Would you be ashamed to say
before your friends, as the Lord said to
Zaccheus (Luke 19:5), I will dine with
thee to-day, or Thou shalt dine with me?
Have you learned to mind not high
things, but to condescend to men and
women of low estate, for the privilege of
helping them up? (Rom. 12:16.)--and
that, too, not in a condescending, patronizing
way, but with true sisterly sympathy
and love, manifested in your kindly
courteous manner, plainness of dress, and
simplicity of home appointments?
If so, you can carry the blessed tidings
to many a lowly, and to many a wretched
home. And among them you will occasionally
find one of the Lord's precious
jewels, perhaps unfortunately united to a
depraved character who calls himself husband,
though he never knew the meaning
of the name, and never filled the office.
Crushed under a load of care and sorrow,
and shunned by the more fortunate, what
a comfort and blessing you may be, with
your true friendship and the good tidings
of great joy.
Then there are children in your neighborhood.
The children of the rich you
may not be able to reach, but the children
of the poor may be reached, if you
use tact and discretion. You might
gather a class of children about you to
meet with yours at stated times, and then
tell them the old, old story in as pleasing
and simple a way as you can. Inspire the
little ones with the hope of the glorious
restitution of all things to Edenic glory
and beauty. Paint the glowing details
before the simple mind of a childhood and
let them carry it home, being careful not
to give meat too strong. Your own children,
too, carefully instructed, may be
little messengers of God. If they like
the service, tell them they are God's little
angels (messengers) and that all their
little services are appreciated in heaven,
where their names are written and they
are personally beloved.
As to your children's associations, you
need to bear in mind that "evil communications
corrupt good manners;" and,
therefore, in the impressible period of
childhood it will not do to let your children
mingle indiscriminately with others,
much as you may love the parents and
desire to show yourself friendly to them
and theirs. Indeed they will be better,
especially in these days, to be kept to
themselves as much as possible. And if
your principles on this point are made
known to your friends, they will not misunderstand,
but will probably endeavor
to imitate you. On very special occasions,
however, you might find it expedient to
call in your neighbors' children, even if
they are rude and ill-mannered, that yours
may treat them kindly and show themselves
friendly. Under your eye, politeness
and kindness and good feeling will
readily take the place of rude ways. The
strongest characters to resist evil are not
those who never meet it, but those who
do meet it, and overcome it. If your
children at school and in the neighborhood
meet rude children, and their rudeness
is never commented upon or discountenanced
by you, they will surely
imitate it. Yet such comments should
always be with charity and pity, and
should never be made before others.
While you teach your children to dislike
the evil, teach them also to love and pity
the evil-doer, as God does, and to study
how they may help them. Be on the alert
for all such opportunities, and by so
doing you will develop strong characters
able to resist the evil, which sooner or later
they must meet, and to overcome it with
good. Thus trained, you will soon have
them as active co-workers with you and
with God in the great work.
If worldly ambitions for your children
as well as for yourself, have been sacrificed
--as they must be with the faithful, consecrated
ones--and your chief desire for
them is to have them faithful, humble and
competent servants of God, you have
here a grand opportunity to prove your
faithfulness--or vice versa; and it will
affect all your plans for them. As a servant
of God you will bring them up as
near to his idea as possible, teaching them
that the adornments of the mind and heart
are the chief adornments in God's sight.
Another quiet unobtrusive way of working
would be to visit the various churches,
particularly their prayer and conference
meetings and the Methodist class meetings,
dropping a seasonable word where
you can, and observing those who appear
to be most earnest and devoted to the
Lord, in order that you may acquaint
yourself with them, or hand or mail them
something to read, or visit them.
Then again, there are both friends and
strangers near and far, who may be reached
both by personal letters and printed
matter. Here lies a wonderful fruitful field
of labor--practically unlimited. Mark,
too, your privilege of spreading the
cheerful meal--not elaborately, but
plainly, and such as the humblest
might imitate--and calling in, not your
friends and rich neighbors, but any of
God's children without respect to their
earthly condition, who may be blessed by
such a season of communion with saints.
And verily, you shall not lose your reward,
even in the present life. Remember,
too, the old proverb which you can
apply to advantage in the Lord's service,
viz., If you would have friends you must
show yourself friendly. Teach the little
ones too, to enjoy and assist in such
hospitality with you; and show them that
[R1104 : page 5] this is the way, God's way, for us to find
real happiness--in blessing and serving
each other.
On such and on all occasions discountenance
everything approaching gossip,
and show most decidedly that you have
neither an ear nor a tongue for any such
thing, and make some features of the
truth, or of the harvest work, the topic
of conversation.
In such ways the busiest mothers may
find places for profitable investments of
their talents. With such at his coming
the Lord finds his own, with interest.
[R1105 : page 5]
Then, in addition to these ways, in
which it would seem very many could engage,
there are the more fruitful means,
such as those free from domestic encumbrances
find--in canvassing town and
city and country, and spreading the truth
broadcast in printed form, leaving it to
do its blessed work in silence, or to be
watered and cultivated by some neighborly
Christians who see in this their opportunity
for service. But the above means
will be open to the greatest number.
Some, not fully understanding the spirit
of consecration, may feel inclined like a
certain class mentioned in one of our
Lord's parables, to at once make excuse,
saying, "I have no time, no money to spare
for feasting friends and neighbors, too
much opposition at home to claim such
privileges, no talent to talk of the truth.
I do not like to associate with people I
have always considered beneath me, or to
have my children mingle with theirs. I
have no special aptitude to serve the sick,
and my neighbors are generally well again,
before I know they have been sick, etc."
Well, then my dear friend, the principle
difficulty with you is that you are not very
anxious to find work in the vineyard; and
if so, then you are not wanted there.
Where there is a will, there is always a
way to do something. You have not much
time, but by economy of labor, in simplicity
of house-keeping, of cooking, of
dress, etc., by regularity and system, by
seasonable times for rising and retiring,
etc., and in various ways you can gain
some time. If you have but little means,
do not be too proud to be hospitable
in a plain simple way. The Lord and
his disciples often had nothing more than
bread and fish. You have opposition from
the worldly-minded in your home, but
why allow all your rights to be rudely
trampled under foot? If you have faithfully
served the interests of husband and
family these many years, or if as a young
mother and wife, you are doing so now, it
is your right and privilege to extend your
simple hospitality to your friends as well
as theirs. And you should claim and use
the right. As your children grow up let
them see that you expect their services,
and while they are growing speak of the
time when you will need it. Train them
to the idea of relieving the cares of father
and mother as soon as they are able. And
as they are able, put little responsibilities
on them, and use the time so gained in
the Master's service. Some selfish, worldly
husbands need to have this thought
kept before them, too; for many such will
see a faithful wife plod on year after year
under burdens which they would not
touch, and then feel that they are greatly
wronged, if she seeks to have them lightened,
when such a thing is possible. But remember
that our first allegiance is to
our heavenly Bridegroom; and where his
counsel is called in question, there is but
one proper course, and that is, loyalty to
him at any cost. For this same reason,
that you may have more time for the
Lord's special work, be less particular than you would prefer to be about non-essential
features of your housekeeping.
Do not be too hard to please in your house
assistant. She will not do the work so
well, or systematically as you have done it
yourself; but be satisfied with the best she
can do under your direction and training.
You will probably find, too, after faithfully
making the effort a few times, that
you have a better talent for talking of the
truth than you now know of. Indeed you
will often surprise yourself; for the Lord
has promised you a mouth and wisdom
that none of your adversaries can gainsay
or resist. Sometimes you will find your
opportunity best used in reading to others,
or in merely talking enough to introduce
the reading matter, and to lead your
neighbor or friend to investigate.
The excuse that you do not like to associate
with some of the humble ones,
savors both of the spirit of the world,
and also of a seeming necessary prudence;
and therefore it may be well to consider
it carefully. The first thought is of the
old nature--an outcropping of its pride
and high-mindedness. Resist it, remembering
the Master's words:--"Except ye
be converted and become as little children,
ye shall not enter into the kingdom
of heaven. Whosoever shall humble himself
as a little child, the same is the greatest
in the kingdom of heaven. And whosoever
shall receive one such little child
(a humble teachable believer, or one likely
to receive the truth) receiveth me."--
Matt. 18:3-5.
Thus, in very many humble ways, the
watchful faithful stewards will find opportunities
to invest their talents with a good
hope of considerable interest. He that
is faithful in that which is least, will be
faithful also in much. (Matt. 25:21,23.)
Study to show yourself a workwoman approved
unto God. MRS. C. T. R.