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Chosen no: R-1288 , from: 1891 Year. |
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"The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in
me."--John 14:30.
Our Lord's reference here is to the great adversary
of God and deceiver of men who for six
thousand years past has pursued a course of systematic
opposition to, and defiance of, the Almighty
Jehovah, the great Emperor of the universe.
He is elsewhere called the prince of the
power of the air, and that old serpent which is
the devil and Satan. He is also called Beelzebub,
the prince of devils.--Matt. 12:24.
Every reference to him represents him as an
intelligent being of great power and influence,
and as an ambitious leader. Yet in the beginning
of his existence he was pure and perfect,
an intelligent creature of God, created through
the agency of his only begotten Son, without
whom nothing was made that was made. (John 1:3.)
Previous to his fall into sin he is spoken
of as Lucifer, a morning star [a glorious being
of creation's early morning].
Referring to his fall, the Lord, who declares
that he has no pleasure in the death of him that
falleth into sin and the condemnation to death
(Ezek. 18:32), says, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" Then
he shows that undue ambition was the cause of
his fall, saying, "For thou hast said in thine
heart, Into heaven [the position of power] will
I ascend; above the stars of God [other sons
of the morning] will I exalt my throne; and I
will sit also upon the mount of the assembly in
the farthest end of the north [universal dominion];
I will ascend above the heights of the
clouds; I will be equal to the Most High."--
Isa. 14:12-14.
Thus, instead of humbly and thankfully appreciating
the favor of God which brought him
[R1288 : page 23] into existence and crowned him with glory and
honor as a bright star of creation's early morning,
and, instead of returning due filial reverence,
love and submission to his righteous will,
this being cultivated a spirit of pride until his
rising ambition aspired first to be a leader and
chief of the other stars of the morning (the position
already filled by the only begotten Son of
God--John 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-17), and finally
to outrival the Most High himself, as king of
the universe.
How different was the course of him who was
actually above the morning stars--the only begotten
Son from the bosom of the Father, and
his honored and exalted agent in the creation of
all things--not only of all the physical universe,
but of all the intelligences as well. Of him we
read that, "though being in a form of God [a
mighty one], yet he did not meditate a usurpation,
but [on the contrary] divested himself [of
his glory], taking a bondman's form, and was
made in the likeness of men. And being found
in fashion as a man, he humbled himself [yet
more] and became obedient unto death, even
the death of the cross."
"Wherefore," says the Apostle, [because of
his humility] "God also hath highly exalted
him, and given him a name which is above every
name, that at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow, both of things in heaven and things
in earth, and things under the earth; and that
every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Phil. 2:6-11.)
Thus, in accordance with a principle
which God has laid down--that he will abase
the proud and exalt the humble (Matt. 23:12;
Jas. 4:6)--we see our Lord Jesus now exalted to
the very position to which Satan through pride
and ambition aspired and which he sought to attain,
while Satan has been degraded, "cut down
[or limited] to the earth" (Isa. 14:12), and
sentenced to final destruction.
Satan evidently had no faith in God's power,
or perhaps in his willingness, to destroy him under
any circumstances. Reasoning from the
facts of his long continued existence and his unimpaired
powers without any evidence of approaching
dissolution, he concluded that his life
could not be terminated. Consequently his
ambitious schemes for power and dominion were
deep laid and far reaching, having, as he supposed,
ample time for full development.
His ambitious policy seems to have begun to
take shape immediately after the creation of
man, through whose posterity, as they should multiply
and attain the grand possibilities which he
saw before them, he thought he saw his opportunity
for the gratification of his hopes--for
laying the foundation of his future dominion.
And when he realized the restraint placed upon
him which limited the sphere of his influence
to the earth, he seems to have determined to
make the most of his opportunities among men.
From the promise of deliverance to mankind
through the coming deliverer, he learned that a
plan was already formed, the intended outcome
of which was to be the triumph of the Son of
God, whom he regarded with jealous hatred as
a mighty rival. It surely was no part of his
original policy to prostrate the race in death;
and when to Eve he contradicted the threat of
Jehovah, and declared, "Ye shall not surely
die," he probably believed the lie, having first
deceived himself, as most deceivers do. His
object, seemingly, was to transfer man's allegiance
from God to himself; and the death-penalty
pronounced and executed upon the race was, we
believe, an unlooked-for frustration of his plans.
With this thought in mind, we see a continuation
of the same line of policy, and an effort to
outwit the Almighty, on the part of Satan, in
the introduction of a new element among men,
when some of the angels, under his seductive
influence, were induced to leave their first estate
and to assume and retain the human form
and take to themselves wives of the daughters
of men (Gen. 6:1,2,4; Jude 6,7), thus imparting
a new life principle to the Adamic stock,
the result of which was a race of "mighty men
of renown," who, presumably, might live forever.
This was a desperate and masterly stroke
of policy; but again God put forth his power
and frustrated the scheme, destroying with a
flood the whole mongrel race, and preserving
[R1288 : page 24] only Noah with his family, who was "perfect in
his generation;" that is, he was of pure, unmixed
Adamic stock.--Gen. 6:9.
But, nothing daunted, the defiant rebel began
his work among the sons of Noah after the
flood, and with varying success has pursued his
policy among the kingdoms of this world. And
God has not specially interfered, and will not,
until the end of this present evil world, when
his time will have come for the setting up of
Christ's kingdom. Then, he declares, Satan
shall be firmly fettered and imprisoned for a
thousand years. His policy during the period
termed "this present evil world"--from the
flood to the dawn of the Millennium--has been
on the same line of scheming for power. Ever
working in the hearts of the children of disobedience,
he has always kept a majority in power
who were not lovers of God and righteousness,
as the pages of history fully attest; and working
through the ambitions and selfishness of men,
he has overturned kingdoms and revolutionized
society with reckless indifference to the woes
and miseries of men, in establishing his own
dominion as "the prince of this world."
To this our Lord referred when, just previous
to his crucifixion, he said to his disciples,
"Hereafter I will not talk much with you, for
the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing
in me." All along he had been in the
world, and had been plotting and scheming and
manipulating the affairs of men; but soon he
was to come in the power of his kingdom, which
we have seen to be the counterfeit kingdom of
Christ, which was actually set up in the year 800
of the Christian era under the name of "The
Holy Roman Empire." "Hereafter"--after his
death and resurrection--earth's rightful prince
would have little to say; he would not interfere
with the workings of the mystery of iniquity;
he would permit the prince of this world to plot
and scheme and develop his plans for setting up
his counterfeit kingdom and do what he could
to frustrate the plan of the Almighty for the
establishment of Christ's Kingdom.
From the pages of history we see how his
kingdom was set up on a foundation of error,
and how it was established on the basest principles
of unrighteousness, with fire and fagot and
sword and every device of torture wherewith to
crush out truth and righteousness. And on the
other hand, we see with what cunning craft he
has endeavored to ensnare, entrap and lead
astray; or, failing in this, to persecute the embryo
kingdom of God, the Christian Church,
both the Head, Christ Jesus, and all the members
of his body. But when God's time for the
establishment of Christ's kingdom has come,
Satan's kingdom will be brought to naught as
suddenly and as effectually as was his former
purpose at the time of the flood.
And even after the Millennial reign of Christ,
notwithstanding the manifest futility of all his
past endeavors, his ambition, even then, will lead
to an attempt to establish some measure of authority
and influence among men. When, under
the reign of Christ, the resurrection of the dead
is accomplished, and when Satan is loosed for a
little season (Rev. 20:7), he will see a new avenue
to the success of his long-cherished ambition,
and be inspired with a fresh hope that his
original purpose may yet be accomplished and
that victory may very shortly be his. Then he will
see not merely a perfect human pair with power to
produce a mighty race destined to live forever, but
the race completed and restored to life and vigor.
His thought will be, If I can win this mighty race
to my standard, my triumph and exaltation will be
speedily accomplished. Again, therefore, he will
figure as a leader, though, as now, unrecognized
by men. Doubtless the temptation will again rest
upon his old doctrine--that they shall not surely
die, even if they do disregard and oppose the
will of God. And those among men in whom
the goodness of God has not wrought the spirit of
humility and filial submission to his acknowledged
superior wisdom, but, on the contrary, in
whom pride has asserted itself, will easily be deceived
and led into this error of believing that
God either cannot or will not destroy them in a
second death. And God will let him work for a
little season, and no doubt he will work with all
the zeal which a hope of speedy victory would
naturally inspire. But he shall not succeed beyond
[R1288 : page 25] the point which God permits for the final
testing of mankind to prove who are worthy
and who are unworthy of everlasting life. When
this is accomplished, then follows the destruction
of Satan and all who follow his leading.
Thus discerning the general policy of our
great adversary, we are enabled the better to
understand his various devices and to discover
his secret workings, and hence we should be the
better guarded against his influence. In all his
plottings and workings we see the evidence of
an intellectuality which, though like the human,
is far superior to it in power and scope, and with
resources upon which to draw which are beyond
the range of the human powers. Before the
mind's eye, as represented in the Word of God,
he stands out as a great intellectual giant, with
an accumulation of at least more than six thousand
years of knowledge and experience. What
a mighty foe for poor fallen humanity to combat,
with our present brief experience of threescore
years and ten, and that in a degenerating
and dying condition.
He is full of ambition for self-exaltation,
puffed up with arrogant pride which so over-estimates
his own greatness that he considers
himself worthy of the honor, power and glory
of the God who gave him being, and is moved
with merciless and continuous envy and
hatred of the Son of God, as well as of the
Heavenly Father who exalted him; and his
whole career is untiringly devoted to his own
ambitions and to the frustration of the divine
plans, which he vainly presumes to accomplish.
In the pursuance of his policy he is utterly reckless
of its cost to humanity. Men in whose
hearts he can work are so many tools in his
hands whom he uses to oppose the principles of
righteousness and truth. (Eph. 2:2.) For the
accomplishment of his purposes there is no
measure of hypocrisy which he would spurn
(2 Cor. 11:14), no depth of iniquity to which
he would not descend (John 13:27; 2 Thes. 2:9,10),
no measure of cruelty that he would
spare, and no height of folly to which he would
not lead his deluded victims. He is a hypocrite, a
deceiver, a tyrant and a merciless enemy of all
who stand in the way of his ambitions. Look
out for him! He will dog your steps; he will
blind your eyes; he will stop your ears; he will
fetter and handcuff and mentally chain you to
his chariot-wheels, if you beware not of him.
He it is who now "has the dominion of death"
--whose power is manifest throughout the earth
among those under condemnation to death.
Here he goes about as a roaring lion, seeking
whom he may devour. (1 Pet. 5:8.) In the
great papal system, the most complete representative
of his policy, his lionlike strength has
most fully appeared, and his lionlike jaws have
greedily devoured every interest of his deluded
victims, while with the fires of persecution he
has sought to devour in another sense the faithful
few, who, despite his roaring anathemas, have
bravely withstood his power. But nevertheless
his days are numbered and his end is sure; for
it is written that God will destroy him "holding
the dominion of death" [not the eternal dominion
and glory and power to which he aspired,
but an ignominious dominion amid sin
and death over poor fallen humanity], that is, the
devil.--Heb. 2:14.--Rotherham.
As children of God, therefore, in the midst
of Satan's dominion and in opposition to his
power, let us beware "lest Satan should get an
advantage of us [through one or another of the
numerous snares he has set for our feet]; for we
are not ignorant of his devices." (2 Cor. 2:11.)
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be
able to stand against the wiles of the devil; for
we wrestle not against flesh and blood. [There are
mighty invisible powers under the leadership of
the prince of this world plotting to accomplish
the stumbling of the feet of the body of Christ,
and flesh and blood are only used as tools for
that purpose by the great adversary], but [we
wrestle] against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places" [in
places of authority and power]. (Eph. 6:12.)
Yet, if well armed with the whole armor which
God supplies, and following our Captain's leading,
we are safe; for greater is he that is for us
than all that are against us.