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Chosen no: R-1351 , from: 1892 Year. |
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Golden Text:--"He shall have dominion also from
sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth."
--Psa. 72:8.
The inspiring themes of this lesson are the
glorious Millennial Kingdom and the rightful
King whom God hath appointed to reign in
righteousness over all the earth. This is that
kingdom to which our Lord referred when to
his disciples he said, "I appoint unto you a
kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto
me; that ye may eat and drink at my table in
my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging
the twelve tribes of Israel" (Luke 22:29,30);
that kingdom for which he taught us to pray,
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on
earth as it is done in heaven;" that kingdom
which he commissioned his disciples to preach,
saying, "Let the dead bury their dead, but
go thou and preach the kingdom of God"
(Luke 9:1,2,60); and that to which some of
the poor of this world, rich in faith, have been
chosen heirs. (James 2:5.) It is that kingdom
of which the Prophet Isaiah frequently discourses
in glowing language, and which, indeed,
has been the theme of all the holy prophets
since the world began (Acts 3:19-21), as well
as of the Lord and the apostles.
But observe that every reference to it looks
to its future establishment, and makes clearly
manifest the fact that it is not yet set up in the
earth; for the will of God is not yet done on
earth as it is done in heaven, and the heirs of
the kingdom are not yet reigning with Christ.
The only way in which the kingdom of God
yet exists is in its embryo condition, in its incipient
stage of humiliation, in which it often
[R1351 : page 14] "suffers violence," and "the violent take it
by force." (Matt. 11:12.) But in due time
these prospective heirs of the kingdom who
now faithfully endure hardness as good soldiers,
will be counted worthy to be exalted and to
reign with Christ when his kingdom shall be
established in power and great glory. (Matt. 24:30.)
Hear the promise of our glorified Lord:
"To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit
with me in my throne." (Rev. 3:21.) And
again, "They shall be priests of God and of
Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years"
--"on the earth."--Rev. 20:6; 5:10.
It seems strange indeed, in view of the clear
testimony of the Scriptures on the subject of the
establishment of the kingdom of God in the
earth, and of its glorious character and work,
that Christians generally, both Catholic and
Protestant, entertain the idea that that kingdom
has already come, and that it has been
established in the earth for many centuries.
This error is not one which originated with
Protestants, but rather, one which they have
never outgrown. The claim was first made by
the Papacy when she became popular with the
world and was exalted to power, and the "Great
[R1352 : page 14] Reformation" movement, while it touched many
other doctrines, left this one unmolested; and
the thoughtless indifference of Christians since
those days has never discovered to them the
absurdity of praying, "Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven,"
while at the same time they claim that his
kingdom did come long ago, though they freely
admit that his will is not, and never has been,
done on earth as it is done in heaven.
But let us observe what the Prophet here has
to say of the glorious character and the extent of
this dominion and of the power and glory of
its appointed King, and then see if there is, or
ever yet has been, such a king or such a kingdom
in the earth. Hear him! (Isa. 11:1.)
"And there shall come forth a rod out of the
stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of
his roots: And the spirit of Jehovah shall rest
upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit
of knowledge and of the reverence of Jehovah;
and shall make him of quick understanding in the
fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after
the sight of his eyes, neither give sentence after
the hearing of his ears. [He will not need to
call up the testimony of human witnesses in any
case, since his own knowledge and understanding
of each man's case will be perfect.] But
with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and
give sentence with equity for the meek of the
earth....And righteousness shall be the
girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle
of his reins."--Verses 1-5.
This glorious Branch out of the stock of Jesse
we recognize as our blessed Lord Jesus, who,
after his resurrection, said, "All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth" (Matt. 28:18),
and who at the time appointed will take
unto him his great power and reign. (Rev. 11:17.)
This is "the Messenger of the [new]
covenant whom ye delight in. Behold he shall
come, saith the Lord of hosts." (Mal. 3:1;
Jer. 31:31-34.) Oh, let our hearts truly rejoice
in the blessed and multiplied assurances that he
who so loved us as to give his life for our ransom
is coming again to reign. "Let the heavens
rejoice, and let the earth be glad;...for
he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge
the world with righteousness and the people with
his truth."--Psa. 96:11-13.
Now in observing the character of his reign, notice
First, that it will be a terror to evil doers, and
that because iniquity so abounds in the world,
the first work of his reign will be the smiting
of the earth with the rod of his mouth and the
slaying of the wicked with the breath of his lips
(verse 4); for somehow the truth, "the rod of
his mouth and the breath of his lips," is either
directly or indirectly to bring about the smiting
of the earth--the great "time of trouble
such as was not since there was a nation."--
Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21; Jas. 5:1-6;
Mal. 3:2-5; 4:1.
Secondly, observe that while his reign is to
be a terror to evil doers, exposing and uprooting
every system and every principle of evil,
both in society at large and in every individual,
it will on the other hand be the consolation
and joy of all the meek who love righteousness;
for such shall no longer be oppressed, but
shall be exalted and blessed.--Verse 4.
[R1352 : page 15]
Thirdly, notice that the blessings of Christ's
Millennial reign will extend, not only to the
establishment of righteousness in the earth and
peace and harmony among men, but to the
lower creatures as well, so that they will be
docile and obedient to mankind, as they were
originally.--Verses 6-9; Psa. 8:6-8.
And fourthly, do not overlook the blessed assurances
of verses 9,10--"The earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters
cover the sea"--full, broad, ample and deep.
Ah, no conflicting creeds then; for all will be
made plain and all the vain traditions of men
will have perished. And in that day the Root
of Jesse shall stand for an ensign of the people;
to him shall the nations come to inquire, and
his resting-place shall be glorious. (Verse 10.)
Here, he who in verse oneis called the Branch
out of the root of Jesse--the Son of Jesse--is
now called the Root (or father) of Jesse. And
this seeming contradiction is not an accidental
misstatement but a veritable truth; for though
Christ was the Son of Jesse according to the
flesh, he is now to be "the Everlasting Father"
or life-giver to the whole human race; so that
Jesse, in the "Times of Restitution of all
things," will be the son of Christ.--Isa. 9:6.
When Christ is thus exalted in the earth and
men begin to realize his power and goodness,
he will indeed be for an "ensign of the people,"
and there will indeed be a great turning to
him. Men will say, "Come ye, and let us go
up to the mountain [kingdom] of the Lord, to
the house of the God of Jacob; and he will
teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his
paths....And all nations shall flow into it."
(Isa. 2:3,2.) And truly "his resting-place
shall be glorious"--so different from the miserable
resting-places now afforded by human
creeds, so aptly described by the Prophet (Isa. 28:20),
saying, "For the bed is shorter than
that a man [a developed Christian] can stretch
himself [or grow more] on it, and the covering
narrower than that he can wrap himself in it."
[He knows so little of the divine plan that he
is constantly subject to doubts and fears.] But
the blessed resting-place which the new King
will discover to all men, in making "the knowledge
of the Lord fill the earth as the waters
cover the sea," will indeed be a glorious resting-place.
God's plan and each man's place
in that plan will be clearly manifest and blessedly
In the blessed assurance of our Golden Text,
that "He shall have dominion also from sea to
sea, and from the river to the ends of the
earth," and all the accompanying assurances of
that precious psalm, let our hearts rejoice, remembering
also that when he shall appear in
his kingdom, then shall we also (if faithful unto
death) appear with him in glory.--Col. 3:4.
Let us not fall into that miserable delusion,
which should be so apparent to every student
of the Scriptures, that the kingdoms of this
world, misnamed Christendom (Christ's kingdom)
are in any sense the kingdom of Christ,
or that they are in any sense accomplishing the
work which the Scriptures under consideration
point out as the work of that kingdom. Let
the true saints of God, the embryo kingdom,
the "heirs" of the kingdom soon to come in
power and great glory, be content to be unrecognized
of men and to suffer reproach and
violence if need be, knowing that when it does
come, it will far surpass the vain glory of these
earthly kingdoms which must pass away. Such
was Paul's faith; for when about to die, and
looking forward to the time appointed for the
setting up of the kingdom of God, he said,
"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown
of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous
Judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but to all them also who love his appearing." (2 Tim. 4:8.) While, then, we wait for
his appearing, let us confidently and joyfully
hope for the glory to be revealed in us and
through us.