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Chosen no: R-4680 , from: 1910 Year. |
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A GENTLEMAN who fancies himself commissioned
to be the Advocate of the New
Covenant, but who has not yet come to see
that the New Covenant could not be the
Old Covenant, takes us to task saying: "Four
years ago it was Present Truth that the
Editor of THE WATCH TOWER needed a
Mediator between God and Himself. Three
years ago it became Present Truth that he
does not need a Mediator between God and
himself. Did the Editor of THE WATCH TOWER leave the
Present Truth?"
We reply, No, the Editor of THE WATCH TOWER
did not leave the Present Truth. He kept all the
Truth that he then had and has added to it. The light
has scattered some more of the darkness, so that, with the
very same thought that he had four years ago, he now
sees that he used the wrong word in expressing that
thought. He now sees that he should have used the
Scriptural term Advocate instead of the word Mediator. He now sees that himself and others in the past have used
language too carelessly, because of the general confusion
and mix-up handed down from the dark ages.
He now sees that the Scriptures nowhere say that the
Church has a Mediator or ever will have a Mediator, and
that they nowhere say that the Covenant of sacrifice,
under which the Church is developed, has a Mediator.
The Editor of THE WATCH TOWER is learning day by
day more clearly to rightly divide the Word of Truth and
to use Scriptural terms only. The Scriptures do say, "We
have an Advocate with the Father." (I John 2:1.) They
do not say anywhere, We have a Mediator between God
and us. The Editor of THE WATCH TOWER is trying to
assist God's people to think and speak correctly respecting
the great work of Atonement for sin, the merit of which
lies in the sacrifice of Jesus and the privilege to share in
which is granted to the elect during this Gospel Age.
The same critic innocently asks for any Bible text to
show that the Church, the Bride of Christ, does not need
a Mediator. How foolish! Does the Bible undertake
to say all the things that are not so? One would think
that no special ability would be necessary to discern that
there is no need of a Mediator between friends. We
never had this thought! When we used the word as
respects the Church we used it thoughtlessly, just as our
opponents are using it now; we used it without noticing
that the Bible nowhere intimates a Mediator between the
Father and the Church. It is because Present Truth is
progressive that we have clearer light on the same facts
than we had four years ago, even as we then had clearer
light than we enjoyed years before that. The Editor of
THE WATCH TOWER has believed in Jesus as his Redeemer
from childhood. He did not understand the philosophy
of The Divine Plan of the Ages then, but nevertheless,
his simple faith was a sufficient basis for a consecration
of his all to the Lord, and a sufficient basis for the Divine
acceptance of the sacrifice and the begetting of the holy
Spirit. Since then the light of this harvest time has
been shining more and more clearly as the years go by.
The light of Present Truth does not contradict the light
of past Truth, but confirms it and further clarifies our
vision and increases our hope and our joy. And is not
this true of all of God's people now walking in the narrow
way? Those who are now "waking up" to a realization
of the fact that for seventeen years they have been in
darkness are acknowledging that they have not been walking
for those seventeen years in the "path of the just,
which shineth more and more unto the perfect day." For
the past seventeen years of their lives, the seventeen years
of their best Christian experience, they believed that the
Vine and the branches are one--that the Head and his
Members are one; that the sufferings of The Christ are
one--that the Church fills up that which is behind of the
afflictions of Christ--that the death of Christ is one--
that the Church becomes dead with him sacrificially, after
having been justified through faith in his blood, his
sacrifice. For seventeen years they believed that the
Prophet spake of the sufferings of Christ (Head and
Body) and the glory that shall follow; that to be dead
with him signifies to be baptized into his sacrificial death
as in contrast with Adam's penalty--death. And to drink
of his cup signifies a share of his sufferings and that the
hope before all such is, that "if we be dead with him, we
shall also live with him"; and "if we suffer with him, we
shall also reign with him." For seventeen years these
friends told us that they believed and rejoiced in St.
Paul's sentiments of Phil. 3:9-11, the hope to be found in
Christ (members of his Body), not having their own
righteousness, which is of the Law (Covenant), but that
which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which
[R4680 : page 292] is of God by faith (not by the New (Law) Covenant),
that we might know him and the power of his resurrection
(sharing his resurrection as his members) and the fellowship
of his sufferings (being partakers of the sufferings
of Christ), being made conformable unto his death (not
a different death from his, but a similar one--not a death
as a sinner, but a sacrificial one), if by any means I might
attain unto The resurrection of The dead.
We are not murmuring nor complaining against these
friends because of the great loss which they have sustained
--the loss of spiritual sight into the deep things of God--
into "the mystery, which is Christ in you the hope of
glory." We compassionate their loss and remember the
Master's words, "If the light that is in thee become darkness,
how great is that darkness!" While not attempting
to judge the hearts of any who have gone out from us,
we may be confident that the Lord did not allow them to
go out without a sufficient reason. We regard their loss
of spiritual sight as a Divine judgment upon them, just
as truly as we regard the opening of the eyes of their
understanding as a mark of Divine favor. Remembering
that the Lord is not dealing arbitrarily either in receiving
his people into the light nor in casting some out of the
light, we are bound to suppose that there were conditions
of heart in these, our friends, with which the Lord was
not well pleased. The lesson to us is that we must walk
in the light and that we must put away from our hearts
and, as far as possible from our flesh, everything contrary
to the Divine standards of meekness, gentleness, purity,
justice, love, "if by any means we would attain unto The
resurrection of The dead."
Before dismissing this subject we must answer another
foolish question, namely, What answer do we make to the
A certain sister owning property in her own name
found that her husband had taken possession of it, rents,
monies, all, and that he ignored her entirely in the matter.
Upon her request to have some of her own money and
property given her by her father, the husband became
angry and sought out some of our opponents. The latter,
after the usual course, partially misrepresented our teachings
respecting the atonement for sin. The husband replied,
That's what my wife says. She says, "Jesus didn't
die for you; he died for me--but not for you; I will die
for you." What will we answer to this? We answer
that we would not believe a man on oath who was trying
to cheat his wife out of her own money. We do not believe
that the wife said anything of the kind, nor that
she has any such idea. We believe that the husband misrepresented
his wife's statement, just as our opponents
uniformly misrepresent THE WATCH TOWER statements.
A half-truth may be an untruth, if it gives a misconception
and is intended so to do. A truthful statement would not
serve the purpose of our opponents, for the Truth is
logical as nothing else is. St. Paul remarked, "We be
slanderously reported." The same is true today. The
self-contradictions of our opponents are remarkable. In
one breath they tell us that they have been deceived by
us for seventeen years. In the next they say that we have
changed within the last three years. In the next they
affirm that they are in accord with everything in the
SCRIPTURE STUDIES, and yet they are opposing them as
best they are able. Oh, inconsistency, thou art not a
jewel; nor dost thou reflect beauty or credit upon
In all of our writings for the past thirty years we have
pointed out the New Covenant as coming fully into operation
at the close of this Gospel Age. We have pointed out
that it is the Covenant under which restitution blessings
are to come to the world of mankind. We pointed it out
as the Keturah Covenant--separate and distinct from the
Hagar Covenant, under which natural Israel was developed,
typified by Ishmael and separate and distinct also
from the original Abrahamic Covenant, typified by Sarah,
whose seed Isaac typified The Christ, Head and Body.
We saw and pointed out to others, so that they saw, that
the antitypical Isaac--The Christ, Head and Body--is the
Melchisedec Priest, of which Jesus is the Head and the
Church his Body--the great Priest under whom the New
Covenant is to be made effective to Israel and to the
world of mankind through Israel. We pointed out also
that the elect Church of this Gospel Age, a "Royal Priesthood,"
must all offer sacrifice; as the Apostle declares,
"Every priest is ordained of God to offer both gifts and
sacrifices for sin." We pointed out that our Lord Jesus
is the great High Priest of our profession and that he
offered himself in sacrifice and that he required that all
[R4681 : page 292] who would be with him in his Throne must walk in his
steps--after being justified through faith in his blood. We
pointed out that this is what is referred to in the Scriptures
as the Covenant by sacrifice, "Gather my saints
unto me, those who have made a Covenant with me by
sacrifice." (Psa. 50:5.) We associated this sacrificing of
the earthly nature by all those who would be partakers of
the divine nature with the Apostle's exhortation of
Hebrews 9:23. We called attention to the fact that the
word sacrifices is in the plural and refers not only to the
most important sacrifice made by our Lord and Redeemer,
but that it applies also to the sacrifices of all those whom
he accepts as his members of the Royal Priesthood. These
are the "better sacrifices," which were typified by the
bulls and goats of the typical Atonement Day.
We saw and mentioned that the Church as priests,
while under the Covenant of Grace, the primary Covenant,
the Sarah Covenant, have a work to do in connection
with the New Covenant. As the Apostle says, "We are
able (or qualified) ministers (or servants) of the New
Covenant." But we see more clearly now than we did ten
years ago just how we serve the New Covenant--that as
members of the Body of the Mediator of that Covenant,
we are associated with him in making preparation for
its inauguration. We are serving it in the sense that he
served it, only in an inferior degree and not individually,
but in him, as "members of the Body," members of the
"Royal Priesthood," to whom "old things have passed
away and all things have become new." We see now more
clearly than ever the meaning of our precious relationship
to God in Christ as members of the antitypical Isaac,
through whose mercy Israel and the world shall obtain
mercy, under the provision of the New Covenant put into
operation as soon as the Royal Priesthood shall have
completed the appointed work of sacrifice.--
Romans 11:27-30.
Our opponents can all agree that they disagree with
THE WATCH TOWER, but they cannot agree amongst themselves
on anything doctrinal. Nor do they see, seemingly,
that fault-finding is not proof. Let them try to set forth
The Divine Plan of the Ages from their own standpoint.
They cannot do it. Their theories are illogical and inconsistent.
They take our logical presentation as a basis and
make a few turns and twists to suit themselves, failing
to see that whatever they add or subtract is so much
confusion. That is the reason why so many who leave the
Truth take a few paces after the claimed "new light" and
then drop out forever into the blackness of outer darkness
of unbelief and uncertainty about everything.
[R4681 : page 293]
Let such of our opponents as are honest sit down
calmly and figure out the Covenants and their mediators.
Thus only will they see the weakness of their present
(1) Which was the original Covenant to which the
Law was added four hundred and thirty years after.--
(Gal. 3:17)?
(2) Would it be proper to speak of that original
Covenant as the same that God promised he would make
"after those days" and which he styles the "New
(3) If so, of what use is language, except to mislead
and confuse?
(4) It is admitted that St. Paul declares that the original
Covenant had no Mediator; that it was a uni-lateral or one-sided Covenant which needed no Mediator.
(5) On the contrary, it is admitted that the Mosaic
or Law Covenant was a type of the New Covenant--that
it could not be a type of a Covenant which preceded it.
It is conceded that the Law Covenant and its priests
and their services typified the New Covenant with its
higher or "royal priesthood" and antitypical Atonement
Day and "better sacrifices," whose blood is brought into
the antitypical Most Holy to make sin-atonement and
whose bodies were burned outside the antitypical camp--
Heb. 13:11.
If a type cannot follow its antitype, surely, then, it
could not be "added" to its antitype. Surely no great wisdom
is necessary to see this. "We, brethren, as Isaac was,
are the children of the promise"--the children of the original
Sarah Covenant--barren for nearly two thousand
The Redeemer is our Advocate, through whose imputed
merit we, with him, are admitted to membership
in the Spiritual Seed under his "Covenant by sacrifice"--
symbolized by the offering of Isaac. Sacrificing with him
and accepted as his members we shall soon with him constitute
the great antitypical Moses (Acts 3:22,23), the
Mediator of the New (Law) Covenant--between God and
men--through Israel after the flesh.