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Chosen no: R-428 b, from: 1883 Year. |
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What we have just seen regarding
faith structures is important, but our
present question is yet more so, because
if not on the rock foundation, Jesus
Christ, all our faith is vain and all our
hope delusive.
To believe that Mohammed once
lived and died on earth does not constitute
us Mohammedans, nor give a
basis for faith and hope of a future life;
neither does the simple belief that Jesus
once lived and died on earth constitute
us Christians, nor give a basis of faith
or hope of a future life. But the belief
that Jesus died as our Redeemer--
"died for our sins according to the
Scriptures," "gave himself a ransom for
all;" that "the Lord laid on him the
iniquity of us all, and that by his stripes we are healed," does constitute us
Christians and give a firm foundation
for faith that our sins are cancelled, and
that in his due time all may be released
from sin's penalty--death.
Some build on right doing as a basis
of hope that God will grant them eternal
life. These build not on the Rock,
Christ Jesus, but upon their own works. Of this class were the Jews, who sought
to justify themselves. But Paul assures
us that they had not a good foundation;
for "By the deeds of the law shall no
flesh be justified. (Rom. 3:20.)
Others build their hope of salvation
on the love of God. They feel sure
that because God is very pitiful and of
tender mercy, therefore he will ultimately,
eternally save every one from death.
Such seem to forget that God had the
same love for mankind for the past six
thousand years, yet he has permitted
mankind to go down lower and lower
into misery and death. We suggest to
these that if God has so long kept love
subservient to justice, and never overruled
his original sentence of death,
their hope rests on a sandy foundation;
for his word declares "With him is no
variableness, neither shadow of turning"
and "He will by no means clear the
guilty." (James 1:17; Exod. 34:7.)
Such are not Christians because they
build hope and faith on the love of God
and not on the only foundation, CHRIST JESUS. The LOVE of God provided the foundation, but the love of God is not the foundation of Christian faith.
Others build on the justice of God and boldly declare that God is bound by principles of justice, to save all men
out of Adamic death. Their argument
is that God placed man in his present
condition of sin and misery and death,
and that in justice to his creatures he
must restore them. To those who thus
reason and build their hopes of future
life on God's JUSTICE, we would suggest
that if this reasoning is correct, the
many Scriptures which tell us that by
grace (God's favor) we are saved, are
all untrue, because if He is compelled to save men on principles of justice, then
salvation is not of grace, but of justice.
We suggest further, that if God is
bound in justice to save all men out of
death, it is proper to infer that God has
[R429 : page 3] been unjust toward man for six thousand
years. The inference, then, would be
that God will sooner or later be compelled
in justice to change his methods
and do right--do justly by his creatures.
You never said it thus? We presume
not. Perhaps you never thought
of the God-dishonoring conclusions to
which your false, though seemingly
plausible, premise would lead. If you
had, doubtless you would not be building
your hopes on God's justice--outside
of his plan to redeem through
Christ Jesus--for if he has been unjust
for six thousand years, he might continue
to be unjust indefinitely.
None of these theories are scriptural,
hence none of them are proper foundations
for faith, and any building reared
thereon is doomed to destruction. We
ask the question, Can those who build
on these sandy foundations be properly
termed Christians? Is not a Christian
one whose hopes of future life are built
solely and only, on the rock foundation
which God has laid--Jesus Christ?
"Thus saith Jehovah, Behold I lay in
Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried
stone, a precious corner stone, a sure
foundation." (Isa. 28:16.)
Paul also declares the foundation of
all Christian faith, saying, "I delivered
unto you first of all that which I also
received (first of all), how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures."
(1 Cor. 15:3.) In the two preceding verses Paul tells us that this
was the Gospel which he preached,
which they had received, and by which
they might reckon themselves saved.
This is not all of the Gospel--good
tidings--no, there is much more, but it
all comes as a consequence of this fundamental
or foundation truth; and without
this faith in Jesus as our Redeemer,
who died and gave his life a ransom for
our lives, which were forfeited through
Adam's sin, we must see that we are
still guilty and condemned before God's
law and could have no scriptural
grounds for expecting future life.
It is in vain that any tell us that they
are building on Christ because they
acknowledge Him as a leader and noble
pattern. All men--yes, and devils too
must acknowledge the grandeur and
perfectness of Jesus' life; all must admit
that he is a noble example, but to acknowledge
Jesus as the foundation of
faith in a future life, is to recognize the
fact that all men are sinners, and as such
JUSTLY condemned to death, and that
Jesus is "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world;" and that
thus, by paying the penalty of man's
sins--death--he procured for all a release
from death, a right to life. He justifies them, or makes them worthy of life, which in His due time he will give them.
The plan of God, looked at from the
standpoint of the inspired Word of God,
recognizes the impartially just trial
of Adam, his deliberate violation of
God's just and easy requirement, and
the justice of enforcing the penalty
which God had threatened, viz., DEATH
(not life in torment, but a loss of life totally). "In the day that thou eatest
thereof--dying thou shalt die" (Gen. 2:17,
Margin). God's foreknowledge of
the consequence of Adam's sin cannot be
urged against the justice of his trial, as
the trial was the same and had the same
results, as though God had not foreknown its result.
God is not responsible for all the
mental and physical imperfections of
our race. These are traceable as results
of sin to Adam their progenitor.
Here is a thought not generally recognized,
that God creates only perfect beings such as Adam was before sin;
and all fallen, mentally and physically
imperfect men and women, are not God's
creation, but the offspring of the fallen
Adam. These imperfections, therefore,
are not chargeable to God, but to
Adam's sin. All die, therefore, as a
result of Adam's unrighteousness and
not of God's injustice. If, then, God
was just in condemning Adam, and in
no way responsible to Adam's offspring,
it must have been as Scripture states,
"By God's grace (unmerited favor) we
are saved." Yes, while we were in just
condemnation as enemies and sinners, God so loved and pitied us that he gave
his Son, that he "by the grace of God
should taste death for every man." To
this agree the words of Scripture--1 Cor. 15:22;
Rom. 5:12,17,19, and 11:32,33.
If, then, the Scriptures are true,
the theory that Jehovah has dealt unjustly
by the race in condemning all to
death, and the argument that he is
bound in justice to restore them to life,
Looking from the standpoint of divine
revelation, instead of purely human reasoning,
we see that while love is a
prominent factor in all God's plans and
an element of the divine nature, yet his
foreknowledge and omnipotence make
it unnecessary for his love to come into
conflict with his justice. God having
justly condemned man as unworthy of
life, love could not step in and reverse
the decision and set the prisoner free
without first satisfying the claims of
justice. Should God do so we should
properly consider him changeable; and
not only so, but we should all see that
either the first or the last decision was
unjust, for if the first decision was just,
then the reversing of it was unjust, and
if the last decision be just, the first must
have been unjust. God is just and true;
in him is no variableness; He will by no
means clear the guilty. The guilt of all
our race was laid on Jesus, and the
claims of justice were satisfied in his
sacrifice. If we say we have no sin
(and hence no need of a Saviour to
redeem from the consequence of it--
death), "we make him a liar," for he
declares, "There is none righteous; no,
not one."
When all were in this condition of
sin and condemnation in which we could
neither help ourselves nor each other,
because all being from Adam were
under the same condemnation, then
God's love carried out a plan (already
conceived) by which he could clear the
guilty race and restore them to life and
at the same time do it justly. He so
loved the sinner, whom he had justly
[R429 : page 4] condemned, that he gave his Son that
he should taste death (our penalty) for
every man; that he should be a propitiation
(satisfaction) for our sins (the
Church's), and not for ours only, but
also for the sins of the whole world.
(1 John 2:2.) Thus God's love and
wisdom, operating in harmony with his
justice, succeed in clearing the guilty
without any injustice. Thus only can
God be just and the justifier of sinners
who accept of the ransom "when
brought to a full knowledge of it."
(Rom. 3:26; 1 Tim. 2:4.) An earthly
judge, before whom a criminal had been
convicted and justly sentenced, could
not justly set the prisoner free, nor
declare him guiltless in the eyes of the
law. But if some one came forward
and paid the imposed penalty for the
prisoner, the Judge could be just in
justifying (declaring right in the eyes of
the law) him whom he had formerly
been just in condemning.
We feel satisfied that few have seen
into the "depths of the riches both of
the knowledge and wisdom of God."
In wisdom and love all were judged
according to the one representative
whose example nearly all would undoubtedly
have followed if they had been individually tried. If each of the
one hundred and forty billions of human
beings estimated to have been born into
the world had been individually tried,
and had yielded and been condemned
as Adam was, it would have required as
many perfect human beings to die for
them, and thus pay their penalty and
redeem them.
But looking at it from God's statement,
we see a depth of divine wisdom
and economy in the plan adopted--the
condemning of all through one man's disobedience, that he might have mercy
on all through the sacrifice of another
one as a sin offering. Note the force of
the following Scriptures from this standpoint
and their meaninglessness when
otherwise viewed: "As in Adam all
die, even so in Christ shall all be made
alive." "As by the offence of one
judgment came upon all men to condemnation,
even so by the righteousness
of one, the free gift came upon all men
unto justification of life. For as by one
man's disobedience many were made
sinners, so by the obedience of one shall
many be made righteous....Where
sin abounded, grace did much more
abound: that as sin hath reigned unto
death, even so might grace reign
through righteousness unto eternal life
by Jesus Christ our Lord. For what
the law could not do in that it was weak
through the flesh, God sending his own
Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, by a
sacrifice (see margin) condemned sin in
the flesh." "God hath concluded them
all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all."
"O the depth of the riches both of
the wisdom and knowledge of God:
how unsearchable are his judgments,
and his ways past finding out!...
Who hath known the mind of the Lord,
or who hath been his counsellor? Of
him, and through him, and to him are
all things; to whom be glory forever."
(1 Cor. 15:22; Rom. 5:18-21; 8:3;
In conclusion: On what are you
building your faith, my brother, my
sister? On the sands of men's opinions
and theories, or on the one rock foundation
which God himself has laid?--Jesus
Christ, "the Lamb of God which taketh
away the sin of the world"--who "died for our sins."
"My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
"His oath, his cov'nant and His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand."