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Chosen no: R-5852 , from: 1916 Year. |
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IT WOULD appear that our nation is entering
the danger zone as respects the great war-conflagration
of Europe. The war fever
seems to spread. Our President, who has
been so staunch a friend of peace, is manifestly
being influenced by the prevalent
spirit of pride and the demand that American
rights shall brook no interference. Our
President's peace policy has been changed
to a preparedness policy. And what could
preparedness mean except that, if we had the largest
navy, the Government sooner or later would become more
proud and arrogant and wish to dictate conditions to
other nations, and thus plunge us into war?
From our viewpoint, the United States has a very
respectable navy, abundantly sufficient for its own home
defenses--especially when supplemented with the laying
of ocean mines and with port fortifications, if any of the
latter be lacking. What has America to fear? Do Great
Britain and Germany, France, or all of them together,
wish to destroy their best customer, from whose trade
they make their largest profits? Nonsense! All the great
countries of Europe are anxious for our friendship, and
all of them should have it, with our influence exerted in
the interests of their peace and welfare. Imagine an army
of a million men crossing the Atlantic ocean! Imagine
the number of ships required! Remember that the largest
vessels can barely carry coal enough to bring them properly
across the ocean without replenishment. Who can
imagine the inability of the United States to meet any
invading army, if we had no navy at all?
We are not disputing that it would be a policy of reasonable
worldly wisdom to be prepared for any reasonable
liability of invasion. We are not disputing that it
might be, in some respects, a wise policy to enroll the
youth of the land and to require all to spend two weeks
every summer in camp life. This would be both a recreation
and an education, and with the inculcation of the
thought that they are a peace army, and not an army of
aggression, the influence might be favorable.
The foregoing is what we might call a worldly view of
the situation. Bible Students, looking from the standpoint
of the Word of God, see clearly that the present great
war in Europe will, according to prophecy, so utterly
wreck all the participating nations that they will have no
strength for further combat, no gold reserves, called war-chests,
for military purposes.
War-smitten, bankrupted, discouraged, the nations will
be many years in repairing the terrible losses they are now
inflicting upon each other. Moreover, the Bible assures
us that with the crisis of their trouble, coming through
revolution and anarchy, the world will be saved from its
own madness by the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom.
"He shall make war to cease unto the ends of the earth."
(Psalm 46:9.) The war-mad nations will "beat their
swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning
hooks...and learn war no more."--Isa. 2:4; Micah 4:3.
But of course we cannot expect others than Bible
Students to see matters from this viewpoint. They must
wait for the actual experiences which we foresee through
the telescope of God's Word.
Failing to see from the Bible standpoint, yet wishing
to carry forward his policy, which so far has been so very
successful, our worthy President now seems in great
danger of being misled by his past successes in the field
of diplomacy. He is greatly endangering, not only the
peace of our own land, but the breaking of all restraints
of war throughout the world by insisting that Germany
shall declare that she transgressed the laws of warfare in
destroying the Lusitania. Germany's plea is that the submarines,
recognized and used by all nations, bring in a
new question as respects international law in dealing with
life. To maintain the respect and good will of the
United States, Germany has offered to pay for the lives
of American citizens lost on the Lusitania and has given
assurances of her intention to hereafter abstain from
sinking passenger vessels, even though they carry munitions
of war; unless the passengers all be given first a full,
fair chance of safely leaving the captured vessel. The attainment
of such a concession is a great honor to President
Wilson's diplomacy. We greatly fear that he is about
to wreck the entire matter by insisting that the German
Empire shall say, "We confess that we were naughty."
Our President threatens that if Germany does not
acknowledge that she did wrong, he will undertake to
punish her by breaking off friendly relations between the
two governments, etc. We see nothing to be gained by his
course, but much to be endangered. Germany's friendship
and willingness to concede to our wishes may be brought to
the snapping-point. Their friendly relationships sundered,
what would there be to restrain the Germans from going
any length they might please in what they recognize as a
war for their very existence as a nation? The result
might be to give every submarine commander liberty to
sink any and every thing bearing the flag of Germany's
enemies. Moreover, the animosity undoubtedly would extend
to the American flag. Furthermore, if not resented,
it would be considered as more or less of an injustice, on
the part of many Americans whose sympathies must naturally
[R5852 : page 52] go, to some extent, with their blood toward their
kinsmen across the water, waging battle for existence
against a combined world in arms.
To Bible Students we merely suggest that, if the worst
should happen, we should remember that God is at the
helm, and that thus He will allow human pride and wrath
to further work out the great troubles incident to the
"Battle of Armageddon" and the inauguration of Messiah's
Kingdom. Let us remember Jesus' words, applicable
to the present time, "When these things begin to
come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for
your redemption draweth nigh."--Luke 21:28.
clearly pointed out the things now transpiring, and the
worse conditions yet to come. We have said in so many
words that this great Time of Trouble will manifest
fully that the civilization of our day, of which we have so
greatly boasted, is merely skin deep--merely a veneer.
Already we have seen manifestations of this in various
quarters, and our understanding of the Bible teaching is
that these matters, so deplorable, will grow from bad to
worse. National animosities will become personal animosities
until, as the Bible foretold, there will be no
peace to him that goes out, nor to him that comes in,
because "every man's hand will be against his neighbor."
(Ezekiel 38:21.) Our Savior, in describing these matters,
prophetically declares, "Unless those days should be cut
short, no flesh would survive." (Matthew 24:22.) But
we are glad that He also gives us the assurance that because
of the Elect (Himself and His Church in Kingdom
power and glory) those days will be cut short--Messiah's
Kingdom will be set up.
But we are not to expect the interposition of the
Lord's power to stop the great Time of Trouble, such as
never was since there was a nation, until mankind shall
have been greatly humbled to the dust and shall call upon
the Lord in great trepidation. We are far from that condition
of things now. Now the Germans pray to God that
He will destroy England. And British prayers go up for
the victory of their armies and the downfall of their foes.
And so with the other nations participating in the war;
each praying against its foes; each expecting God's favor
and blessing. Will it not be a very different story and
will not very different prayers ascend when all nations
shall realize their undoing and that the only succor they
can hope for from any quarter, will be through the interposition
of Divine power to stay the anarchy of that awful
time which the Bible symbolically calls a devouring fire,
and which our creeds have all mistaken to be literal fire?
The following extracts from the Methodist Times purport
to be faithful translations of some German sermons
recently preached. These sermons remind us of the infatuation
unto persecution which once was general between
the various sects. We had hoped that all such
bitterness and acrimony were things of the past, yet here
they are in all their evil malignity. Rev. William Burgess,
the Methodist representative at Rome, furnishes the quotations
referred to as follows:
"Pastor Zoebel, speaking in the great Lutheran church
in Leipsic, said: 'It is this deep consciousness of our
mission that permits us to congratulate ourselves, and rest
content with a heart full of gratitude, when our guns beat
down the children of Satan, and when our marvelous submarines--
instruments to execute the Divine vengeance--
send to the bottom of the sea thousands of the non-elect.
We must fight the wicked with every means in our power;
their sufferings should give us pleasure; their cries of
despair should not move German hearts. There ought to
be no compromise with hell, no mercy for the servants of
Satan--in other words, no pity for the English, French,
and Russians, nor indeed for any nation that has sold itself
to the Devil. They have all been condemned to death
by a Divine decree.'"
"Professor Rheinold Seeby, who teaches theology in the
Berlin University, preaching in the cathedral of the city,
[R5853 : page 52] said: 'We do not hate our enemies. We obey the command
of God, who tells us to love them. But we believe
that in killing them, in putting them to suffering, in burning
their houses, in invading their territories, we simply
perform a work of charity. Divine love is seen everywhere
in the world, but men have to suffer for their
salvation. Human parents love their children, yet they
chastise them. Germany loves other nations, and when
she punishes them it is for their good.'"
"Pastor Fritz Philippi, of Berlin, from his Protestant
pulpit, among other things, said: 'As the Almighty allowed
His Son to be crucified, that the scheme of redemption
might be accomplished, so Germany is destined to
crucify humanity, in order that its salvation may be secured.
The human race can be saved only by blood, by
fire and sword. German warriors do not shed blood with
a light heart. They look upon it as a sacred duty imposed
on them, a duty they cannot neglect without committing
sin. Our beloved Emperor hates the horrors of war.
Through long years he labored to maintain the peace of
the world. Germany has never employed force to menace
the independence of any nation. It is really because we
are pure that we have been chosen by the Almighty as His
instruments to punish the envious, to chastise the wicked,
and to slay with the sword sinful nations. The Divine
mission of Germany, oh brethren! is to crucify humanity;
the duty of German soldiers, therefore is to strike, without
mercy. They must kill, burn, and destroy; any half
measures would be wicked. Let it then be a war without
pity. The immoral and the friends and allies of Satan
must be destroyed, as an evil plant is uprooted. Satan
himself, who has come into the world in the form of a
great Power (England), must be crushed. On Germany
is laid the Divine command to bring about the destruction
of those who are the personification of evil. When this
work is finished, fire and sword will not have been used in
vain. The redemption of humanity will be achieved. The
kingdom of righteousness will be established on the earth;
and the German Empire, which will have created it, will
remain its protector.'"
What a pity that the name of Christ should in any
sense of the word be associated with such a horrible war,
the basis of which is commercialism! What a shame to
see nations immorally balancing the lives of millions with
the hopes of commercial gain, or territorial gain! Note
how Italy balanced the question for three months whether
she would join the Teutons or the Allies, finally deciding
that the latter offered her greater hopes of an enlarged
dominion. She was ready to slay and to be slain, and
ready to embargo with debt coming generations, if only
she might have more territory. If this same principle
were applied to individual affairs, it would mean a willingness
to kill our neighbors in order to enlarge our own
[R5853 : page 53] properties, just as King Ahab of old slew Naboth in order
that he might have the vineyard which he coveted.
Similarly vicious is the attitude of Japan. The dispatches
told us how she refused for a long time to send
any soldiers to Europe; and how then she proposed that
she would send 500,000 soldiers to kill and be killed if, as
her reward, the French would turn over to her the control
of Kozan, China--French China--a portion of Chinese
territory which the French stole years ago as a part of
their commercial warfare. France is not yet ready to give
up her Chinese dependency; and Japan is still waiting for
the blood-money before she enters upon her side of the
killing program.
But how came we to think of the kingdoms of Europe
as Christendom--Christ's Kingdom? How came the
various great nations of Europe to put upon their coins
the declaration that their kings reign by the grace of
God? Many perhaps have forgotten where the matter
started. Let us remind our readers:
These kingdoms of God had their start A.D. 800, and
are therefore eleven hundred years old. The beginning was
with Papacy, which perceived its own great power over
the peoples of Europe, all of whom at that time ignorantly
and blindly acknowledged the Roman Catholic faith. While
the kings of Europe were comparatively weak, the suggestion
came, "Now it must be God's time for setting up
the Messianic Kingdom, because now we have the power."
The answer of others was, "Not so. The Bible teaches
that Jesus will set up His own Kingdom at His Second
Advent in power and great glory, and that the Church
will become His Bride and Joint-heir by the power of the
First Resurrection." The answer to this was, "So once
we thought. But we have waited for the coming of
Messiah for over 800 years; and now we have the new
thought that He probably wishes us to set up His Kingdom
for Him, and in His name to reign over the kings of
the earth and to convert the world."
They acted upon this suggestion. The Church, that is,
the hierarchy, was set up in dignity and power and claimed
authority. The rulers of the nations were informed that
their continuance in power depended upon their obedience
to Papacy--that it was Christ's spiritual Kingdom, and
had all power to crown and uncrown kings, and to rule
the world with a rod of iron. It was publicly claimed that
the Popes in succession were Christ's vicegerent, which
signifies that they reigned instead of Him upon His
Throne. Our Catholic friends still claim this, denying not
one jot of it. They hold that all the kingdoms of the
world should bow to the Pope's authority as supreme--as
God's authority, Christ's authority.
It was at that time that the kings of Europe were told
that, through accepting their honors and dignities as rulers
from the Papacy, their kingdoms were kingdoms of God,
and that all of these together were Christendom--Christ's
Kingdom, under Christ's vicegerent--representative.
Of course we dispute the whole matter. We deny that
anybody has ever had the right to set up Christ's Kingdom;
and that we still properly pray the Master's prayer,
"Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, even as
in Heaven." We are not charging our Catholic friends
with fraud, but believe that they were deceived, as St.
Paul prophesied. (1 Timothy 4:1,2.) Surely the things
which the Bible foretold respecting Messiah's Kingdom
have not come to pass during the eleven centuries of the
Papal vicegerency. We read, "Of the increase of His
Government and peace there shall be no end." (Isaiah 9:7.)
This has not been fulfilled. We read, "He shall
have dominion from sea to sea and from the river unto the
ends of the earth." (Psalm 72:8.) This has not been fulfilled.
We read, "In His day the righteous shall flourish,"
and "evil doers shall be cut off." (Psalm 72:7; 37:9.)
This has not been fulfilled. The wicked have flourished
instead of being cut off; and it is the righteous that have
had the narrow way from Jesus' day until now--a way of
self-sacrifice, and not a path of glory.
Germany and Great Britain are Protestant kingdoms
of God, while Austro-Hungary is the only one engaged
in this great war which holds its commission and approval
entirely from the Papacy. How is this?
We answer that these kingdoms, once recognized by
Papacy, broke away--protested. Great Britain withdrew
from Papal control in the days of King Henry VIII., who
renounced allegiance to Papacy, but accepted the Catholic
Bishops of Great Britain, made them members of the
House of Lords--Lord Bishops--and appointed himself to
be the head of the Church of England, as the Pope was
the head of the Church of Rome. Thus he attempted to
set up a new kingdom of Christ, making himself Christ's
vicegerent. All succeeding kings of England hold title
to being the head of Christ's spiritual Kingdom, the
Church of England, and the head of His earthly kingdom,
the British Empire. This is the title of King
George V. now reigning.
In Germany it is a little different. German princes and
kings fostered Luther until his teachings had made a deep
impression upon the most educated Germans at that time.
Then they exalted the Church of Luther to be the State
Church, and the Lutheran Church recognized the rule of
the kings of Germany as kingdoms of God.
Surely we need not dispute with any one the error of
these claims. This accounts for the false position in
which all the kingdoms of Europe stand today, claiming
to be kingdoms of God, while really they are kingdoms of
men--earthly kingdoms--Gentile kingdoms. Jesus declares
that Satan is the Prince of this world, and that all
these are kingdoms of this world--therefore under Satan's
princeship. (John 14:30; Revelation 11:15.) Not that
they realize this, but rather, as the Apostle explains, they
are deceived. (2 Corinthians 4:4.) Not that God gave
Satan any authority to rule these kingdoms, but that he is
ruling through human weakness; as the Apostle says,
Satan "worketh in the children of disobedience" as God
works in the hearts of His children of obedience.
(Ephesians 2:2.) The latter are the Little Flock to whom
the Father will give the Kingdom in due time. The children
of disobedience are, in the great majority, absolutely
ignorant of the fact that they serve Satan. Nevertheless,
"His servants ye are to whom ye render service."
With the coming of clearer light, did the ministers of
Germany and Great Britain, Austro-Hungary and the
other countries tell the people the truth about the Kingdom
of God and about what mistakes have been made?
Nay, verily! They allowed the question to go by default.
Hence, today the people of these various countries are
impressed still with the thoughts of the Dark Ages respecting
a Divine appointment of their churches and
their governments, and are not therefore looking to the
Kingdom of God's dear Son to bring its proper blessing.
Hence prayers are going up from each side of these professed
kingdoms of God--sophistries upon the Truth.
How we long for the time when the true knowledge
of God shall fill the earth; when the Kingdom of Messiah
will have really come, and the Church of Christ will be
with Him as His Bride and Joint-heir; when the Reign
[R5854 : page 54] of Righteousness will fill the earth with blessings, physical,
mental, moral, uplifting, resurrecting! The world cannot
understand these things yet, but will learn them soon.
We who have the knowledge of God's Word should lose
no opportunity for showing forth the praises of our God
and for explaining His great Divine Plan of the Ages
for the "blessing of all the families of the earth." Let us
be of good courage. Let us be sympathetic with the whole
world on all sides of these troublesome questions, realizing
that very few have eyes to see, and hearts to appreciate
the true condition of things; and glad that ere long the
glorious Kingdom of Messiah will bring light, knowledge
and blessing to every creature.
Daniel's Image of Gentile governments (Daniel 2:31),
pictures Babylonia, Medo-Persia, Grecia, Rome--the ten
toes being represented in the present divisions of the
Roman Empire in Europe. It is upon the feet of this
Image that the Armageddon crash of God's Kingdom is
pictured as falling--grinding the entire image to powder.
America is apparently not included in this picture directly,
but of course is represented indirectly, because our population
is from all the countries represented in the Image.
The winds of strife are not needed here to weaken the
kingdoms, preparatory to their fall, for we have no kingdoms.
However, we cannot suppose that America is more
ready for the great Kingdom of Messiah than the remainder
of the world. Americans have much of the same
spirit as Europeans--the Spirit of the Lord in His saints,
the spirit of the world in the others. Here, too, the
children of disobedience are so much more numerous than
the children of obedience that Satan and not Christ is the
Prince.--Ephesians 2:2.
America's first share of the trouble may be in its secondary
stage, i.e., revolution; or in its third stage, anarchy.
Notwithstanding our blessings and great prosperity in
many ways, there is a spirit of discontent--a selfish grasping
for future blessings and an impatience at their delay.
This is far from the Spirit of the Lord--the spirit of
meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness,
faith, hope and love.
Who can tell that revolution or anarchy may not come
just as soon in America as in Europe; as we write, there
are rumblings of discontent heard from two quarters; the
coal miners are threatening a strike which might quickly
disarrange the entire social structure. The railroad employees
have formed a union of their various departments
--engineers, firemen, conductors, trainmen and switchmen,
such as they have never before had. We learn that
they are determined to have a strike unless their latest
requirements are met by the railroads. And they admit
that the railroads are not likely to meet their requirements
without a strike. They declare themselves financially prepared
for the strike, and that it will take place in the spring
--March 1st, say some, others say later. In any event,
God's people are to remember the words of the Savior,
especially applicable now, "When these things begin to
come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for
your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28.) The
course of the Lord's people and their counsel to others
should always be along the lines of peace and righteousness,
justice and love--even though we know that these
are not now to prevail. But oh! what comfort and
serenity of soul it gives to have the knowledge which the
Bible affords in respect to the present times and the grand
outcome of the trouble--Messiah's Kingdom.
We remind our readers of the suggestion previously
made in these columns, i.e., that they keep a good stock
of coal on hand always, and a little reserve of something
like beans, wheat, corn, or other staples of food. "The
wise man foreseeth the trouble and protecteth himself."
--Proverbs 22:3.