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Wicked Vine-Dressers
"The Stone that the builders rejected, the same
is become the Head of the corner."--Matthew 21:42.
NOT only did the Redeemer teach chiefly by parables, but additionally
nearly all of those parables related directly or indirectly to the Kingdom. The
reason for this is plain. The Divine Plan calls for the setting up of the Kingdom of Righteousness by Divine Power for the
overcoming of the Prince of Darkness and his reign, which for six thousand
years has been a Reign of Sin and Death. While not directly telling of the
Kingdom, the lesson of today points to it indirectly.
While the whole world was lying in darkness and sin and under Divine
sentence of unworthiness of life, God planted in the world a root of promise, a
hope. This Promise, made to Abraham, foretold that his see, or posterity, would
eventually become very great and powerful, and would cause the blessing of God
to fill the earth, instead of the curse, which it would roll away. In due time
this Promise came to the nation of Israel, as the natural posterity of
Abraham and the heirs of the Promise. Thus God planted a vineyard in the world,
the Jewish nation, a special and peculiar people bound to Him, and He to them,
by the Law Covenant negotiated through Moses. God set a hedge about this nation
and gave them special provisions of Divine favor "every way." (Romans 3:1,2.) The Divine hedge was the Divine
promise that as long as the Israelites would be faithful and loyal to God, they
would be thoroughly protected against their enemies.
The vineyard had a watch tower, as was common in those days, that from
this tower watchmen might guard against robbers. So the Lord declared Himself
to be Israel's High Tower.
He placed watchmen, even the Prophets, who cried aloud and warned the people
from time to time in respect to any and every breaking down of the wall, or
partition; for this protection could be broken down only by disloyalty,
carelessness, sin, on the part of Israel. The statement that the
Lord, after having made this arrangement with Abraham's seed, went into a far
country implies that the arrangement was intended to stand for a long time.
While in this parable the entire nation of Israel is represented by the
vineyard, the husbandmen, or caretakers of the vineyard, were the religious
leaders, of whom Jesus said, "The Scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses'
seat: all therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do."
(Matthew 23:2,3.) These vine-dressers became
conceited, got to feel a proprietary right in the vineyard, acted as though
they were the real owners, and not merely the Owner's servants. Even in their
speech they became accustomed to refer to the masses of Israel as the
laity and to themselves as the clergy. They referred to the people as "our
people," "my people," etc. In other words, they failed to
glorify God properly, and therefore in thus taking honor to themselves felt
themselves more than the servants of God, honored in being permitted to be
vine-dressers in His vineyard.
As centuries rolled on, it was only proper to expect that the operation
of the Law Covenant would produce good fruitage amongst the people--that
through their inability to keep the Law they would become stronger in
character; that these united experiences would make them more reverential, more
loyal to God, more earnestly desirous that the typical kingdom should give
place to the antitypical one, when the Owner would be present, either directly
or through some especially appointed representative. In due course of time, the
Owner, Jehovah, sent His servants, the Prophets, to Israel, sometimes with one message,
sometimes with another. These servants and their messages became tests as
respected the love, devotion and loyalty of the vine-dressers, and tests also
relative to the character-development of the people of Israel.
But alas! the very ones who should have been glad to welcome the Owner's
representatives, and glad to have [R5505
: page 221] manifested
to them the fruits of holiness amongst the people, showed their own disloyalty
by mistreating the servants. They reasoned that to acknowledge those servants
and the reproofs which they gave would mean an acknowledgment that they themselves
were merely vine-dressers, and not in any sense of the word owners of the
vineyard or an especially preferred class not held responsible under the
general Law governing all. Therein their pride and their desire to show off
before the people prompted the mistreatment of the Owner's special
representatives, the Prophets. As the parable shows, some of these were beaten,
others killed, others stoned.
Finally the Owner of the vineyard sent His Son, saying, Surely they
should reverence My Son. As a matter of fact, the Bible informs us that God
knew that the rulers of Israel
would not reverence His Son, but would crucify Him; and that He sent His Son
with this foreknowledge of their intention.
But the parable is stating the matter from a different standpoint--as
though the Owner had said, as He might well have said, "They will
reverence My Son." Surely the rulers of the Jews should have reverenced
the Perfect One--"holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners."
Surely they should have recognized this One, of whom the people declared,
"Never man spake like this Man."
Surely they should have hearkened to His Message, should have repented of their
sins, should have come back through Him into harmony with the Father, [R5505 : page 222] and
thus have obtained forgiveness and a blessing. Whatever reasons there might
have seemed to be for their thinking that Isaiah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Malachi
and others of the Prophets were deceivers, none of those arguments would hold
against the Owner's Son, whose credentials were manifest in His holiness, in
His miracles and mighty works, and in His mightier words of life.
However, the spirit of selfishness and self-conceit is powerful, and
often leads those who possess it to monstrous acts which afterward appal even
themselves. The Jewish Doctors, the clergy of that time, perceived that Jesus,
the Son of God, the Representative of the Owner of the vineyard, by His words
and deeds was exerting a mighty influence over the people. His claim to be the
Owner's Son was backed by numerous signs which the people were disposed to
recognize. We read that He departed into a mountain alone, when the people
would take Him by force to make him a King. The clerical class reasoned that to
whatever extent His cause should prevail, their power over the people, their
influence, their titles, their honors of men, would diminish in importance.
The rulers of the vineyard, shown by Jesus' description to be the
Pharisees and the Sadducees, had become very unbelieving as respects the
declaration of the Prophets that the King would eventually send Messiah with
great blessings and power for the glorification of that vineyard and the
widening of its influence in the whole world. The Sadducees, including many of
the Scribes, as a class were agnostics--disbelievers in the inspiration of the
promises and the prophecies. The same spirit affected the Pharisees to a
considerable extent. All were self-seeking. Jesus styled them
"money-lovers," and declared that they sought chiefly the honor of
men rather than that honor which cometh alone from God.
In their exasperation against Jesus, in their realization that His
victory meant their defeat and the defeat of all the institutions which
represented their wisdom and teachings, they determined that it was necessary
for Him to die. By this they meant that His death was necessary for the success
of their theories and plans, because His theories, His teachings, were so
different from theirs. They could not endure the thought that the great
institutions which they had so laboriously constructed out of human traditions
which made void the Word of God should all fade away. To them it seemed that to
surrender their plans to Jesus and for Him to carry out the plans which He
preached would mean the ruin of the vineyard, the nation. They did not realize
that the course which they were taking was the very one which would lead to the
destruction of that typical kingdom
of God, that typical
Jesus carried the parable up to His own time and foretold His own
violent death at the hands of those wicked vine-dressers who treated the Lord's
heritage as though it were their own. Then, in conclusion, Jesus asked His
hearers what they would expect the Owner of that vineyard to do with those
wicked husbandmen when He should come to take possession and to redress the
wrongs. The answer was that He would miserably destroy those wicked
vine-dressers, and would let out His vineyard to other husbandmen who would
render Him the proper fruits at the proper time.
Jesus did not Himself give the answer, but His silence was confirmatory
of the answer of the people. And so the parable was fulfilled. God's judgments
came upon the Jewish nation, with the result that it was entirely overthrown in
the year 70 A.D.
Speaking of this, St. Paul says, "Wrath is come upon this people to the
uttermost" (1 Thessalonians 2:16), that
all things written in the Law and the Prophets concerning them should be
fulfilled. Their nationality was utterly overthrown and has never since been
restored--nor will it be until the time foretold by the Prophets, when Messiah
in glory shall establish His Reign of Righteousness and when under His Kingdom
those faithful servants, the Prophets, who were slain, stoned to death, etc.,
will be made associates and given authority and power as Messiah's
representatives in the earth.--Psalm 45:16.
The Lord said that those originally appointed were wicked vine-dressers.
He appointed new ones; namely, the twelve Apostles, St. Paul taking the place of Judas. Moreover,
He started a new vineyard, putting into it only the true Vine, inspired with
faith and loyalty toward God. Those faithful servants, although they long ago
fell asleep, continue through their words, their teachings, to influence, to
guard, to keep, the true Vine of the Lord --the Church, the Body of Christ. Of
this vineyard our Lord declares, "I am the true Vine; ye are the
branches." Century after century these true branches of the true Vine have
been planted by baptism into death with their Master and have been bringing
forth the peaceable fruits of righteousness. Ere long, we believe, this
fruitage will all be gathered and, by the resurrection "change," be
transplanted to the Heavenly condition.
Meantime, however, the same spirit which was manifested by the
vine-dressers of the Jewish Age has manifested itself again. Other vineyards
have been started. In numbers, wealth and influence these quite outrank and
outshine the Lord's vineyard, which alone bears the precious fruit which He
desires. The two vines are spoken of in the Bible. The one is said to be
"the Vine of My Father's right hand planting." The other is styled
"the vine of the earth." The fruitage of the one is manifested in the
character-likeness of Christ, faithfulness unto death. The fruitage of the
other is manifested in boastfulness, pride, show--a form of godliness without
the power thereof.
There is to be a gathering of the fruitage of the vine of the earth at
the Second Coming of the Master. We read that it is to be dealt with in the
winepress of the wrath of God in the great Time of Trouble with which this Age
will pass away, giving place to the thousand years of Messiah's Kingdom for the
world's uplift.
The Scriptures give us the thought that the Church of Christ
is represented by a pyramid, which has five corner-stones, the chief one being
the top-stone--a perfect pyramid in itself, the lines of which control the
entire structure. Jesus, rejected by the Jews, crucified, is the Chief
Corner-Stone of this great Temple
of God which is the
Church. Already He is glorified. During this Age His footstep followers, shaped
in harmony with His character-likeness, are being prepared to be united with
Him in Heavenly glory.
Thus, as our Lord declared, the Kingdom
of God was taken from Israel--the
natural seed of Abraham--to be given to Spiritual Israel. God is thus developing
or creating the new nation, a holy nation, a peculiar people, separate and
distinct from all others, gathered out from Jews and Gentiles, bond and free,
from every nation and denomination.
Christ Jesus, the Top-stone, is indeed "a stone of stumbling"
to many. By stumbling over Him they injure themselves; but if He should fall on
them, in the sense of condemning them, it would signify their utter [R5505 : page 223] destruction;
their cutting off in the Second Death.
The chief priests and the Pharisees heard the Master's parables, and
perceived that He spoke of them as the wicked vine-dressers. They sought to lay
hold of Him and destroy Him forthwith; but they feared the multitude, who,
although they did not recognize Him as the Son of God, did esteem Him the great
Prophet, or Teacher.
W.T. R-5504a : page 221 - 1914r