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"Now Is Our Salvation Nearer"
ST. PAUL WROTE, "Now is our salvation
nearer than when we first believed." (Romans 13:11.)
God's people of today are surely justified in expressing the same sentiments. The
salvation of the Church through the glorious "change" of the First
Resurrection is nearing every day, we are sure, even though we do not know
exactly how many days still remain before that glorious consummation. So also
the world's salvation--the world's rescue from Satan, sin and death --is
nearing every day, notwithstanding the fact that we cannot say positively just
what day or hour Satan will be fully bound for a thousand years and the
Messianic blessings begin to supplant and to roll away the curse which for six
thousand years has rested as a great pall over humanity--a dark night, soon to
give place to the glorious Millennial Day and the bright-shining of Messiah's
Nothing could shake our faith in the Divine Plan
of the Ages epitomized in God's great Oath-bound Covenant made with Abraham,
confirmed unto Isaac and Jacob and Israel. There is absolutely no ground for
questioning that all the families of the earth will eventually be blessed.
There is no room to doubt that God has laid a broad foundation for that
blessing in the sending of His Son, who became man's Redeemer. There is no
reason for questioning the fact that the Church for more than eighteen
centuries has been called out of the world to be sharer with her Lord in the
sufferings of this present time and in the glories that are to follow.
There is absolutely no question about the fact
that "faithful is He who called us, who also will do it." We have His
promise that "if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and
joint-heirs with Jesus Christ" our Lord. We have the Divine Word that
Jesus the Head and the Church His Body, Jesus the Bridegroom and the Church His
Bride, constitute the antitypical Spiritual Seed of Abraham, through whom, when
glorified, God's blessing will be poured upon humanity. "If ye be
Christ's, then are ye Abraham's Seed, and heirs according to the Promise"
(Galatians 3:29), which promise reads, "In
thee and in thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed."--Genesis 12:3; 28:14.
There is absolutely no ground for Bible students
to question that the consummation of this Gospel Age is now even at the door,
and that it will end as the Scriptures foretell in a great Time of Trouble such
as never was since there was a nation. We see the participants in this great
crisis banding themselves together under the leadership of Capital and Trusts,
Labor and Trade Unions. The great crisis, the great clash, symbolically
represented as a fire, that will consume the ecclesiastical heavens and the
social earth, is very near.
But when we have said this we have said about
all that it is safe or proper for us to say. We have never claimed inspiration
nor prophetic vision. All that we have ever claimed is that "Wonderful
things in the Bible we see," and that the dearest is the love of the
Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Lord Jesus, and that the time for the
establishment of the Kingdom is very nigh.
We remind our readers here that in these columns
and in the six volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES we have set forth
everything appertaining to the times and seasons in a tentative form; that is
to say, not with positiveness, not with the claim that we knew, but merely with
the suggestion that "thus and so" seems to be the teaching of the
Bible. The Berean Lessons are running now in Volume Second of STUDIES IN THE
SCRIPTURES in order that all of our readers may have fresh in mind the Bible
chronology as furnished there in Chapter II. We have pointed out that the
chronology is the basis of nearly all the suggestions of prophetic
interpretations set forth in STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES. We have pointed out
there that the chronology of the Bible is not stated with great clearness, that
fractions of years are ignored and that there are certain breaks in it.
We have suggested that ordinarily the chronology
would be quite insufficient as evidence and that our acceptance of it is based
on faith--on the supposition that God wished to give us a chronology, wished
that we might have some knowledge of the times and seasons, and yet wished that
it might be so obscure and indefinite as to require faith on the part of His
people. We pointed out further that we could not exercise that faith were it
not for the fact that this chronology seems to be interwoven and interlocked
with numerous prophecies --and these prophecies, in turn, interwoven and
interlocked with other prophecies and fulfilments not dependent upon the
chronology. Having thus set the matter before the minds of our readers, we
asked each to judge for himself as to how much faith he would repose in the
chronology and in the application of the prophecies connected with it. We
announced that to our own mind it seemed reasonable to accept the chronology
and the prophecies from this viewpoint.
Having laid this broad foundation, having put
all of [R5450 : page 135] our
readers on notice to use their own judgment, we proceeded to use this
chronology in connection with the various prophecies, drawing various
hypotheses and conclusions. We did not in any case remind the reader afresh
that all these conclusions were based upon the chronology, and that the
chronology is admittedly supported by faith. We assumed that all intelligent
readers realized this, and that all such were using their own judgment, not
ours, in respect to the chronology and in respect to the applications of the
prophecies along the lines of that chronology. We ask you all still to do this.
The chronology still seems as strong as ever to the
Editor. He sees nothing to alter or amend. Nevertheless, the Editor wishes to
put all THE WATCH TOWER readers on notice, as he already has done twice this
year, that to his judgment it now seems unreasonable to expect during the
present year all that he had anticipated, as suggested previously. He sees no
possibility that the Church Federation will reach its climax of organization
and power, and then reach its fall, during the remaining months of this year.
And he surely looks for this to occur prior to the full ending of this Gospel
Age and the glorification of the last members of the Church, which is the Body
of Christ.
This does not prove the chronology wrong, nor
does it prove that the Times of the Gentiles do not end with this year. It may
be that Gentile Times will end before the ecclesiastical oligarchy attains
sacerdotal power. We must wait and see. The Lord is still our Shepherd. No good
thing will He withhold from those who follow Him as His sheep, harkening to His
Voice and ignoring the voice of strangers. His promises will stand sure, and[R5451 : page 135] these,
as all other things, shall work together for good to those who love Him--the
called ones according to His purpose.--Romans 8:28.
The Lord declares through the Prophet David (Psalm 149:5-9): "Let the saints be joyful in
glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in
their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand; to execute vengeance upon the
heathen, and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains and
their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgments written.
This honor have all His saints." Heretofore we had not questioned that
this description of the glory of the saints applied to them beyond the veil
--beyond the completion of the First Resurrection. But a more careful
investigation of the words forewarns us that we may not be too sure in such a
supposition. We suggest as a bare possibility that a time may come when a part
of the saints will be in glory beyond the veil, and when those on this side the
veil in the flesh will enter very fully into the joys of their Lord and into
participation in His work.
If we interpret the statement, "let them sing
aloud upon their beds," in harmony with the significance of similar
statements elsewhere in the Scriptures, the expression would signify that the
saints in glory will be telling the good tidings of great joy--singing,
presenting in melodious cadences the messages which none can learn except the
one hundred and forty-four thousand. But the word beds here,
in harmony with usage elsewhere in the Bible, would signify a rest of
faith--that these saints were at rest in the midst of conditions to the
contrary. This could hardly be the case if the reference be to those who have
experienced the First Resurrection "change." Theirs will not be a
rest of faith, but
an absolute entering into rest.
Again, while the high praises of God are in
their mouth they have the two-edged sword in their hand, according to the
prophecy. This "two-edged sword" is evidently, as elsewhere, the Word
of God. We can scarcely imagine the saints beyond the veil as handling the Word
of God. On the contrary, this would seem to imply that the saints described are
on this side of the veil, using the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of
God, in connection with the showing of high praise to God--clearing His name
from the dishonor attached to it through the ignorance, superstition and creeds
of the Dark Ages.
The next statement, that these saints will use
the "sword" to execute vengeance upon the Gentiles and punishments
upon the people [of Israel], seems to imply that these saints, whatever their
condition, will be in authority; for the Scriptural injunction to them
elsewhere is that they should "judge nothing before the time." This
Psalm, therefore, describes the time when they are to do a judging work in
respect to the world in general, as well as in respect to Israel, God's people.
A somewhat similar description of The Christ in
glory is given us in Revelation 19:11,
where He that is called "Faithful and True" goes forth in
righteousness to judge and make war. The Heavenly armies follow Him (V.14),
and out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the
We know not why this prophecy speaks of Heavenly armies--in
the plural. We merely suggest that the Heavenly army may possibly be in two
divisions--one on this side of the veil, the other on the other side of the
veil. We are waiting to see, and merely watching while we wait, and noting with
possibly still greater care our Father's Word. We may be sure that if any
commission be given to the Lord's people to execute judgment this side of the
veil it would be so explicit as to leave no room for doubt, remembering that
the Divine requirement throughout the Age has been that the saints of God shall
be subject to the powers that be. Any change from this order to the effect that
we should execute judgments upon them will need to be very positively and very
clearly understood before being executed.
Just how the kings and nobles--financial,
political and social--will be bound, and just what kinds of fetters of strength
will be used, we may not know until qualified; but the outworking of all these
will be, as expressed in Psalm 149:9, "to
execute upon them the vengeance written; this honor have all of God's
saints." Whether we participate in this work on this side of the veil or
on the other side makes no difference to us. In any event, whatever we shall do
at any time under the guidance of the Lord's Holy Spirit will be in harmony
with justice and all the time intermingled with sympathetic love. None except
those possessing and controlled by this, the Holy Spirit of God, will ever be
permitted participation in the Kingdom glories and power.
patient and submissive--strength is given
For every step along the weary way.
And for it all thou'lt render praise to Heaven,
When dreary night gives place to Perfect Day.
Perfect Day, the day of God eternal,
When not a shadow shall flit o'er the scene
In that fair land where all is bright and vernal,
And we will be with Christ and naught between.
then, dear heart; control thy sad emotion;
God will subdue each angry wind and wave;
And when the voyage ends across life's ocean
Within the haven of sweet rest will save."
W.T. R-5450a : page 134 - 1914r