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Chosen no: R-686 a, from: 1884 Year. |
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A River That Makes Glad.
"There is a river the streams
whereof shall make glad the city of God,
the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her;
she shall not be moved. God shall help her, and that right early."--Psa. 46:4,5.
The preceding and succeeding words of this
Psalmindicate a time of great and wide-spread trouble and distress,
which is here very graphically described in symbolic language: the earth is
removed, the mountains are carried into the midst of the sea, the waters
thereof roar and are troubled, and the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.
These things were not true, either in a symbolic
or in a literal sense, in the day in which it was written, nor is it yet fully
accomplished. The writer spoke as moved by the Spirit of God, and, like the
other Prophets, uttered many things which he did not understand, they being
written for our admonition and instruction, in whose day only the application
is due.
The great bulk of prophecy was dark and
mysterious, alike to Jew and Gentile, until Jesus and the Apostles, under the
direct inspiration of the same Spirit that dictated them, gave us the keys to
unlock their hidden meaning, never designed to be understood until God's "due
time" should come; and then only by the consecrated in Christ Jesus.
These will give their consecrated time and labor and patient thought in
applying the keys to the various locks, and these alone receive the rich
reward--the meat in due season.
We find that earth, in symbol, signifies
human society as at present organized; that sea is a symbol of the
unrestrained and uncontrolled masses of mankind not submissive to either civil
or religious control; that mountains symbolize the great ruling powers
of earth--the kingdoms of this world. We find that this interpretation of these
symbols is applicable throughout the Scriptures wherever these terms are used
In order to get the idea conveyed here, let us
read verses 1 to 3, using the interpretation instead of the
symbol: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble;
therefore will we not fear, though the present organization of society be
dissolved, and though the kingdoms of earth be overthrown and swallowed up by a
revolution of the people who will refuse to be longer ruled by them."
If a literal mountain were cast into the midst
of the sea, it would quickly be swallowed by the sea; so will it be with the
kingdoms of earth when overthrown by the turbulent masses of discontented
people who are now mustering their hosts and disseminating their revolutionary
principles under names now universally recognized--Communism, Socialism and
Nihilism, etc.
This revolutionary spirit has not yet reached
its climax; the earth is not yet removed; nor are the mountains yet carried
thus into the midst of the sea: but the events of verse 3have
come to pass. The waters of the sea [the discontented peoples] roar and are
troubled. We hear the roaring of the troubled waters from every quarter of the
globe, and truly the mountains [kingdoms] shake with the swelling thereof.
There is not a government on earth that does not realize that these are
perilous times, and in consequence of this fact, each is taking special
precautions to protect itself against the rising power of its own subjects--the
roaring, troubled waves of the sea.
This is the extent to which the events foretold
in prophecy have at present ripened, and the rising storm will, from present
indications, require only a few years to reach its terrible climax,
overthrowing and swallowing up in anarchy and confusion all the kingdoms of
earth. A few more years and the prophecy of verse 2will find its
complete fulfillment, just as surely as we now realize the fulfilling of verse
But who is it that finds a refuge of peace and
safety in the very midst of the shaking and dissolving kingdoms? Evidently it
is the class spoken of in verse 4as "the city of God," dwelling in "the
holy" of the tabernacle of the Most High. In symbol we find that [R686 : page 4] city represents a church, an
ecclesiastical kingdom, true or false. The city of God,
then, means the kingdom
of God-- the Church. As
referred to here, it is not the kingdom set up and glorified, else it
would be represented as in the Most Holy. [See "Tabernacle
Teachings," pages 5 and 11.] But it is the kingdom of God--the
true Church, in its present condition--the wholly-consecrated children, not the
mere outward professors. "There is a river," a river of truth, the
blessed streams whereof makes glad this city of God.
How many of us have been refreshed, especially
of recent years, by these blessed streams of truth! Though we hear the roaring
of the troubled sea, the murmuring and threatening of discontented and
oppressed people, and feel the shaking of the kingdoms with the swellings
thereof; and though we know that the dreadful result will be universal anarchy
and the complete overthrow of all governments, yet we fear not, for "God
is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
But our peace and composure, in view of these
things, is not a selfish condition which rejoices in its own security
regardless of the woes of others. Ah no; for the streams of truth have brought
to us the blessed assurance that
accord shall grow at length
From out this clash of earthly discords."
Men fear and tremble as the storm approaches,
and will be in utter dismay when it bursts, yet the Church [all truly
consecrated saints] shall not be moved. "God shall help her, and that right
early." Even now she is being strongly fortified with the truth which
shall protect her. The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our
In verse 8the Prophet carries us
down to the time, and bids us view the scene, when these things will have been
actually accomplished, saying, "Come, behold the works of the Lord, what
desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of
the earth; he breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the
chariot in the fire."
What! is it the Lord that thus makes the earth
desolate? Yes, Isaiah also expresses it so, saying, "Behold, the Lord
maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and
scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof." (Isa.
But have we not just seen that the trouble and
destruction is to be accomplished by a general uprising of discontented and
ungovernable people? by such a revolution as Communists, Nihilists and
Socialists contemplate? Yes, as verse 6states it, "The heathen [lit., nations] raged," and as a consequence "the kingdoms
were moved." "He [God] uttered his voice; the earth melted."
Truth on every subject, however, or by
whomsoever uttered, is the voice of God. And it is the dissemination of truth,
the voice of God, among the masses of mankind, that is awakening them to a keen
sense of the inequalities existing under the present social organization, and
this prompts them to assert their equal rights with their fellows and to make
desperate efforts to obtain them.
But human effort will not be able to accomplish
that which is desired. The dreadful result will only be anarchy and wide-spread
confusion, the earth will melt, organized society will be dissolved. And when
human effort has spent itself, and men realize their own inability to rightly
adjust affairs among themselves, God speaks through his prophet, saying, "Be
still, and know that I am God." And wearied and discouraged at their
own efforts, men will hear, for, it is written: "When the judgments of the
Lord are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn
righteousness." (Isa. 26:9.) [R687 : page 4] Then, too, they will learn that
"The Lord of Hosts is with us," and that Christ is present to rule
and reign, and he will be exalted among the nations, he will be exalted in the
earth. They will realize that the God of Jacob is their only refuge.
"And many people shall say, Come, let us go
up to the mountain of the Lord [let us seek protection and render obedience to
the kingdom of the Lord], and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in
his paths." (Isa. 2:3.)
While the message, "Be still, and know that
I am God," will have a special application to the world at the time just
referred to, it is applicable to the Church now. Amid the clashing creeds of
the many great organizations claiming to be the Church, and claiming the
support of the Scriptures for their various theories, and yet denying and
mystifying their teachings, God's voice comes to his consecrated children,
saying, "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the
heathen; I will be exalted in the earth."
Those who obey, who bid their own wills, their
prejudices, etc., be still, are learning now from God's word the blessed truth
that the Lord's Anointed is even now present to set up his kingdom under the
whole heavens, enforcing the will of God on earth as in heaven by abolishing
evil and restoring the race to fellowship with God. Then all may partake freely
of the river of truth, the streams whereof, even now, make glad the city of our
God--the saints.
Another thought is suggested by this Psalm,
viz., that some at least of the little flock who are to be joint-heirs with
Christ will remain in their present condition, in the flesh, until the now
threatening and rising storm shall have at least partially accomplished the
overthrow of the present kingdoms--until the mountains be carried into the
midst of the sea. This is also in harmony with what we have learned with
reference to the part the same class take in pouring out the seven last plagues
of Rev. 16. See, Z.W.T., of June and July,
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