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Chosen no: R-658 a, from: 1884 Year. |
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To New Readers.
The TOWER comes to you as unpretentiously as the
ministers of the early church. We present no list of titled and world-renowned
contributors--none whose fame would command your attention to the subjects we
present. But we come to you with the Bible as God's Word, and seek to enlist
your attention to its statements and your obedience to its requirements and
thus to lead the hearts and minds of some of God's children away from the
jarring confusion of precept and doctrine, prevalent among the various
divisions (sects) of Christians, into the harmony, beauty, simplicity, and
confidence, which come from the study of God's Word and its acceptance as a
harmonious whole and a self-interpreter.
It would be but natural that you should wonder how these things could be true, yet not recognized long ago by earnest Christians;
and why so many of those in the churches manifest a bitter opposition to things
so full of harmony with God's Word, and so fully vindicating the justice,
wisdom and love of our heavenly Father.
In answer to your supposed queries, we suggest
that if a broad view of God's dealings be taken, it shows that he has a plan
with reference to men. While he was pleased in past times to reveal an outline
of that plan, it was nothing more; no details were given. The details of
the plan began to be recognized since Pentecost. The light of revelation
shines with special brightness on the ends of the ages. Upon the ending
of the Jewish age which was the beginning of the Gospel Age, new and special
light shone out relative to the blessed privileges about to be enjoyed in the
Gospel Age. Remember, too, that it came from the Scriptures, written long
before, but which were never before appreciated or understood. Matthew, Mark,
Luke, John, Peter and Paul, all quoted the prophecies and applied them to the
events taking place and due to take place, in their day--the opening of the
Gospel Age. The prophecies had been there for centuries, but the revelation or understanding of them, was reserved for those in the ends of the ages. (See 1 Cor. 10:11.) So now in the closing of the
Gospel Age and dawning of the grand Millennial Age, we should expect the light
to shine out brightly relative to God's plans for this incoming age. And so it
does. Search and see. Gem after gem of precious truth now glows with
unparalleled lustre to the diligent searcher, not because of his superior
ability to find it, but because God's due time has come for such to understand
it. Soon the blessed bow of promise shall span the whole heavens, and weeping
earth shall dry her tears and shout for joy.
It is no more surprising that these truths
relative to God's plan for the blessing of all mankind should have been
but dimly seen heretofore, than that the call of the Gentiles to be heirs of
the Abrahamic promise, (Acts 11:18; Eph. 3:5,7; Gal. 3:29,)
should have been but dimly seen until the Gospel Age began to dawn. We can
understand prophetic scriptural statements only as they become due. Thus--"Light,
(truth, was long ago) sown for the righteous." When due, the light
springs up and gradually unfolds. Thus our Father has made abundant provision
for the household of faith and the true servants shall bring forth things both new and old, that the household may have meat in due season. The
cause of the opposition on the part of many to the truth now due, is the
failure to recognize this progressive and unfolding character of God's
revelation of his plans. Most Christians take for granted that good men of the
past who walked in the light then due, had all the truth worth knowing. Knox,
Calvin, Luther, Wesley and others were, we believe, followers in our Lord's
footsteps of self-sacrifice and devotedness to God; but more truth is due in
our day than in theirs. According to God's plan, the light should shine more
and more until the perfect day. Therefore many Christians of to-day make a
great mistake, and sit in comparative darkness, when they might be walking in
glorious light, because they search the theology of these men instead of the
Word of God.
O, that all would turn away from musty church
creeds of times past and give more earnest heed to the ever living, ever fresh,
ever unfolding, ever new Word of God. Again, others take the Bible and search
it only for the purpose of seeing how nearly they can make it to fit either
their mental or written creed. If your habit has been such, we hope you will at
once resolve to lay aside all human teachings as authoritative, and hereafter
judge all you hear or read by the statements of Scripture. If you believe
anything, make sure that you have Scriptural statements warranting it. Prove
all things, hold fast that which is good, and cast away all else.
The action of the nominal church today relative
to the light now shining clearly resembles that of the Jewish church relative
to light in the end of their age. They reject every new ray of light because it
would conflict with some cherished theory or statement of their creed. They are
so enwrapped with their own plans and arrangements for converting the world,
that they are unwilling to hear that God has a better, grander, and infinitely
more comprehensive way of dealing with evil, and blessing and teaching the
world. Their ears are so stopped by the din and confusion of their own
religious efforts that they cannot discern the plan of Jehovah.
Satan is doubtless interested in the promotion
of the confusion of sects, and stimulates and encourages that zeal which is not
according to knowledge, and thus hinders their hearing Jehovah's voice, saying,
"Be still and know that I am God, (the mighty one); I will be exalted
among the heathen; I will be exalted in the earth." (Ps.
46:10.) The power to do this is with our Father, and not with us. When
he gives the saints with Christ their Lord, the heathen for an inheritance
--when he gives the kingdom under the whole heavens to the people of the
saints, THEN, and not by poor human effort, will God's kingdom come and his
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Dan. 2:35,44and 7:18,27.)
W.T. R-658a : page 1 - 1884r