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Chosen no: R-672 a, from: 1884 Year. |
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Thoughts are a powerful factor, either for good
or evil, in our influence upon our fellow beings. Figuratively, we should do
our thinking as much as possible in the sunshine. Thoughts which are not
regarded as wicked or filthy may yet have a most pernicious effect. Discontented
thoughts may make as much misery for him who harbors them, and for his
neighbors, as thoughts which are viciously impure. I have never known it to be
established beyond doubt that discontent had actually soured the milk in the
cellar, but I have seen a great many things in the house decidedly turned by it. Content on the other hand, sweetens and brightens all within its reach. The
cheerful look, the happy, winning smile, the loving word and the kindly deed
may all be traced to contented thoughts. If we have occasion to speak or write
to a friend or brother we should never begin and enumerate our trials,
necessities and woes, or bewail our fate, merely for the sake of doing so;
better to throw a wet blanket on him at once. Let us rather recount God's
mercies and help our friends to do likewise. Then shall we and they be blest
with happiness and contentment and glory redound, through our thanksgivings, to
the Giver of all good.
That terrible spiritual ogre, Temptation, seldom attacks a truly contented mind, for we are "tempted when drawn away
of our own sinful desire and enticed."
Discontent can even have hard thoughts of the
devil if he is not on hand with some first-class temptation when wanted.
It may be asked, Can we control our thoughts and
keep them in the proper channel? Can we prevent evil thoughts from coming into
our minds? Apropos to this, my mother used to tell me, "You cannot hinder
the birds from flying around your head, but you need not allow them to build
nests in your hair."
Paul, who kept his body under by the aid of a
pure and vigorous mind, and by the spirit of grace, speaks of bringing every
thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. We can keep our minds pure
and free by constantly putting pure, clean food for reflection into them. As a
sack filled with wheat has little room for chaff or other refuse, so the mind
that is stored with good things cannot harbor evil thoughts.
The Lord has surrounded us with good things in
which we may labor, of which we may read and converse, and about which we may
exercise our thoughts.
Therefore, "whatsoever things are true,
honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report: if there be any virtue, and if
there be any praise, think on these things."--Dawn of Morning.
W.T. R-672a : page 2 - 1884r.