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Pseudo Apostles of the Present Day
Study of
Church History in the Light of the Bible Proves Claims of Church Dignitaries
(This is the First of a Series of Three
Contributions to the "Overland" from the famous Pastor of The New
York City Temple and Brooklyn and London Tabernacles.) "And thou hast
tried them which say they are Apostles and are not, and hast found them
liars."—Re 2:2.
THERE is just one class in the world to-day and for
centuries past who have been claiming to be Apostles, and who are not Apostles,
according to our text. The Bible shows us unmistakably that God never designed
that there should be more than twelve Apostles of the Lamb. Let us refresh your
memory on this point: Our Lord Jesus, in response to a question by the Apostle
Peter, said to the Twelve: "Verily I say unto you that ye which have
followed Me, in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the Throne
of His Glory, shall also sit upon Twelve Thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Israel." (Mt 19:28.) There were to be only Twelve Apostolic Thrones—no
Again, in Re 12:1, we have a picture given of the
Church. She is shown as a woman clothed with the sun (the Gospel), having the
moon (the Jewish Law, which supports the Church, but is not the source of her
light) under her feet, and having on her.head a Crown of Twelve Stars (her
Divinely appointed and inspired teachers). We see that there were only Twelve
of these Stars authorized by God, St.
Paul taking the place of Judas.
I remind you of another picture of this matter given
by our Lord Jesus to John the Revelator, who was one of The Twelve. In Re
21:9-27 the glorified Church is shown—see also verses 2-5. The Church is here
pictured as coming down out of Heaven to begin her great work for the blessing
of the world of mankind. Now note particularly that this glorified Church is
shown as having Twelve Foundations, and in these foundations the names of the
Twelve Apostles of the Lamb. (Re 21:14.) There were never any more purposed by
the Lord. So we see that it is through some very serious blunder that our Roman
Catholic friends have Bishops claiming to be Apostolic Bishops. And it is by a
similar blunder that our Church of England friends claim that they have
Apostolic Bishops. It is the same with our Greek Catholic friends.
God’s Word Must Be Spoken Faithfully.
Jesus says that those who make claims of being
Apostles when they are not are lying.
You and I are not to follow what the customs of the
past centuries have taught us, but what the
OV411 Lord Jesus Himself says. He is the Authority. We
have a certain amount of sympathy for these gentlemen, who have dropped into
certain positions, and who have been taught for centuries that they were
Apostles just the same as the original Twelve appointed by our Lord, having the
same inspiration and speaking with the same authority. We have sympathy for
them in that they are sadly deluded, but this will not hinder any of us, I
trust, from remembering what Jesus said and taking the right viewpoint. "Thou
hast tried them which say they are Apostles, and are not, and hast found them
liars." We are not saying anything uncharitable, for we are to speak the
Lord’s Word. "He that hath a dream (an imagination), let him tell a dream;
but he that hath My Word, let him speak My Word faithfully." (Jer 23:28.)
If we hold back for fear of man, then we would be sharing in the sin and wrong.
It may be asked, What is the difference whether they
call themselves Apostolic Bishops or not? I answer, There is much difference.
While at the present time these men have discarded the great claims once made,
or at least do not attempt to speak with the authority of former days, because
mankind are becoming more enlightened and their claims would appear more and
more absurd, yet they still claim that they are the only ones who have the
right to give authority to any to preach. They claim that if they do not ordain
a man to preach he has no right to speak in the name of the Lord at all. They
claim this right because they are "Apostolic Bishops." They are,
however, not pressing this claim before the world and before the Methodists,
Baptists, Lutherans and others so loudly as formerly. These others inquire:
"Why do you stand aloof from us?" and they do not quite like to tell
fully their reasons. They hesitate to say to them, We are the Church, We are
the Apostles, and you have no right to preach unless we ordain you; you are not
God’s servants. They do not like to state this, and hence they are in a
somewhat vacillating condition to-day.
We remember that about four years ago the Bishops of
the Church of England, the Episcopal Church, held a meeting in Detroit, and
there passed resolutions that they would be willing to fraternize with other
denominations provided they were orthodox, which meant, provided they were in
harmony with the teachings of Episcopalians.
Anybody else would be unorthodox, and that would mean
that they would refuse to recognize them in any way—they would have no right to
How the People Became Dependent on the Clergy.
These claims of Apostolic Succession in the past got
the Church into a great deal of trouble and confusion, from which we have not
yet recovered. The great mass of Christian people are still bewildered.
Beginning some time before the year 325 A.D., this doctrine had been growing. The
bishops were beginning to "lord it over God’s heritage," as the
Apostle Peter says (1Pe 5:3), and to manifest the sentiment, "We are
higher than you—you are only the common people; we are of a different class
altogether." This lording came in very gradually, as such things generally
do, and was associated later with the declaration that the people were the
"laity," and that the Church was composed of the
"clergy"—the priests, Bishops, arch-Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope. All
had the general thought that these were Apostles, and had their varying degrees
of authority from the Lord.
We are to remember that until a few centuries ago
copies of the Bible were very scarce, and a Bible was worth really a fortune,
because they had to be printed out by pen by scholars, and these were few. They
had to be printed upon fine vellum parchment, as there were at that time no
printing presses nor paper. These things were later inventions. One copy of the
manuscripts of Scripture, carefully done by hand, would cost from $500
OV412 to $1,000, because it would require a long time
to write out the entire Bible under such circumstances. Hence few had Bibles,
and there were very few who could read at that time. In those days education
was only for the wealthy and favored class, and even in the British Parliament
some could not write their names, and a bill was passed permitting any member
of the House of Lords who could not sign his name to make an X instead. Under
such conditions, the people were very dependent upon the Church Bishops. When
these began to claim that they were Apostolic Bishops, from that time on,
instead of reading the Scriptures to the people, they gave them to understand
that they were the proper ones to read and interpret the Scriptures, that they
had received this authority from the Lord.
Jesus said to the Twelve Apostles that whatsoever they
should bind on earth should be bound in Heaven, and that whatsoever they should
loose on earth should be loosed in Heaven. Their writings were especially
supervised by the Lord and their doctrinal utterances inspired. So you see that
these inspired writings of the Apostles in their variorum Epistles are as
authoritative as were the words of Jesus. (Ro 16:25-27; 2Co 12:7, Ga 1:11,12.)
The Apostle Paul assures us that "the Word of God is sufficient that the
man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto every good work." Hence
we need no further doctrinal utterances and no more writings than the
Scriptures supply, and we have no need of any more Apostles than the original
Twelve—St. Paul taking Judas’ place. Since the advent of printing and since the
close of the 1260 symbolic days—1260 years—of Papal persecution, Bibles have
been printed in immense quantities and scattered far and wide by the Bible
societies, and education has become general. To-day, Bibles are everywhere and
are very cheap, so that all can read.
Let us go back again to the year 325 A.D. By that time
the Church bishops were claiming that they were Apostolic Bishops, with
Apostolic authority. They claimed that they were the living Apostles, whose
teachings were the voice of God. But these Apostles did not agree among
themselves as did the early Apostles, the real Apostles; for when we read the
writings of the Apostles appointed by our Lord we find that they all agree. But
by the year 325 A.D. a positive position was taken as to belief. Emperor
Constantine of Rome called for a Council of
Bishops to be held in the city of Nice, or
Nicea, in Bithynia, Asia Minor. The Emperor was apparently a very wise man,
according to worldly standards, and he had said to himself: "My pagan
supporters are gradually slipping from me, and the Christian religion seems to
be coming to the front.
I think I can make a good stroke of policy by joining
in with the Christians."
Origin of the Nicene Creed.
The Emperor did not become a real Christian; for he
was never baptized to his dying day. He professed Christianity for policy’s
sake. While we cannot judge his heart, and say that he had no motive of
sincerity whatever, still the policy idea was surely there, as evidenced all
through the matter. In this year, 325 A.D., he sent out a call everywhere to
all the Bishops of the churches to come to the city of Nicea for a general convention.
He offered to pay all expenses. So about 384
Bishops—far from the entire number—came together, and a conference was held. This
was the first Ecumenical Council, aside from the one held at Jerusalem by the Apostles of Jesus
themselves. This was claimed to be another meeting of Apostles, and the
Emperor, not knowing but that they were fully authorized, made the following
proposition to them: You all claim to be Apostles, but you have different
theories, and there are dissensions among you. Evidently there is something
wrong. I will suggest what will set you all straight: I propose that at this
Council you set
OV413 forth your views, what you consider the proper
orthodox doctrines. Agree among you as to what these are. Then hereafter,
whatever shall be taught by any that differs from these agreed-upon doctrines
shall be heterodox—heresy. Further, I propose to join myself to you, to unite
with your Church. I want your support, and you need my support. When you get my
support, the pagan peoples will flock into your Church by hordes—they will be
anxious to get in. I will back up your doctrines and all heretics will have a
hard time in the Roman Empire. You make the
Creed and declare what is Orthodoxy, and then leave its enforcement to me. I
will attend to the heretics in the present life, and you can tell them of their
eternal roastings throughout the future.
Thus the Nicene Creed was formulated, the first of the
great creeds, and it was made by these self-appointed "Apostolic
Bishops." So between the Emperor and the Bishops a heavy hand was laid
upon the people. The Bishops had a strong grasp upon them.
Being uneducated, the Church leaders had them largely
at their mercy. These Bishops had assured the Emperor that they had full
authority from God to decide as to what were the teachings of Scripture, and
the Emperor took their word for it. That was the end of Bible study, you see;
there was no more use for the Bible. It was all interpreted for them. They were
to follow the Nicene Creed. It was not necessary for them to study for
themselves the writings of Moses and the Prophets, or what the Jewish Apostles
of Jesus said. They had "apostles" inspired of God right with them,
and these could teach them all they needed to know.
Christ, of wondrous birth, Who trod the dreary paths of earth, Shedding abroad
His holy light Through the deep gloom of sin’s dark night.
A dying
Christ, whose precious blood Seals the poor sinner’s peace with God; And fills
the soul with fullest love, Like to the joy prepared above.
A Christ
ascended—all is done, A world redeemed, a victory won.
With angel
hosts, a glorious throng, We’ll sing with joy salvation’s song.
A living
Christ our spirits need, A loving Christ our souls to feed; A dying Christ, our
ransom He, A risen Christ to set us free.
This, too,
our need—a Christ within, A life with God, afar from sin, A Christ whose love
our hearts shall fill, And quite subdue our wayward will.
OM 410