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Chosen no: R-671 c, from: 1884 Year. |
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Wanted, At A Bargain.
The curse with its thorns and thistles, causing
labor, weariness, and sweat of face, for the earning of daily bread, has tended
to produce selfishness. In the endeavor to obtain the necessities and comforts
of this life it seems almost a necessity that we shall endeavor to get as much
as possible, in exchange for as little as possible, or in other words, to drive
close bargains.
While selfishness is a weed always detestable,
it is so common and so deep-seated in the fallen race, that it is to be found
in every garden. Often it flourishes most in the heart of the rich and
comfortably circumstanced, where its greedy fruit is not needed, whereas it
could be measurably excused in the miserably poor.
It is not surprising then, that we find this one
of the most difficult weeds to eradicate when we have become princes --children
of the King of kings. How great is the inclination even of these to still
permit this weed and to eat of its fruit. Would that we all could realize more
fully how unbecoming it is in the Royal family. Oh that each of us day by day
may become more remarkable in this respect before the world.
The worst form of the evil, however, is that
which manifests itself toward God --his truth--his favors. Accustomed to
getting as much as possible for the amount paid, or paying as little as
possible for the thing secured in daily life, the same disposition often
manifests itself in dealing with God for the "Crown of Life," for
"Glory, Honor and Immortality." [R672 : page 2]
God covenants with those justified by faith in
the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, that if they consecrate and sacrifice
themselves wholly to his service, He will give them at once, "exceeding
great and precious promises," and in the future the realities.
Our little all is indeed a meagre
pittance. How little remains of our threescore-years-and-ten! how little of
mental vigor! how little of physical strength! how little of money and
influence! and yet that little all, however great or insignificant it is
to you, is all that God required in exchange for his great gift.
We confess that it is a great bargain --such exceeding riches and glory for a price so mean as to be not worthy to be
compared with it, and yet how many, like Ananias and Sapphira are found
endeavoring to keep back part of the price.
According to our covenant we should do our best
to use in Jehovah's service "all our mind, all our soul and all our strength," which of course includes the products of these--all our
influence, all our money and all our time as well. Yet how apt are we in action
to say to the Lord, "I know it is cheap, but can you not take a little
less? I think you will. I know you love and think you would not deny me the
prize, even though I keep back part of the price."
Thus many desire a crown of life and glory, if
they can get it cheap. Some would like to know the truth, if they could know it
without the expenditure of much time and trouble in searching for it as hid treasures. Such would hold it very tenaciously, if it brought with it earthly
honor and respect, and cost no loss of friends, influence, etc. But for such
bargains you seek in vain. If seeking truth, and through it the crown, you must
come prepared to pay for them.
In view of all the circumstances, is not
selfishness while detestable always, especially so in relation to our covenant
relationship to God? Let us rather be very ambitious to increase our capacity
that we may thereby increase our service and sacrifice, saying with the
Apostle: I count all things but refuse, for the excellency of the knowledge of
Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do
count them but dung, that I may win Christ,...that I might know him and
[experience] the power of HIS RESURRECTION [to spiritual being], and the
fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death: If by any
means, I might attain unto THE [emphatic article in Greek --the special or
chief] resurrection of the dead, [literal--Out from among the dead.] (Phil.
3:8-11.) "They that are with Him are Called and Chosen
and FAITHFUL." (Rev.
W.T. R-671c : page 2 - 1884r