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Chosen no: R-5862 a, from: 1916 Year. |
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Treasures Laid Up In Heaven
not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth
and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and
steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break through nor steal;
for where your treasure is there
will your heart be also.”--Matthew
PLEASURE, delight, joy, comfort--all these sentiments are suggested to
us by the word treasure. Our thoughts, our hopes, our plans, center
there. Our treasure is the inspiration of our lives, the incentive to energy,
perseverance and endurance, for the hope which it enkindles. Most people have
treasures, but they are generally such as yield slight satisfaction, because
they are transitory and disappointing. How many have built their hopes upon
earthly things only to find them but illusive baubles, mocking delusions,
leaving the heart at last broken, crushed and barren! The treasures of wealth,
fame, social distinction, of houses and lands, of friends and home and family,
of power and influence, are subject to change and decay! And if the heart be
centered in them, they are liable in a moment to be swept away, leaving the
life desolate and despairing, all the more so because of the high hopes which
they had inspired.
The wealth, laboriously gathered and husbanded with great care, may
vanish in a night. The fame so dearly won may change to censure and reproach at
the caprice of fickle public sentiment. The social prestige which bade you to
the uppermost seats may a little later relegate you to the lowest seat, and
your name may be cast out as evil and you be ostracized. Houses and lands and
carefully hoarded belongings may disappear under the sheriff's hammer. Friends
long trusted may suddenly grow cold and turn their backs upon you, and even
become your enemies. The home you love must some time break up, the family be
scattered or invaded by death. The love that glows upon the home altar may
flicker and become dim or extinct. How many have found the high hopes of youth
and early life turn to ashes in a few short years or months!
To all of these the Word of the Lord should appear with special force,
when calling them to come to Him with their burdens and their broken hearts.
„The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as be
of a contrite spirit.” (Psalm 34:18.) His love
and His precious promises come like the sweet balm of Gilead to those who, sad
and disappointed in the struggle of life, come to Christ for rest and comfort,
for life and healing. Many storm-tossed mariners upon life's ocean, discouraged
and despairing, bereft of all hope, have found that these very experiences were
the means of leading them to the Haven of eternal Refuge. There alone true
blessing and safety can be found; there alone is the real treasure, far
exceeding the choicest treasures of earth.
We think of the experience of a dear brother who recently found the
Lord, when his earthly treasures had been swept away from him, all the savings
of years, through conditions brought about because of the European war. He had
lost all hope and was about to end his life by his own hand, when Present Truth
was brought to his attention. He listened, then embraced it with joy, securing
the SCRIPTURE STUDIES. Afterward he stated that he now knew why the Lord had
permitted him to meet with such reverses--it was to lead him to Himself. How
this dear one can now rejoice in his sorrowful experiences and realize that he
has gained in exchange the „Pearl
of great price,” beside which all other treasures pale into insignificance!
Truly, in this our day, as never before perhaps, would all who have the
spirit of a sound mind to any degree be longing for a treasure which will be
secure, a rock upon which they may plant their feet, one which will securely
hold in these days of stress and uncertainty, when men feel that everything is slipping
from beneath their feet, when nothing earthly is sure, when fear with distress
is on every hand. At such a time as this, how blest are we who are
safe-sheltered in the cleft of the Rock of Ages, which cannot be shaken by the
mightiest earthquake shock! How unspeakably precious is the treasure which we
have laid up in Heaven; for we know our treasure is safe, where no storms nor
billows can touch it.
The all-important question for those who seek this great treasure then
is, How can we lay up treasure in Heaven, and what kind of treasures are those
which are to be stored up in the Heavenly depository? We have the assurance of
the Divine Word that everything that is pure, holy and good is acceptable
there. The very chiefest of all treasures is the personal love and friendship
of God and of Christ. Jesus becomes to us „the fairest among ten thousand, the
One altogether lovely.” He is an unfailing Refuge in every time of need, our
daily Joy and Solace and Comfort.
When we have gained this Treasure, we have gained the One that never
changes, One whose love never grows cold, One from whom nothing can separate
us--”neither death,” which to His loved ones will now mean our blessed
„change”; „nor life,” which means further opportunities for suffering with Him
that we may also share His glory, and which permits further works of loving
service for Him whom we love; „nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,” for
these cannot harm us who are sheltered in Christ; „nor things present, nor
things to come”; for „all things shall work together for our good,” and
in every trial He will direct the issue that we may be able to bear it; „nor
height” of temporary exaltation; „nor depth” of trouble or sorrow, for our
Refuge and Strength is ever near; „nor any other thing” in creation, for He has
promised to „keep the feet of His saints,” and that nothing shall touch them as
New Creatures in Christ, and that His presence shall go with them wherever they
may be.-- Romans 8:35-39; 1
Samuel 2:9; Luke 10:19; Exodus
Nor will any other creatures either in Heaven or in earth receive such
marks of special favor as are and ever will be the portion of the beloved Bride
of Christ. Although the whole family in Heaven and in earth will be blessed
through Him, His Wife, cooperating with Him in His work, will alone be His
companion, His confidante, [R5862 : page 70] His
treasure. Hear the Lord's exhortation to the Bride class: „Hearken, O
daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear. Forget also thine own people and
thy father's house [the ambitions, hopes and aims of the children of Adam]; so
shall the King [Jehovah's Anointed] greatly desire thy beauty [beauty of
character, of heart-loyalty]; for He is thy Lord, and worship thou Him.” (Psalm 45:10,11; Canticles
4.) How unworthy we feel of so great honor and love from our beloved
Bridegroom! And no wonder! When we look at all our imperfections, it seems that
there is little in us to call forth such love and admiration. To think that the
angels with all their purity and faithfulness should have been passed by; and
that we poor, blemished mortals, should be chosen instead!
Is there not some mistake? Ah, no! We have the infallible words of
inspiration to assure us that it is even so. This Bride of Jehovah's Son is to
reign with Him in the future over a fallen race; and who could so well
sympathize with them in all their weaknesses and frailties as those who have
themselves partaken of the same? And who could bear the infinite heights of
glory to which the Lamb's Wife will be raised, with such humility as those who
realize that it was not through any worthiness of their own that they were
chosen to so high an exaltation, but that it was all of Divine grace? Clad in
the glorious Robe of our Bridegroom's furnishing, we can stand all complete,
even now, in the eyes of Jehovah. And possessing the ornament of a meek and
quiet spirit, the faith that trusts under every condition, the love that
delights to do the Father's will, we are lovely in the eyes of our Beloved, our
Bridegroom and our King.
Having this confidence, we can with unspeakable joy and gratitude lay
hold of the exceeding great and precious promises which are ours through
Christ, and without presumption press along the line toward the prize of our High
Calling, humbly trusting that He who has begun the good work in us will
complete it unto the day of our glorification with our Bridegroom in the
Heavenly Kingdom, when we shall be presented before the Father „without [R5863 : page 70] spot or wrinkle or any such
thing,” gloriously complete and perfect, in the most absolute sense, fitted and
prepared for the wonderful work which we shall share with our blessed Lord and
Listen to some of the blessed and inspiring promises with which the
Father and the Son cheer the Bride: „Thine eyes shall see the King in His
beauty.” Ye „shall be Mine, in that Day when I make up My jewels.” „I will give
thee to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give thee a white stone [a precious
token of love], and in the stone a new name written [the name of our
Bridegroom, henceforth to be our name] which no man knoweth saving he that
receiveth it.” „Lo, I am with you alway.” „And if I go away, I will come again,
and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also [and He has come, He is even now present, and will soon receive us unto Himself
forevermore].” „Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you.” „Be thou
faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” „To Him that overcometh
will I grant to sit with Me in My Throne.”--Isaiah
33:17; Malachi 3:17; Revelation
2:17; Matthew 28:20; John
14:3; 15:16; Revelation 2:10;
Precious promises are these, wonderful words of life! Let us count them
over and over again, that all their sweet significance may sink deep into our
hearts and bring forth their blessed fruitage in our lives. May they cheer us
in every dark and trying hour and reinforce our waning powers with renewed
vigor, courage and zeal, that we may press along the narrow way until indeed
our „eyes shall see the King in His beauty.” What wondrous treasures do we thus
find laid up in Heaven for us, because we have left the world and all its
delusive fancies and aspirations and have laid hold upon the things eternal! And
while this glorious inheritance is to be the possession of all the faithful,
the Apostle intimates clearly that our Heavenly treasure may be augmented by
special zeal and faithfulness under the peculiar trials of the present time.
One of the treasures which we may lay up in Heaven will be the marks of
just approval and distinction among the good and holy beyond the veil, which
patient endurance of affliction, unwavering trust under crucial trials and
testings, diligence in the King's business, will secure to us. Treasures of
mind and character, too, we shall find laid up in Heaven; for nothing that is
good and true and worthy of preservation shall be lost to those who have
committed their investments to the Lord. These are incorruptible treasures, which
neither the lapse of time nor the exigencies of circumstances will ever wrest
from us.
Other treasures will be all the true and noble friendships which have
been founded in truth and righteousness here on earth, whether they be on the
spiritual or on the natural plane. For instance, one on the spiritual plane
will not be disposed to forget or ignore the loving loyalty of a former friend,
who from time to time administered the cup of cold water to the thirsty soul
battling with the heat and dust of life's desert way, and who did this because
the one ministered to was a disciple of Christ.
But especially sweet will be the spiritual friendships begun and
cherished here, which will bloom and blossom in still greater vigor when
transplanted into Heavenly soil and atmosphere. And what a treasure we shall
find in the gratitude and love of those to whom we have ministered here in
times of special need, and to whom we have carried the Living water and broken
the Bread of Life! Who can measure the joy unspeakable that shall be the
heritage of the faithful when we shall find all these precious treasures beyond
the veil! When we view these treasures with unclouded eyes, and realize that
they are ours forever, shall we not feel infinitely repaid for any sufferings
and hardships we have borne in our brief earthly pilgrimage?
Then, dear brethren and sisters in Christ, let us keep our eyes
steadfastly set upon the Heavenly, eternal things. Let us more and more lay up
treasures where „moth and rust cannot corrupt and where thieves cannot break
through and steal.” (Matthew 6:20.) If our
hearts are upon the Heavenly treasures, then the disappointments and
afflictions of the present life cannot overwhelm us. Whatsoever things are
worthy the aspiration of the spiritual sons of God are our real treasures, and
they are the only things that are worth while. What care we for the illusive
bubbles of this poor life, so soon to burst and disappear? Then, as sings the
„Let us touch lightly the things of this earth,
Esteeming them only of trifling worth,”
not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us,
if we faint not by the way, but with our pilgrim's staff in hand shall press
along the Heavenly road until we reach the goal of our hopes.
As the sun sinks at the close of each day, and the shadows gather around
us, how sweet to sing, „I'm one day nearer Home!” We have nearly reached the
mountain-top, and every day multiplies the evidences that the journey is
nearing its end. Just how long it will be we cannot know; probably it is best
that we do not know. But we believe that it will not be very long.
W.T. R-5862 a : page 69 – 1916 r.