Polskojęzyczna strona poświęcona życiu i twórczości pastora Charlesa Taze Russella
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
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Learning of considerable interest among the Greeks, the Editor invited them to meet him at the Bethel Home, July 27th. Twenty-two came (19 brothers, 3 sisters). We had a most enjoyable season of fellowship-- conferring respecting our Father's Plan and the meaning of His Word. Three symbolized their consecration to be dead with Christ. 

For some time they have been publishing THE WATCH TOWER in Greek at a cost of over 35 cents per copy, or $9.00 per year each, for their 80 subscribers. Now their funds are exhausted. We advised that under the circumstances they should discontinue the publication. They demurred that they needed the Heavenly food or would starve. Finally one of their number guaranteed the publication for one year upon assurance that they would each set apart 2c daily for this spiritual food. They do their own translating and print on a small press of their own. The meeting and the results gave us a clearer insight into their loving loyalty to the Lord and to His Truth. We pass on this Cup of refreshing to our readers.

The progress of the Truth amongst Italians, Slovaks, Greeks, etc., during the last two years has surprised and cheered us greatly. The PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION, apparently, had much to do with this interest. The EUREKA DRAMA can now be supplied with lecture records in many languages.

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