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Chosen no: R-4644 a, from: 1910 Year. |
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Without A Parable He Spake Not
--JULY 10.--
Golden Text:--"The words that I speak unto you, they are
spirit, and they are life."--John 6:63.
"WITHOUT a parable spake he not unto the people." What the
prophet had declared of him was true, "He shall open his mouth in parables
and dark sayings." It is important that we remember this. Many noble
Christian people have inferred that our Lord's words were all simple, and that
they presented the truth in a manner easily understood by everybody. Nothing is
further from the truth. If our Lord's parables and dark sayings be taken as
plain, literal statements of truth, they will lead to all kinds of errors and
misapprehensions. Let us remember, therefore, the Apostle's declaration,
"Without a parable spake he not unto the people."
There is absolutely nothing in the words of Jesus without a deep
significance. How many have stumbled over our Lord's parables by taking them to
be literal statements of facts! How absurd the conclusion drawn from the
parable of the rich man and Lazarus, for instance! How absurd
to conclude that simply because a man was rich, fared sumptuously every day,
and was garbed in fine linen, that he must suffer through all eternity! How
equally absurd to interpret the poor man Lazarus, who lay at the rich man's
gate, as representing, literally, poor and diseased beggars! How unreasonable
to think that only such as have had an experience of this kind, with dogs to
lick their sores, and hungering for the crumbs that fall from the rich man's
table, would experience the joys of heaven, according to the Divine program! How
foolish to think of Abraham's bosom, which could hold only two or three, as
being the portion of blessing for only a handful of beggars!
Note afresh the parable of the wheat
and the tares, the gathering of the former into the garner and the burning of
the latter. Neither represents literal experiences. In the parable the wheat is
not literal wheat, the tares are not tares. The wheat symbolizes the inheritors
of the Kingdom; the tares symbolize the offspring of error-- children of the
wicked one. The gathering into the barn of safety symbolizes the glorification
of the Church on the spirit plane, and precedes the shining forth of the sons
of God in the glory of the Millennial Kingdom, for the blessing of the groaning
creation; as the Apostle declares, "The whole creation groaneth and
travaileth in pain together, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of
God." The whole creation is waiting for the shining forth of the sons of
God in the Kingdom, and their shining forth in truth and righteousness will
scatter [R4644 : page 219] all the darkness of sin
and error and awaken and revivify the world of mankind.
Eventually all the willingly
obedient may enjoy the blessings of eternal life. On the other hand, the
description of the burning of the tares, instead of referring to a literal
burning, has, evidently, a symbolic significance; it means the destruction of
the tare class--not their destruction as individuals, but as "tares,"
as imitations of the "wheat" class.
How glad we are to find the key to
these symbolic statements--these parables! How glad we are that by the use of
this key the parabolic figures become reasonable and beautiful! What a silver
lining there is to the dark cloud of trouble which is now looming up before the
world! How glad God's people must be to learn that just beyond the clouds and
shadows comes the glorious Millennial day!
The parable of "the sheep and
the goats," taken literally, has caused confusion to many. They think of
the separation of the sheep and the goats as now in progress, failing to notice
the Scriptural declaration that the parable shall find its application
"when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all his holy angels
(messengers) with him. Then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and
before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from
another as the shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats." We thus see
that the application of the parable belongs to the Millennial Age. All through
that age the work of Christ and the Church, his Bride, seated with him upon his
throne, will be a work of blessing to the world of mankind. And the manner in
which those blessings will be received, will demonstrate the sheep-like or
goat-like character of every individual of the human family. The sheep-like
will come to the right hand position of favor, the goat-like, to the left hand
position of disfavor. The conclusion of the thousand-year Judgment day will
bring the expression of the Lord's favor towards the sheep-like, rewarding them
with eternal life, and the expression of his disfavor towards the goat-like,
destroying them in the "second death." This is symbolically
represented by the statement, "Depart ye cursed into the lasting fire (a
figure of destruction) prepared for Satan and his messengers (followers)."
The reward of the righteous will thus be everlasting life. The
"everlasting punishment" of the unrighteous will be everlasting
death, for the "wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord."--Rom. 6:23.
Evidently some wise and gracious
purpose stands connected with the hiding or secreting at present of the Divine
purpose from mankind in general. While the Scriptures declare it is a mark of
special favor to the Lord's people that they are made acquainted with the
Divine Purposes, yet nowhere do they declare that all those from whom God's
plans are secreted are doomed to eternal torture, or to everlasting
destruction. Thus our Lord Jesus prayed: "I thank thee, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent
and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in
thy sight."
Had the hiding of the Divine counsel
from mankind signified eternal torture for those from whom it was hidden, there
surely would have been no ground for thanking the heavenly Father for this act.
We can thank him, however, that although many of the worldly wise are not
privileged to know of his glorious plans, nevertheless those plans are sure. For
the world to have known of the Divine purposes in advance would doubtless have
been injurious, because in their blindness they would have attempted to thwart
these purposes and therefore would have gotten themselves into a worse
condition of condemnation.
Our text shows that however dark and
parabolic were our Lord's teachings, nevertheless, rightly understood, his
message is one that is spiritually helpful and life-giving to those who can and
do understand it. It is this quality of our Lord's message which makes the
religion of the Bible different from that of all the heathen. It is a message
of life as well as a message of holiness. It is a message of forgiveness as
well as a message of condemnation. It is a message of love as well as a message
of justice. His wonderful words of life--they are charming, beautiful,
forceful! We may read them over year after year and we see still more beauty in
them, still deeper significance, and that in proportion to our own growth in
grace, our growth in knowledge, and in the spirit of our Master.
W.T. R-4644 a : page 218 – 1910 r.