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Chosen no: R-3 b, from: 1879 Year. |
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BRO. H. B. RICE, editor and publisher of The Last Trump, has been obliged by circumstances beyond his control to suspend its publication. Knowing that such a course was probable, we two months ago proposed to Bro. Rice that we would supply THE WATCH TOWER to his subscribers, instead of The Trump, up to the close of their subscriptions, and we invited him to speak to his old subscribers, and others of the body of Christ, through ZION'S WATCH TOWER.
He has accepted both propositions, sent the list of subscribers, and in an open letter to them says, "I will endeavor to contribute something to THE WATCH TOWER every month," &c.
As we are much crowded, we have published this letter as a supplement, and sent it to the subscribers of The Last Trump only.
W.T. R-3 b : page 6 – 1879 r.