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Chosen no: R-5508 a, from: 1914 Year. |
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Our Great Burden-Bearer
"Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you."--1 Peter
Apostle Peter are addressed to the Church of Christ; and all who are of the
Lord's people surely realize that there are cares and difficulties of life which
are our portion and which are perplexing. These cares of life come also to
those who are of the world--to some more and to some less. But they surely come to all who are the Lord's children.
The word care is used in two
different ways. Thinking of the word in the sense of exercising proper thought
and giving proper attention to that which is entrusted to us, or concerning
which we are responsible, we might be in danger of misunderstanding our text.
The word care, however, very often has in it the thought of worry, trouble of mind; and this is its use by the Apostle in this place. The
Apostle Paul also says, "Be careful for nothing" --be worried about
nothing, have anxiety about nothing. So we might render the words of St. Peter,
"Casting all your anxiety upon Him; for He is taking thought for
The Apostle's advice is not that we
shall throw off all sense of responsibility, and cease to exercise care in what
we do and in respect to our duties and obligations. Surely we all agree that
the man or the woman without care for anything, in this proper sense, would be
totally unfit for any position in life. We often notice evidences of some one's
not having been sufficiently careful. Perhaps the wall paper has been
carelessly marred or the furniture scratched; doors are slammed or left
swinging when they should be closed for warmth, etc. Some might say, Oh, these
are very small matters! But one who is careless, thoughtless, and inattentive
to these matters is very likely to be untrustworthy in larger matters.
Personally, it is painful to us to
see these things; and undoubtedly it is so to all who exercise proper care. The
children of God, His representatives before men, should not go blundering along
through the world or needlessly annoying others, whether it be the brethren or
people of the world. Our influence for good may be greatly marred [R5509 : page 230] by inattention to what might
be called little things, but what in reality are not so. There is a trite
saying which is full of meaning: "Trifles make perfection; and perfection
is no trifle." The Lord's people should be the most careful people in the
Our Lord said, "He that is
faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much"; and the reverse
of the statement would be equally true--that he that is unfaithful in
that which is least is unfaithful also in much. (Luke
16:10.) These little things of every-day life may prove to be more
crucial tests of real character than will seemingly larger matters. Little
courtesies, little acts of thoughtful consideration for others, how much they
mean! How greatly they often affect the happiness of those around us and our
own influence as ambassadors of Christ! So we need to exercise much care and
thoughtfulness in regard to our words, our actions and everything with which we
have to do. This is not the care that we are to cast upon the Lord for Him to
bear. This we are properly to bear ourselves.
God is the most careful Being
in the Universe, we may be sure. He is not careful, in the sense in
which the word is used in our text--in the sense of worry and unrest of
mind--but He is care-full in the right and proper sense. There are cares that
come to the Lord's people because they are harassed by the Adversary. These
experiences the Lord permits for the very purpose of leading His people to cast
their care upon Him, of bringing them closer to Himself, of teaching them
patient endurance, of showing them more fully their need of Him, their utter
helplessness and wretchedness without Him.
But worries and frettings--anxieties
that would hinder us in the Lord's service, that would rob us of our peace in
the Lord--should be dropped, not carelessly, however, but intelligently, with
the thought that Jesus, our great Burden-bearer, has invited us, yea, urged us,
to cast all our care--all that would disturb our peace--upon Him. He will make
our burden light and ease our tribulations. This is a rest of faith, and cannot
be attained otherwise than through faith in His love, faith in His promises.
Each day that a Christian lives he
should be more reliant upon the Lord. He should realize more fully than before
that our Heavenly Father, who has provided for the grass of the field and for
the birds of the air, cares far more for His children than for the flowers or
for many sparrows, and that He has a Plan also for the world--an arrangement
for their blessing, in due time. But we have already entered into the
blessing of the Lord; we have already become His children, and are His especial
care. And "like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them
that fear Him"--those that reverence Him.
We cannot be faithful children of
God is we are full of worry. Worry is one thing, but proper carefulness is
another. We should be more careful every day, and thus be able to fulfil our
obligations to the world in general, to our families, to ourselves, to the
brethren, and to the Lord--to render our God more effective service.
We are not to be troubled and
anxious as to where we are to get our next suit of clothes. We have a suit of
clothing for the present, such as the Lord has seen fit to give; and we are to
do our best to provide the things [R5509 : page 231] needful. If the Lord should never give us apparel as good as many
others have, or as rich or dainty food, we should not worry, but be content
with whatever His providence arranges for us, and accept it thankfully. He will
give what is best--what is for our good as New Creatures. We should not doubt,
nor fear that He will not provide for our needs. He knows all about our
affairs, and is not unmindful of our welfare. "Humble yourselves therefore
under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all
your care upon Him; for He careth for you."
How needful this humility before
God, and how consoling and precious this loving assurance! As we go on in this
blessed way marked out by our Lord, let us learn more and more fully that we
are not to ask anything according to our wills, but only that His will
may be done in us and for us. His Wisdom is unerring. Let us tell the Lord all
about our burdens, great and small, and let us appropriate to ourselves His
love and sympathy, applying to our hearts the balm of His Word, of the precious
promises which are the heritage of His own, trusting Him that He is both able
and willing to supply our every need--yea, that He delights thus to bless us,
if we abide in His Love.
"How strong and sweet my
Father's care!
The words like music in the air,
Come answering to my whispered prayer--
'He cares for thee!'
"Then naught can hurt me, shade
or shine,
Nor evil thing touch me or mine,
Since Thou with tenderness Divine
Dost care for me!"
W.T. R-5508
a : page 230 – 1914 r.