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Chosen no: R-4705 b, from: 1910 Year. |
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Presence Of The Son Of Man
--MATTHEW 24:32-44.--NOVEMBER 13.--
"Watch and pray, lest ye
enter into temptation."--Matthew 26:41.
FOR various reasons many Bible students understand that our Lord
referred to the Jewish nation under the symbolism of a fig-tree. He had been
telling his disciples what he expected in the end of this age, when he would
come again to receive his faithful to himself and to give them a place as his
Bride upon his Throne and to establish his Kingdom under the whole heavens for
the blessing of Israel and all the world through Israel. In this study he tells
us that amongst the prominent signs of the closing of this age and the opening
of the new will be the budding of the fig tree--the springing forth of new life
and new hope in the Jewish nation. And is not this condition of things
manifesting itself today? Behold the Jews awakening and listening to the voice
of Moses and the Prophets calling them to Palestine and to fresh hope in God
and in the glorious promises to which they still are heirs as the natural [R4706 : page 347] seed of Abraham! "For the
gifts and calling of God are things he does not repent of."--
The generation which witnesses the signs promised in the verses
preceding our lesson and which witnesses this putting forth of the green leaves
of hope by Israel will see to the full the accomplishment of the glorious
change of Dispensation so long foretold. They will witness the passing of the
reign of the Prince of Darkness and the inauguration of the glorious reign of
the Prince of Light --Messiah with his glorious Bride class; not, however, that
mankind will see Messiah with the natural eye, nor see even his glorious Bride,
except with the eyes of their understanding. "Flesh and blood cannot
inherit the Kingdom of God" in this highest sense. Flesh and blood,
however, will see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom,
and will have full testimony and practical demonstration of the Kingdom power
in the great transformation that will be wrought and the restitution blessings
which will be showered upon Israel and upon all who will come into harmony with
God through Israel's New Covenant.-- Jer.
The present ecclesiastical heavens and the present social earth will,
indeed, both pass away in the great time of trouble with which this age will
end; but following these, supplanting them, will come the new heavens and the
new earth--the new religious institutions of the Lord --the Church in glory,
and the new social order amongst mankind under the regulations for which we
still pray, "Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done on earth." Then the
words of the great Teacher will surely have fulfillment.
The day and hour of the great change no one knew, not even the angels in
heaven. The Master himself declared that he did not know--but the Father alone.
This should not, however, be understood to mean that the Son of God would not
know about the matter later on, in due time, before he would begin his work of
establishing the Kingdom. Neither would it prove that the angels of heaven
would be in ignorance up to the last moment. Neither would it prove that God's
people, living at the time for the establishment of the Kingdom, would not
know. In fact, the Master declares that all living in proper harmony with him
would be kept informed respecting the Father's Plans as they became due. He declared
that if they would partake of the things of God and follow after them, then
they should have meat in due season.
In this very study the Great Teacher illustrates this principle,
referring to Noah and Lot. Noah was informed respecting the coming change of
Dispensation when he was instructed to build the ark one hundred and twenty
years before the flood. Lot was instructed respecting the disaster coming upon
the city in which he lived long enough in advance to escape from it; likewise
the Church of Christ is forewarned by this illustration and reminded that when
they flee they shall not, like Lot's wife, covetously look back to the things
which, under Divine condemnation, are to pass away, but shall escape to the
mountain--flee to the Kingdom of God, which will at that time be in process of
Doubtless much of the immorality and sensuality which marked the days of
Noah and the days of Lot will prevail in the world in the closing days of the
present age. Other Scriptures so inform us, even though this study intimates
nothing of the kind. This lesson brings to our attention another feature
connected with our Lord's Second Advent--a feature which hitherto has been
little noticed by Bible students. It informs us that his Second Coming will be
unobserved, unknown to the world; that he will be present in the world, and
have to do with the gathering together of his saints and with the great time of
trouble which will follow, yet be entirely invisible to men, recognizable only
by outward signs of his presence and known only to the saintly few of humanity.
This feature of the lesson is veiled from the eyes of the average Bible
student by a mistranslated word. The Greek for the word coming in verses
37 and 39 is parousia, which does not mean coming, but should be rendered presence,
as of one who has already come.
This gives us a stupendous thought! The great King of kings will for a
time be present amongst men, invisible, unknown, except by a very few of his
saints, to whom his presence will be revealed through the knock of prophecy and
the opening of the eyes of their understanding to appreciate fulfillments. Everything
will continue as ordinarily --the eating, drinking, planting, building and
marrying, "as it was in the days of Noah." Had the world known in
Noah's day the climax of trouble impending, many of the ordinary affairs of
life would have been discontinued --and likewise here. The lesson is that as
the world did not know in Noah's day, so the world will not know "in the
days of the Son of Man"--in the presence of the Son of Man.
The field is the world, said our Lord, in explaining one of his
parables. And so we should interpret it here. The Lord will gather some of his
jewels from the field; all not his jewels will be left. Two will be grinding at
the mill preparing food for the household; one will be taken and another left. The
Lord's household is the Church, and the mills which prepare the food for the
Church are theological. The intimation is that some theologians will be taken
and some will be left, in the selective processes of the presence of the Son of
Man--in the making up of his jewels.
St. Luke mentions another feature of this discourse. There shall be two
in one bed; the one shall be taken and the other left. A bed is a place for
rest. All churches profess to be resting places, where the weary and
heavy-laden rest through faith in God and in his promises. The [R4706 : page 348] teaching, then, would be that not
all who are resting in the churches of Christendom, in the creeds, will be
amongst the elect, the gathered jewels. Some will be taken away from these
beds. Others will be left in them. A vivid description of these creed-beds and
their unsatisfactory character is given us by the Prophet.-- Isaiah 28:20.
Following these illustrations of his presence and his work in the
harvest time of this Gospel Age the Master exhorts all of his followers to
watch, to be ready, to be on the alert, to be on the lookout, that they may be
ready for his presence, that they may, in due time, discern his presence, and
that they may be gathered or separated from the world and theological
relationship, and from earthly church relationship, to the Master himself. Some
very earnest Bible students believe that we are in this harvest period now;
that the Son of Man, the glorified Messiah, invisible to men, is even now
present doing a searching and separating work in his Church, gathering his
saints unto himself preparatory to their change from earthly to heavenly
conditions and preparatory to the inauguration of the great time of trouble, by
which present institutions will be blotted out to make way for the Kingdom of
righteousness, for which we have so long prayed. Many Bible students believe
that the present unrest and sifting and shaking amongst Christians and the
creeds of all denominations and the colleges and seminaries are but incidental
to this work which the Son of Man, present amongst us, is accomplishing for the
purpose of fully separating to himself his very elect. Whether this proposition
be agreed to or not, the fact still remains that thus matters will be whenever
the time shall come, whenever the end of this age and the inauguration of the
new shall take place.
All of the foregoing suggestions are confirmed by the symbolism of the 43d
verse. Here the Master likens the institutions of the present time to a house
or household. Elsewhere he informs us that Satan is the Prince of this world,
the over-lord who tyrannizes the world, operating through the weaknesses and
passions and depraved appetites and impaired reasoning faculties of humanity. Had
the time of the Lord's Second Advent been clearly made known that knowledge
would have so altered matters and affairs that the world would not have been
taken by surprise in connection with the gathering of the Lord's jewels and the
establishment of his Kingdom, and thus there would not be such a breaking-up in
earth's affairs as is now impending; the Kingdom would be established, but not
in the way in which God designed.
In this verse our Lord likens his second presence, unknown to the world,
to the presence of a thief in a house, unknown to its master. The Lord's saints
in the world are his jewels. These he will take away and the loss to the world
will be great. As the saintly ones will be gathered from the field, from the
mill and from the bed into closer heart-union with the Lord, those left in the
world, the mill and the bed, will be greatly disadvantaged--not because the
jewel class are wealthy or have worldly greatness, for of these chosen saints
it is distinctly stated that there are amongst them "not many great, not
many rich, not many wise, not many noble." But these saintly ones are,
nevertheless, the "salt" of the earth and the salt of the churches,
and the salt of the theological seminaries. After the taking away of the salt
class, putrefaction and disintegration will speedily follow.
In view of all this, all who profess to be the Lord's people should
earnestly watch, as well as pray; they should watch their words and thoughts
and doings and see to it that they worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,
and that they do not idolize either dead or living men or creeds. Thus walking
circumspectly in the footsteps of Jesus the saintly ones will be kept in the
hour of temptation, which shall come upon the whole world to prove them.--Rev. 3:10.
W.T. R-4705 b : page 347 – 1910 r.