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Pastor Charles Taze Russell
<< Back Chosen no: R-4238 b,   from: 1908 Year.
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Pay Thy Vows Unto The Lord

A vow is a solemn promise, either to God or men. See any dictionary. It should not be followed by an oath, for the Christian's Yea should be Yea and his Nay should be Nay--as binding as though sworn to. Our Lord's words might be otherwise rendered, Let your avowal be a sufficient avowal and your disavowal a sufficient disavowal.

Our "Consecration Vow"--our "Baptismal Vow"--if a proper one--was all-comprehensive. It included the sacrifice of all that we possessed or ever would acquire. That all has continued to increase as the eyes of our understanding opened, and those who would "draw back" from the obligations of further light would thereby prove themselves not "more than conquerors." Those of us whose eyes of understanding discern the expediency of the Vow lately proposed in the TOWER, in taking it have certainly acted up to our original Consecration Vow. In it we promised that our human wills would be dead and that we would do everything in our power to assist ourselves and others in the "narrow way."

The few brethren who have expressed to us opposition to the Vow have all been married men, one of whom opposed merely the last clause, and intimated his pleasure in giving the "holy kiss" to sisters. We remind such as are living in wedlock that this matter is already covered by their "Marriage Vow," and besides that the Apostle referred to the "holy kiss" as being the Eastern custom of males kissing males. However, we do not claim that a kiss is sinful, but merely one of the things "not expedient" for us now.

In the past we have opposed "Clerical Vows" and "Church Vows." And these we still oppose: they are vows to men and constitute a bondage, a slavery very injurious. We have never opposed vows to the Lord; on the contrary, these we have urged and still urge. Our "Consecration Vow," all comprehensive from the first, should be kept alive daily and should be enlarged daily, to cover new features of duty or privilege, as we come to see them.

The Scriptures declare that it would be better that we should make no vow at all than that we should vow to the Lord and then break the Vow. (`Eccl. 5:5`.) Our Lord emphasized the same lesson. (`Luke 14:28-34`.) It is in harmony with this that we oppose so-called "Revival" methods and urge all to first "sit down and count the cost" before making the Consecration Vow--the Baptismal Vow. So now we are urging this further perception of the meaning of our Consecration Vow and the strength that will come to us all and to the cause by fully accepting it; and thus binding our sacrifices the more firmly to the altar on which they already are. To those who do see the Vow it is but a part of the original vow which MUST BE PAID. To those who do not so see we offer no condemnation. Each one is responsible to his own Master.

Nevertheless we have a warning to give: Do not oppose the Vow. Use your own liberty in the matter and let others use theirs. If it is of the Lord, as we believe, none can overthrow it and whosoever opposes it will do himself injury. If in your judgment no "evil day," no "hour of temptation," no "strange work," no "strong delusion" is impending, you should be wise enough and kind enough not to oppose those who do so believe and who are getting ready for the same. Remember the Lord's words on this subject, "Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish; for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you." (`Acts 13:41`.) "Now, therefore, be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong." (`Isa. 28:22`.) Those who once take a stand of opposition will have all the more to overcome; pride not fully dead will assert itself and blind them. Hence our urgent appeal: If you do not take the Vow at least do not set either your heart or your tongue against it or against those who have taken it. And, contrariwise, we admonish those who take the Vow to do so in humility, not boastfully; and that they refrain from casting any reflection upon those who do not take the Vow. Time will tell whether or not we are foolishly careful about our words, our thoughts, our avoidance of Occultism, Spiritism, etc., and in our particularity of conduct toward the opposite sex. Already many report rich added blessing through the making and keeping of the Vow. Have patience with those who make slower progress and let your advantage be manifested.

::page 274::

1909--MOTTO CARDS--1909


We have placed an order for 1909 Motto Cards. Some will have a calendar attached, others instead will have attached "the Vow" and an alphabetical list of names of those who have reported to us that they have taken the Vow. If your name is to appear it must reach us soon. We have ordered about twice as many with the Vow as without it, believing that your orders will be in such proportion.

Should any write us that they are still faithful to their "Baptismal Vow" to be "dead with Him," but that they are opposed to this Vow as not being a part of it, we will be pleased to add a separate list of all such opponents.

W.T. R-4238 b : page 274 – 1908 r.

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