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The Wedding Feast
--AUGUST 23.--MATTHEW 22:1-14.--
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the Prophets, and stonest
them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered
thy children together, as a hen gathereth her brood
under her wings, and ye would not!"--Luke 13:34.
HERE WE have another parable of the
Kingdom. Today's lesson shows that the promises of God and His providences
toward Israel under the Law Covenant were all designed to fit and prepare the
Israelites to be God's holy nation, and especially to provide at the coming of
Christ a sufficient number to constitute the elect Church, Messiah's
joint-heirs in the Kingdom--His Bride. The parable shows that only a few were
"Israelites indeed," in whom was no guile--not enough to constitute
the Kingdom class; hence the call of this Gospel Age, selecting from the Gentiles
a sufficient number of saintly characters to be joint-heirs with the Jewish
remnant in the Messianic Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Heaven, otherwise
styled the Kingdom of God, is not to be an earthly Kingdom, but a Heavenly one,
whose Ruler, the glorified Christ, will not be an earthly king, but a Heavenly
Being of the highest rank--of the Divine nature. This Kingdom, representing God
and the Heavenly rule, or dominion, is to be established amongst men for the
eradication of sin. Its first work will be the binding of Satan, the
"Prince of this world." Afterward all the works of darkness will be
overthrown. The overthrow will at first cause a great Time of Trouble,
following which, as the Reign of Righteousness progresses, the curse in its
every form will give way before the blessings of Messiah's Kingdom--until there
shall be no more curse, no more sighing, no more crying, no more dying.
But before this Heavenly Kingdom can
be established, it is a part of the Divine decree and arrangement that there
shall be a Bride class selected from amongst men. These are begotten of the
Holy Spirit and are God's workmanship, in whom He works by the exceeding great
and precious promises of the Scriptures and by the providences of life. Thus
they are being transformed in mind and made ready for the glorious
birth-resurrection by which they will be "changed in a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye," from earthly nature to Heavenly nature. Thus they
will enter into the joys of their Lord by becoming His Bride class, His
joint-heirs in His Kingdom.
For the development of this Kingdom
class the world has now been waiting since the days of Jesus, when by His death
He opened up a new Way of Life and became the Advocate before the Father for
all those desirous of being His disciples, His joint-heirs, His Bride.
Today's lesson takes up the Kingdom
project at the time of our Lord's earthly ministry. "He came unto His own,
and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He
power [liberty or privilege] to become sons of God."--John
Jehovah Himself is the King who made
a marriage for His Son--arranging before the foundation of the world that there
should be certain joint-heirs with Christ in His Kingdom. This marriage, of
course, could not take place until the King's Son had come into the world and
had made the way for His followers and for the Kingdom of which He is to be
At the appropriate time God sent His
servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding; but they would not come.
John the Baptist and his disciples did this work of calling to the attention of
the Jewish people the fact that the King's Son was in their midst. He said,
"There standeth One among you whom ye know not." (John
1:26.) Again he said, "He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroom;
but the friend of the Bridegroom, who standeth and heareth Him, rejoiceth
greatly because of the Bridegroom's voice; this my joy therefore is
fulfilled." (John 3:29.) John rejoiced to
hear the voice of the Bridegroom. Prophetically he foretold that the calling of
the Bride class had come, although he himself could not be a member of it.
Again other servants were sent
forth. Jesus sent His disciples to the Jews, saying, "Tell them that are
bidden, Behold, I have prepared My dinner; My oxen and My fatlings are killed,
and all things are ready; come unto the marriage" feast.
But was the Message of Jesus and His
disciples received? Nay! The people, under the guidance of the Scribes and the
Pharisees, the theologians of that time, made light of the Message and went
their way--one to his farm, another to his merchandise, saying, We do not
believe this Message respecting the Kingdom. Some did even worse than this.
They entreated these servants shamefully, spitefully, and slew them. Not only
was Jesus slain by the unbelieving ones who had been invited to the feast, but
His faithful disciples also were evilly treated and slain.
Then, as seen in another parable,
Jehovah was wroth with that people Israel, and sent forth His armies, destroyed
those murderers and burned up their city. The fact that it was the Roman army
under Titus which destroyed Jerusalem in A.D. 70 did not make it any less the
army of Jehovah, for He is able to make the wrath [R5510
: page 234] of man praise Him and able to use whom He may please as His
messengers, or servants.
Meantime God said to His servants,
the Apostles, and to others through them, The wedding is provided, but the
Jewish nation, which was especially invited, have not been found worthy of the
honor. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to
the marriage feast. So those servants went into the highways and gathered
together as many as they found, and brought them in. Thus the wedding was
provided with guests.
Highways represent public concourse,
the world over. The Lord's ambassadors were no longer to restrict themselves to
Jews, but were to make known to every people, kindred and tongue, the fact that
God is now calling out of the world a little company, lovers of righteousness,
to be followers of the Lamb and eventually to become joint-heirs with the
Redeemer in His Kingdom. Be it noted [R5511 : page
234] that these ambassadors were not to intercept all the people in the
highways, but merely to urge upon all those whom they met in the concourse, the
great privilege of the open door to the Wedding Feast.
These were not all saintly, good;
some of them, on the contrary, were bad. The Apostles explain this, saying that
not many great, not many rich, not many noble, but chiefly the poor, the mean
things of this world, hath God chosen. The Apostles speak, along the lines of
our lesson, of the class that God is selecting from the world. No matter how
mean, no matter how degraded, no matter how ignoble by nature--all who are
willing to receive the grace of God may be made suitable for the wedding by the
covering of the wedding garment, the Righteousness of Christ.
Indeed, however noble or worthy many
are naturally, they are still not fit for the presence of the King. All who
attend this wedding must have on the wedding garment --must be covered with the
merit of Christ's Righteousness. The wedding is thus furnished with guests--
all that the King had intended--every place filled. Thus and otherwise does the
Lord indicate that the number of the Elect is a definitely fixed one; and that
as soon as the special number has been found, the call will cease.
The custom of the Jews, arranged by
Divine providence doubtless, was that at every wedding feast each guest was to
put on a white wedding garment, covering his own garments. Thus all at the
wedding were on an equal footing as respects dignity, because they were the
guests of the host. So all who come to God's great Feast provided through
Christ must come, not through any worthiness of their own in the flesh, but
acknowledging that they have an insufficiency of merit to be acceptable to God,
and must accept the merit of Christ as making them worthy of the honor to which
they aspire in responding to this invitation.
Each guest entering the house was
supplied with the robe, and was expected to put it on immediately. For any one
to appear without that wedding garment would be a mark of disrespect to the
host who had provided it. Indeed, for any one to appear at the wedding without
the robe would imply that he had taken it off; for no one was admitted without
the robe. This is the picture given us in the parable. A guest was found there
who had not on the wedding garment--one, therefore, who in disregard of his
host had removed his wedding garment, the wearing of which was the condition of
his admission.
The words, "When the king came
in," signify an inspection just prior to the feast. Since the King of the
parable is Jehovah Himself, this would seem to mean that God takes note through
the exhibition of Divine Justice in some manner of any one professing loyalty,
yet disregarding the merit of Christ's death. Or, Christ might properly be
understood to be referred to as the King in this instance; for at His coming He
is to be invested with Kingly authority and power by the Heavenly Father, as
our Lord Himself indicates in the parables of the Pounds and the Talents. At
His Second Advent, therefore, He tells us, He will Himself inspect all those
who pose as being His faithful servants--all those who are desirous of enjoying
the Wedding Festival.
The man found without a wedding
garment in the presence of the king we should understand to represent a class,
and not merely one individual. So we might find just such a class today,
professing to be followers of Christ, professing to be waiting for the marriage
of the Lamb, professing to hope to enter into the joys of their Lord, yet
telling us that they are no longer trusting in the merit of Christ's Sacrifice
for their standing with the Father. These have rejected Jesus as their Savior,
their Redeemer, the Atoner for their sins. They merely retain Him as their
Teacher, and then, apparently, accept only a part of His teachings.
These are manifestly unfit to be
members of the Bride of Christ. Only the loyal, only the faithful, are to be of
that class. The parable shows that all those who reject the merit of Christ's
Sacrifice will be rejected from the Kingdom class. They are unable to say how they
came in without a "wedding garment"; for they did not come in without
it. No one was ever admitted into the fellowship of the Spirit in the Church
which is the Bride of Christ without first having on the wedding garment of
Christ's merit, covering his imperfection. Those admitting thus that they have
taken off the wedding garment are cast out summarily. The king said to the
servants, "Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into outer darkness. There
shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
When our minds were filled with
hallucinations of the Dark Ages, we read into this and into other Scriptures
what they do not contain. We assumed that the class represented by the man
without the wedding garment would be cast into eternal torment, and there
suffer to all eternity. But now, examining the Scriptures more carefully, we
have perceived that as all of these guests at the wedding came into the light
of the wedding chamber from the darkness of the outside world, so the casting of
one of them out of the light into the outer darkness would merely mean the
taking from such a one the knowledge and the joys represented by the
wedding-chamber light.
As for the outside world, we know
that the Apostle John declares that the whole world lieth in darkness, "in
the Wicked One." We know also that as soon as the Bride class shall have
been completed, a great Time of Trouble will prepare the world for the
blessings of Messiah's Kingdom later on. During that trouble all those who are
in the darkness will have weeping and gnashing of teeth--discontent, anguish,
disappointment, etc., connected with the overthrow of many of their wrongly
based human hopes and expectations.
Our Lord concluded the parable with
the statement, "For many are called, but few are chosen." This does
not mean, as we once supposed, that only an Elect few will get any favor from
God in the future, and that all the remainder of mankind will be eternally
tortured. We must read it in harmony with the context. The Jewish [R5511 : page 235] nation was called, or
invited, to the wedding--and failed, except the few "Israelites
indeed." For eighteen hundred years the Message has gone out into the
highways, to one nation after another of the Gentiles, until many have more or
less heard the call of the Gospel Age. Yet only a few have accepted and have
therefore come into the elect condition. And of those who come into this elect
condition there will still be a class not properly appreciative which will be
cast away, or rejected.
Again the Master drew attention to
the matter, saying, "Fear not, little flock; it is your Father's good
pleasure to give you the Kingdom." The Little Flock, composed of both Jews
and Gentiles, will through their faithfulness become God's chosen people, His
elect Church, the Bride of Christ. Then, later on, they with their Lord will be
the Heavenly Father's Agency for blessing all the non-elect with the glorious
opportunities of Restitution to all the earthly blessings and good things lost
through Father Adam's disobedience and fall. "If ye be Christ's, then are
ye Abraham's Seed and heirs."
W.T. R-5510 a : page 233 – 1914 r.