Polskojęzyczna strona poświęcona życiu i twórczości pastora Charlesa Taze Russella
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
<< Back Chosen no: R-6010 c,   from: 1916 Year.
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"Represented All That Was Noblest, Holiest, Best"


The Ecclesia at Springfield, Easthampton and Holyoke, Mass., wish me to express to you their heartfelt sympathy and Christian love.

Our beloved Pastor's death has aroused in our hearts all that is noblest, holiest, best. We rejoice unselfishly that his labors are over, and that he has entered into his rest and reward. We sorrow as we feel keenly the loss of his faithful ministry. We sympathize with one another in our bereavement, and especially with those closest to him in his labors. We feel an increased concern for the continuance of the work he was God's instrument in carrying forward. We are resolved that by God's grace we shall be inspired by our Beloved Brother's life and teachings to greater faithfulness.

It was my privilege to know our Pastor upwards of twenty years, and his personal example was perhaps even more inspiring than his teachings. He never worried, was never impatient. His peace of mind was wonderful.

Our Beloved Pastor took a genuine, personal interest in all of the Lord's people. He rejoiced in their progress, and treasured their interesting experiences in his wonderful memory. To illustrate: When on the way home from a one-day convention he asked one of our number: "Is old Brother K----- living yet?" "Yes." "Kindly give him my Christian greetings and tell him that I remember the testimony he gave in Allegheny some twenty years ago."

Brethren, our beloved brother has left us a noble example. Shall we not follow him, as he followed Christ? Shall we not lay down our lives for the brethren, as he did? By God's grace we will! May our end be as his!

W.T. R-6010 c : page 372 – 1916 r.

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